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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
    Many kids today have no idea how it was to grow up in the Cold War, as I did, with a nuclear strike as a very present danger. How can they relate to WWI or WWII?
    Yep, I hear ya on that. That's why I think it's the responsibility of parents to teach their children all about those wars and those losses... and they in turn teach their children and help people to understand the sacrifice. Whether you believe in war or not is irrelevant; we should honour the sacrifice they have made. I say this as the granddaughter of a war hero, and a war widow. His grave is in France somewhere and one day I'll go visit it.

    We're quite lucky in the UK that it is a big deal and schools and organisations make a point of educating our children what the poppy thing is all about.

    On that note, yesterday was probably the proudest mummy moment of them all. My little man took part in his first rememberance day parade for the beavers. Here he is peeking out from behind the shoulder of the girl with the flag on the left:

    (taken from this article:


      I know I'm completely ignoring the convo here, but a little typhoon update...
      Found that my brother and his family are safe. They live in the area, but they didn't get the big hit. One uncle is still out of reach, but he is said to be OK, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed it stays that way.
      The rest of my family (aunts and uncles) in and around Tacloban are still unaccounted for. One aunt was very sick and bedridden when the storm and water hit, so she's a big worry, especially with food and drinkwater being such a problem.

      So yeah. Guess the WooHoo vibes have proven their worth again.
      It's so much harder to see the images of a disaster like this when here's a chance that your relatives haven't made it out alive or in one piece, so it's good to know that your friends are willing to keep them in mind, even if it's just for a brief moment
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        *hugs Nad* So glad you've heard from your brother at least. I've been thinking of you when I've seen the news stories and photos from Tacloban the last couple of days. Can't imagine how difficult those pictures must be for you all to see when you know your family's there. I'll keep sending those positive vibes that they're all ok, both in terms of having survived the storm and also in terms of getting through the aftermath.
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          Woohoo for the good news, and keeping fingers crossed that the rest of your family are also ok *sending more mahoosive WooHoo vibes*

          *hugs to Mom and Dad too* Thinking of you all

          Love the pic Cags - reminds me of all the Corp Week parades I went to throughout my childhood. I even held the flag once during my very brief time as a Brownie

          Edit: Cags, your pm box is full
          Last edited by Jumble; 11 November 2013, 01:33 PM.


            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
            Yep, I hear ya on that. That's why I think it's the responsibility of parents to teach their children all about those wars and those losses... and they in turn teach their children and help people to understand the sacrifice. Whether you believe in war or not is irrelevant; we should honour the sacrifice they have made. I say this as the granddaughter of a war hero, and a war widow. His grave is in France somewhere and one day I'll go visit it.

            We're quite lucky in the UK that it is a big deal and schools and organisations make a point of educating our children what the poppy thing is all about.

            On that note, yesterday was probably the proudest mummy moment of them all. My little man took part in his first rememberance day parade for the beavers. Here he is peeking out from behind the shoulder of the girl with the flag on the left:

            (taken from this article:
            Exactly, it is our job to make sure they understand. I never met my uncles but my parents taught me to appreciate their sacrifice.

            Yeh for the little man!

            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
            I know I'm completely ignoring the convo here, but a little typhoon update...
            Found that my brother and his family are safe. They live in the area, but they didn't get the big hit. One uncle is still out of reach, but he is said to be OK, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed it stays that way.
            The rest of my family (aunts and uncles) in and around Tacloban are still unaccounted for. One aunt was very sick and bedridden when the storm and water hit, so she's a big worry, especially with food and drinkwater being such a problem.

            So yeah. Guess the WooHoo vibes have proven their worth again.
            It's so much harder to see the images of a disaster like this when here's a chance that your relatives haven't made it out alive or in one piece, so it's good to know that your friends are willing to keep them in mind, even if it's just for a brief moment
            Glad to hear about the ones that are OK. Here's hoping for continued good news. The Canadian government has pledged money to help and will match all donations from Canadians. My city has a very large Filipino population so lots being done to help here. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts.

            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


              Worth saying that the Red Cross and Oxfam have their appeals open for donations to help the Philippines, if any Woohoos want to donate. I would in such a circumstance anyway, but knowing that some of the extended woohoo family are there makes it feel even more significant. Here's the link for the Red Cross and here for Oxfam. Those are the UK ones, there'll be equivalents for the US and other countries too
              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                Oh thank heavens your brother is OK Nad. Phew. I haven't stopped thinking about you and your family since seeing those dreadful images on the telly. I really hope you find the rest of your family soon and I will keep sending those positive Woohoo vibes to you all.

                Thanks for the linky Josi. I will definitely be donating.

                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                Edit: Cags, your pm box is full

                Again? oh FFS!

                *tootles off to empty inbox*


                  Nad - glad to hear most of your family is now accounted for and doing ok. Here's hoping you hear from the rest very soon. I know that we have sent over medical and rescue people to help. Recently these groups have had a lot to deal with all over this world.

                  And sadly, the weather around the world seems to be getting worse as we continually hear about one largest ever recorded storm after another all over this world.


                    terrific news about your brother...hope the aunts and uncles are heard from soon! Continued good vibes sent your way!!!!


                      Glad you finally heard something Nad. Here's hoping more good news come through soon *hugs*
                      Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


                        Originally posted by llp View Post
                        Sends me right to a login screen.

                        And today is Veteran's Day in the US. We honour all are military, past to present.

                        As for honouring are fallen and hurt, it was during the Viet Nam war when everything started to change. Americans were so divided on that war (old being for it a lot more than they young) that it not only divided our feelings about the military but it divided our nation. This was more than a divide because of our military - it was a divide of young and old. No where as severe now - it still exists today!

                        Those times have past although the divide between young and old still exists, it is different then before. Now it is technology that is causing the divide. But as the elderly are being left behind this time, they are also now dealing with attacks on the benefits they receive (or are trying to). Now they attack Social Security and Medicare. Led by the "Tea Party" and the conservative Republicans - they are trying to slash away at the edges because the young feel they won't receive these benefits as the world changes, so why should they let the elderly have them - forgetting that the elderly paid for a lot of them from working and having it taken from their paychecks for decades.
                        Sadly, here is the same. With the recession, the goverment is cutting pensions and on social security, completely forgetting that those who have those pensions payed for them a long time ago. It's not their fault if goverments did not invest the public money wisely. Public hospitals are becoming a mess and so is public school, which is underfunded when private ones are funded with public money, the tax payers money. Oi!
                        Originally posted by llp View Post
                        Sadly, I see only one solution - as my generation slowly die out - the generations behind us will begin losing some of these hard earned benefits and the young generation will believe that they have slowly won out.... except for one thing. They forget that they will someday become the "elderly" generation themselves. And they may end up being without. Not a good solution but we seem to lack any good leaders and statesmen any more, only politicians who yell and bicker and stamp their feet making lots of noise but little if any progress! The US will lose it position of power and wealth not by shaking a stick at the enemy and try to expand their influences (somewhat like the Romans and Greeks) but within by being consumed by personal greed and total lack of empathy!

                        (Steps off my soap box, shakes my head, apologizes for expressing my feelings so strongly and slowly walks away)!
                        Not a soap box speech at all. Sound like a description of what's going on.

                        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                        Yep, I hear ya on that. That's why I think it's the responsibility of parents to teach their children all about those wars and those losses... and they in turn teach their children and help people to understand the sacrifice. Whether you believe in war or not is irrelevant; we should honour the sacrifice they have made. I say this as the granddaughter of a war hero, and a war widow. His grave is in France somewhere and one day I'll go visit it.

                        We're quite lucky in the UK that it is a big deal and schools and organisations make a point of educating our children what the poppy thing is all about.

                        On that note, yesterday was probably the proudest mummy moment of them all. My little man took part in his first rememberance day parade for the beavers. Here he is peeking out from behind the shoulder of the girl with the flag on the left:

                        (taken from this article:
                        Unfortunately, here we don't take care of our history and our memories as you do. Which is sad whe you're nearly nine centuries old.

                        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                        I know I'm completely ignoring the convo here, but a little typhoon update...
                        Found that my brother and his family are safe. They live in the area, but they didn't get the big hit. One uncle is still out of reach, but he is said to be OK, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed it stays that way.
                        The rest of my family (aunts and uncles) in and around Tacloban are still unaccounted for. One aunt was very sick and bedridden when the storm and water hit, so she's a big worry, especially with food and drinkwater being such a problem.

                        So yeah. Guess the WooHoo vibes have proven their worth again.
                        It's so much harder to see the images of a disaster like this when here's a chance that your relatives haven't made it out alive or in one piece, so it's good to know that your friends are willing to keep them in mind, even if it's just for a brief moment
                        DI I am so happy you had good news. I can't imagine what is to have someone I love in the middle of that. The images are...
                        Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                        Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                          Phew! Just got my accounts up to date at last - remind me NOT to leave it 7 months next time


                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            Phew! Just got my accounts up to date at last - remind me NOT to leave it 7 months next time
                            I have nothing up to date. That's my style!

                            Someone explain me, why, against my better judgement, I ordered something that will be delivered by US post. Why, why, why?

                            I generally I have no problems with stuff I order from the US...except when it's delivered by them. In my defense, I thought they chose another carrier. Another month agonising 'till Christmas.
                            Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                            Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                              Time was, I'd do them a the end of each month, but recently I've been kidding myself that two or three months wood only take about an hour............. took me nearly an hour just to sort and label my receipts


                                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                                Time was, I'd do them a the end of each month, but recently I've been kidding myself that two or three months wood only take about an hour............. took me nearly an hour just to sort and label my receipts

                                I give them a general glance at the end of each month. I only sort out my receipts for taxes purposes. *sigh*
                                Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                                Aristides de Sousa Mendes

