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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    *huggles Jumbly* for all the teasing

    I love Cam and Vala's better than some other ships I know


      Congrats on 11500 posts Jumble

      Cam/Vala Just no. Seriously. Don't even go there. *runs*


        Soooo I come back to find you're all teasing Jumble?

        I won't join in

        I see things have changed a bit, but I still love Martin Wood.
        Made by the lovely Jakie


          Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
          Congrats on 11500 posts Jumble


          Cam/Vala Just no. Seriously. Don't even go there. *runs*
          No you're right. It's Jack/Vala isn't it

          Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
          Soooo I come back to find you're all teasing Jumble?

          I won't join in

          I see things have changed a bit, but I still love Martin Wood.
          WELCOME BACK WENDY!!!!

          Lovely to see you, where've you been?

          Don't take any notice, they love to tease me about Martin

          What's changed


            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            No you're right. It's Jack/Vala isn't it
            Nope, that's Sam/Vala too... (I ship Sam with a lot of people ) some of the fics I've read... well... *clears throat*




              Originally posted by starlover View Post
              I was calm...a tiny bit... Plus they had to laugh when I automatically said "the boys" inthe introduction instead of their names...

     it went...I don't know, I think okay, average or so...but all the other teammembers etc. say we did very well*shrugs*. We do have to wait till next week before we hear the marks/winners etc... I think they could have done that today as well...

              Our presentation was a tiny bit long though, but all presentations were that IMHO.

              He?!?! *looks at self* ...I'm a she!

              But thanks for thinking of me! *huggles*

              Oooh and YAY it's over now! only some exams and two personal papers left!
              Glad to see it went okay!!
              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

              You're such an anti...

              But hey... blame Jann and Amanda. They made me do it. Was I or wasn't I one of the view who expressed that the Shippy Mojo was still high a couple of days ago?
              It was sooo not our were just waiting for an excuse to make those poems

              Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
              I thought every day was a 'Teasing Jumble Day'?

              j/k *huggles Jumble*

              I thought it was as well...

              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              It's starting to feel that way

              Not that I dislike being the centre of attention, of course

              I already know the way, the way of The Martin is bright and clearly marked........ and no offense, but I'd rather take his hand

              That's the second 'Whaaaat??' moment of my day....... wondering since when Cam was that cosy with Vala

              As you can guess, I've never seen Farscape
              That's what I thought too...till I looked at the names on the sig!

              My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
              Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
              Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                Soooo I come back to find you're all teasing Jumble?

                I won't join in

                I see things have changed a bit, but I still love Martin Wood.

                *waves to wendy* Welcome back

                As for some things have changed? what?!?! Are we even wackier than we were? Cool...

                Jas, is there someone you don't ship with Sam? ...or something?


                  Originally posted by starlover View Post
                  *waves to wendy* Welcome back

                  As for some things have changed? what?!?! Are we even wackier than we were? Cool...

                  Jas, is there someone you don't ship with Sam? ...or something?
                  I could never see Sam with Daniel, Jonas, Hammond (ewww), and Mitchell (most of you know why for the last one )



                    Morning, Woohoos.

                    Glad your presentation went well, Jann!

                    *heads to kitchen for breakfast*


                      I've been posting on Joe's blog today. I couldn't stay away any longer!

                      Joe, I’m sure many people will be posting and asking about this little tid-bit, so I hope you don’t mind the redundancy:

                      I know that Richard Dean Anderson is appearing in an episode of Stargate Universe, but will we see Amanda Tapping, too? Is there going to be a small
                      Jack/Sam moment waiting for us? I also have a question about the Stargate Atlantis TV-movie – will Elizabeth be in it? – Hilla

                      MATT: Hilla, you’re being a bit greedy hoping for SGU to stage such a reunion … but in this case, you’re in luck. As a source tells me, “If it’s quality Jack/Sam time you’re looking for, you won’t be disappointed.” However, you may be disappointed by the following. Atlantis boss Joseph Mallozzi tells the Buzz that while the first draft of Stargate: Extinction is done and is now being fine-tuned, “I’m sorry to say the character of Elizabeth will not be making an appearance.”"


                      About the Sam/Jack thing: Confirm? Deny? Not touching it with a ten-foot pole?

                      EDIT: Sorry! That should have been in spoilers!
                      Last edited by Luvnjoe; 10 June 2009, 08:12 AM.


                        Yay, go luvnjack!
                        *waves to Wendy* Welcome back!
                        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                          I've been posting on Joe's blog today. I couldn't stay away any longer!

                          EDIT: Sorry! That should have been in spoilers!
                          It's interesting how that response is phrased. 'Quality Jack/Sam time' could just mean quality performances from RDA and AT together in the familiar roles that we love them for, and not refer to anything shippy. I hope that's what it means, because I really don't want to see them 'together' in SGU

                          Knowing Joe, he'll go for the ten-foot pole option


                            Where is jumble today?

                            EDIT: There you are!


                              Sorry, I fell asleep again


                                *runs in*

                                Hi Woohoos!!

                                Had a great time in Manchester, my friend threw a party in his fabulous house, complete with pool! Just wished the weather had been a bit better but we didn't let it dampen our spirits!

                                Originally posted by jumble View Post

                                Oh dear, I really shouldn't be laughing, it really wasn't funny *giggles*

                                *pulls self together* Ok..

                                As a parent, one becomes accustomed to being presented with odd/strange/awkward/difficult problems by one's offspring. But this one, this one is a doozy

                                Jo (my 31-year-old daughter) came running in wailing "Mummmeeeeeeeee!!! Heeeeeelp!!!"

                                (spoilered for weirdness)

                                "I need to go to the loo and I can't get my trousers off!!"


                                Turns out she'd got a new tattoo a couple of days ago. It starts on her hip and extends up to just under her waist. The problem was, she was wearing a fairly tight pair of trousers and the unhealed skin had stuck to them

                                The only thing I could think of was to get her trousers wet, so there she was standing in my shower trying to pour water down the inside of her trousers whilst I was trying to gently ease the material away from her skin

                                And of course, we all know what effect running water has on a full bladder

                                Poor Jo! We managed to get her free without ripping off too much skin off, and without her disgracing herself

                                So then I explained to her that she needed to smother it in Aqueous cream and then cover it with cling film before wearing anything that might stick! I learned that one when I had the one on my back done

                                So, wonderful, caring mother that I am, I'm still giggling at the ridiculousness of that scene

                                What else are mums for!! Poor Jo

                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                Er, didn't you leave someone off that list Sarai? *cough*Dave*cough*
                                Poor Dave, I'm so mean to him

                                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                                Funny, I've gotten so used to her never putting Dave on the list that I stopped noticing

                                I do hope Dave never reads this thread , I doubt he'd be very happy with what he reads!

                                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                       it went...I don't know, I think okay, average or so...but all the other teammembers etc. say we did very well*shrugs*. We do have to wait till next week before we hear the marks/winners etc... I think they could have done that today as well...
                                Well done on the presentation Jann

