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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    Gnomes? I assumed you were Dutch and liked Teal'c.
    Yes. Halfway there.

    Actually (real story), the Dutch part is what it is, the indeed part came from it being a typical Stargate quote and the fact that I don't look very Dutch in RL and constantly get asked where I'm really from. And I'm always explaining that I am, indeed, Dutch So there
    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      I've been plaing around with the art thread challenge idea... (And I'm not sure if it's going anywhere ) But how's this?

      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        LOL, Nad! The shorts!


          I'm all for the Shorts.

          And with that, I say WoodNight!
          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


            Woodnight, Nad!

            Version #2 of the WP:

            Better, yes?


              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              LOL, Nad! The shorts!
              at RDA's hand

              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
              I'm all for the Shorts.

              And with that, I say WoodNight!
              Hmmm. Interesting how we all have our .... preferences I guess I don't need to say that I'm all for his eyes? No? Ok

              I love what everyone's doing with this challenge

              ROFL'd at Joe this morning...

              Pervert? Well, I guess in retrospect I could be accused of being a very lascivious eater. I tend to lick my lips along between bites. I wonder if that’s what she meant.

              Lascivious? Lip licking? Another bit of secret WooHoo stirring?

              Loving the wps LJ...... still waiting for Joe to appear in there with some wise words..... or a Japanese penguin umbrella

              Wood Morning


                I'm here, I'm here!!

                Ball OT

                The Ball was fabulous, everyone looked so pretty!! The only annoying thing was that the rain woodn't let up at all so it was pretty much freezing and muddy! I got a couple of nice pictures of me though, just waiting for my friend to send them to me and I'll post them here . It was so cold that the medical tent were giving out those silver blankets to everyone, lol! Still, had a really great time, especially after drinking two bottles of wine

                Consequently Saturday was kind of a no-day and Sunday I spent being very lazy at Dave's house

                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Ohohohoh! I remembered the dream!!

                It suddenly came back to me when I was looking through my Avenger 2.0 pics and saw this

                So I'm in Joe's office, and there is chocolate everywhere! On his desk, on the chairs and sofas, on the shelves, on the floor......... just everywhere

                Joe wanted me to make a vid for him. But he wanted me to animate the sprites of him and LJ and use the 'Holding out for a Hero' song that LJ used for his vid! And he wanted his sprite to have a SuperHero costume (which I guess is why that pic ^^^ reminded me of it ) so he could fly in and rescue LJ in true Hero style

                I told him I didn't know how to animate the sprites He said I could have all of the chocolate if I wood do the vid for him

                I kept telling him I didn't know how, but he insisted I could do it! "I've seen all your Martin vids, I know you can do it! And I'll give you all this chocolate!"

                I asked him why the heck he was asking me to do it when he had the whole SG Special Effects department available to him. He said "They woodn't understand........... I need you to do it!"

                We started googling for tuts on how to make animated figures, but he got bored and started doodling a design for his costume I vaguely remember it being black with a big sparkly red 'J' on it

                Then Ashleigh came in and insisted that he should let me go, because there were 'more important' vids that I should be making (Closet WooHoo maybe? ) "And besides, it's lunchtime!" at which Joe threw down his crayons and stomped out!

                Weird weird weird!

                I love Woohoo dreams!!

                A few stubbly Martin pics for the morning...



                  Hey Sarai Glad to hear you enjoyed the Ball despite the awful weather Can't wait to see the pics

                  Two bottles of wine?? No wonder you were out of it for rest of the week-end

                  We were just worried that you were having too much fun to come back to us

                  Yes, we WooHoos have interesting dreams .......... but dreaming in the bath is going a bit far I think............ and then the 'ooooooops' with Michael.......... and I hadn't even had any wine at that stage

                  Oooooooh! Stubbly Martin... *wanders off in a daze*


                    Sarai, yay for having fun

                    LJ, Yes, better.

                    Jumble, I think that given the eh... geographic divide between the Eyes and the Shorts it's very hard to ogle both at the same time and that therefore one must make a difficult choice...

                    ...Although I must say the the Stubble is looking pretty darned good.

                    Is it possible to ruffle stubble?
                    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                      GW has new PTB pics in the gallery Right Here.

                      Includes AT and Joe. Some Brad and Coopie...
                      EDIT: And icky bugs.
                      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                        Sarai, yay for having fun

                        LJ, Yes, better.

                        Jumble, I think that given the eh... geographic divide between the Eyes and the Shorts it's very hard to ogle both at the same time and that therefore one must make a difficult choice...

                        ...Although I must say the the Stubble is looking pretty darned good.

                        Is it possible to ruffle stubble?
                        Absolutely!!!! And.. um... oh actually I can't say that here

                        I must admit that switching back and forth between the eyes and the shorts can put a bit of a strain on the eye muscles....... and since the eyes are in close proximity to the mouth........ I'll stick with the higher regions

                        Edit: No Martin?


                          Oh yes, I capped most of those from the 'Profile of JM and PM' last week

                          Do you find it a little ...... odd that we're suddenly getting PTB pics in the Gallery?

                          Coincidence? Or is our PTB appreciation filtering through GW?

                          I keep forgetting that they've promised new stuff every Monday........ good thing you remember Nad


                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            Coincidence? Or is our PTB appreciation filtering through GW?
                            I'd say our "appreciation" has been noticed around GW

                            The GW gallery


                              Lucy I'm Home!!!!!

                              Glad you had a good time Sarai

                              Interesting stuff about the names. (mine is my real name with the first two letters from my last name added to ti. (as close as I could get it with the English alphabet anyway. ))

                              Yay! for the new pics in the gallery!!!!

                              *runs out to catch up with the other 30ish threads*


                                Welcome back Jasmina Hope you had a good week-end

                                Sarai it wood be nice to take credit for that, huh? Niiiiiiiice gallery you have there

