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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    YAY PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll do the drinks... And I make sure that the men who come on the party look good...

    *giggles* The mod just told us we have to have a party...


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      Sorry about the mix-up with the tags, I didn't realise that Nad had The Power
      Yeah... I get that a lot.

      I'm sure we'll have a definite answer before next Thursday, it does seem to be a bit of a landslide so far.

      Of course you do realise that you'll be expected to oversee our move and obviously stay for the housewarming? You can place you order for your favourite cake as soon as you like and we'll make sure you get a very large portion
      Sssshh... Keep it exiting...

      And yes. We can't take the risk of loosing a Martin or Joe...
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
        Hmmm. Hard to tell the difference between his 'nervous' look and his 'ready' one

        Edit: Ok, now you're just trying to confuse me LJ. Aaaaaaaaaand it's working


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          Hmmm. Hard to tell the difference between his 'nervous' look and his 'ready' one
          LOL! Stupid pb, I already fixed it.


            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post

            ''I'm too sexy for the pool, to sexy for the pool...''
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

              ''I'm too sexy for the pool, to sexy for the pool...''

              I'm off to work. Have fun everyone!


                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                YAY PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                I'll do the drinks... And I make sure that the men who come on the party look good...

                *giggles* The mod just told us we have to have a party...
                Hey! Mods are people too

                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                Yeah... I get that a lot.
                Well if you will keep these Powers to yourself, how the heck are we mere mortals supposed to know?

                Sssshh... Keep it exciting...

                And yes. We can't take the risk of loosing a Martin or Joe...
                Oh, it's still exciting Josiane and HP could come in tomorrow and totally disagree, then we'd have to start the discussion all over again and it could turn very ugly. The WooHoos could end up divided, start throwing water bombs at each other, complain to the other Mods that things are falling apart because of that awful Bagpuss coming in here and stirring up trouble

                Is that exciting enough for you?

                Oh yes indeed, we must make sure we pack carefully. Make sure we pick up all of Martin and Siler's tools and shorts. It woodn't do to leave anything behind, for they can't function at full capacity if they are not properly equipped

                And labels. Labels are essential in order to know which box we put everything in. This moving house thing is extremely complicated you know

                Yes, ok, I may have had a tiny glass of wine.................


                  Originally posted by luvnjack View Post

                  I'm off to work. Have fun everyone!
                  Yeah. She works, I'll sleep

                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  Well if you will keep these Powers to yourself, how the heck are we mere mortals supposed to know?
                  I only show my powers when needed

                  Oh, it's still exciting Josiane and HP could come in tomorrow and totally disagree, then we'd have to start the discussion all over again and it could turn very ugly. The WooHoos could end up divided, start throwing water bombs at each other, complain to the other Mods that things are falling apart because of that awful Bagpuss coming in here and stirring up trouble

                  Is that exciting enough for you?

                  Oh yes indeed, we must make sure we pack carefully. Make sure we pick up all of Martin and Siler's tools and shorts. It woodn't do to leave anything behind, for they can't function at full capacity if they are not properly equipped

                  And labels. Labels are essential in order to know which box we put everything in. This moving house thing is extremely complicated you know

                  Yes, ok, I may have had a tiny glass of wine.................
                  Ah yes, that sounds better. *nods* The WooHoos Divide and picking on Bagpuss. Yes, that wood make things very exiting

                  And can we all scratch our names on the walls of the C&R section? You know: ''Nad was here!''
                  Oh... there's an idea for the possible farewell C&R Party...
                  Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                  Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    Yes, ok, I may have had a tiny glass of wine.................
                    Don't you mean a tiny box of wine? And can you pass me a bottle? Just not an empty one...

                    BTW Congrats on 9000!!!! hippy posts. Woohood!!!


                      Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                      Don't you mean a tiny box of wine? And can you pass me a bottle? Just not an empty one...
                      Nope. Just one small glass. I've abstained all week (from wine that is ) so I'm just having one so as not to undo all the good work I've been doing on my waistline This the new 'me'. Moderation in everything

                      Moderation! How apt that I should choose this week for that

                      BTW Congrats on 9000!!!! hippy posts. Woohood!!!


                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        Nope. Just one small glass. I've abstained all week (from wine that is ) so I'm just having one so as not to undo all the good work I've been doing on my waistline This the new 'me'. Moderation in everything
                        Well, good for you.

                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        Moderation! How apt that I should choose this week for that

                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        I know you can catch up soon. Come on, just thunk a bit more.


                          Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                          Well, good for you.

                          I know you can catch up soon. Come on, just thunk a bit more.
                          Catch up with you???? *looks at postcounts* 4000 posts.......... that's a heck of a lot of thunking, but I'll do my best


                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            Catch up with you???? *looks at postcounts* 4000 posts.......... that's a heck of a lot of thunking, but I'll do my best
                            Well, you gotta catch up with Jann first, but I have no doubt that you'll have fun doing it.




                              What? Oh, right. Catch up with Jann. Yes.

                              My maths is really bad isn't it? You're 4,600 ahead of me I need to upload some more Martinpics, otherwise I'll just keep repeating the same ones over and over and over and over and over again

                              Ooops! We've lost the vote again

                              Copy and vote: Should we stay or go?

                              - Stay in the awesome C/R section, but change to a more formal name (0)
                              - Move to the Fandom area, but keep our present cool and unique name (8)

                              *please don't vote whilst your mind is clouded by the broccoli*

                              And with that I will wish you all Woodnight (((((WooHoos))))) ((((((((((Martin)))))))))) (((((Bagpuss)))))


                                Hello, dear Woohoos! *huggles*

                                It seems I have important things to catch up on! *looks around thread to figure out whats going on*

                                *huggles Martin and Woohoos in a great love hug*

