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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Yes, that's the problem. Pig's liver/kidneys are very strong flavour and not for everyone. Personally I don't mind the strong taste (in moderation) but, yes, lamb is much better. Liver and bacon... yum!

    As for haggis; I am with Jumble on that. I love it! I used to eat all sorts of things. My mum used to do stuffed lamb's hearts for me and my brother because we loved them. The only thing I absolutely will not touch is tripe. Just the look of it makes me want to vomit.


      This is bringing back so many food memories! Peeling the outer skin off of ox tongues Another thing that tasted vile and had a really gross texture Pulling the ventricles out of beef hearts - eeeew! I liked the taste of the hearts, but not the preparation.


        I don't mind tongue. Yes, peeling it isn't pleasant, but it's not bad. And I do like chicken gizzards.

        and since it's my 69, I made a happy gif


          Nice topic for a 69.

          Happy 69 Nola.


            Hi Woohoos. I've been reading all these posts about food and you've transported me back in time to being a wee girl again.

            We also had liver and kidneys and ox tongue as kids. I didn't like them and still don't lol.

            Tripe not only looks horrible, but it was the smell of it cooking that really put me off eating it.

            Haggis is fab!


              *waves to Bev* I don't think I've ever eaten tripe, but I definitely don't like the sound of it

              I'd be very surprised if you didn't like haggis


                Hello there stranger!

                I just remembered another foodie memory; picking the marrow out of the lamb leg bone with the end of a hair grip and eating it. I don't know why I used a hair grip and not a fork, I just did. Mum always saved the bone for me.


                  Hehehe I think Scots, when we're born, have to sign a contract to like haggis...or else!

                  I have never actually eaten tripe because the smell is just so awful.


                    I must have Scottish in me somewhere (got everything else by all accounts) because I not only love haggis but I adore porridge made with salt too.


                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      Hello there stranger!

                      I just remembered another foodie memory; picking the marrow out of the lamb leg bone with the end of a hair grip and eating it. I don't know why I used a hair grip and not a fork, I just did. Mum always saved the bone for me.
                      I used to suck it out

                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                      Hehehe I think Scots, when we're born, have to sign a contract to like haggis...or else!

                      I have never actually eaten tripe because the smell is just so awful.
                      Thought so


                        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                        I must have Scottish in me somewhere (got everything else by all accounts) because I not only love haggis but I adore porridge made with salt too.
                        If I ever join you all at a Woohoo meet, at least I know I'll be well fed at your place, Cags.


                          I too love haggis but it has to be done right. Best haggis I had was in Tain in Scotland. Also used to eat steak and kidney pie as a kid. I did like the steak better but am OK with kidneys. Don't really like the gritty texture of liver but will eat it in a pinch.

                          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                            If I ever join you all at a Woohoo meet, at least I know I'll be well fed at your place, Cags.

                            You would always be welcome at the London branch of the Woohoo Hotel Chain.


                              Jumble, Cags, Nola, etc: Okay - yes I now know who you mean by the Hoff! Neither a fan or a fowl! or whatever. He was a judge for one year on America's Got Talent as well as his Baywatch show which I only watched if nothing else was on.

                              As for Haggis - I had it once when in Edinburgh and loved it. Don't care what it is made of - the taste was great! But liver or kidneys on its own - no way. Yuk - cat food! Have had cow's tongue once at a friends house and tasted really good. But not the type of food that was served in my house.

                              Alright - who started the hurricane and very heavy downpour outside. It was a lovely sunny day and now...... The weather here is getting stranger! And now my a/c just came on....what????

                              BTW - went to the doctors.... lungs are clear (which I thought was the case) but have an ear infection and upper congestion. Got two new meds -- one for the cough and one for the ears. Here's hoping they work. Tired of being sick! Was asked to make another appt in one month. BP is a little high (probably because I was sick - was 120/70 and 118/68 the last 2 times I went earlier this year). Plus they want to check my Vit B deficiency. Going to switch doctors. Dr. Nguyen is very nice and is easier to get hold of then my current doctor. Since I had to get new ones this year anyhow, might as well change now - she seems very efficient and I prefer women doctors.

                              As for needles and shots - don't bother me at all. I had to give myself vitimin injections once a week - in my leg - after having a severe illness and then a major vitimin deficiency. The doc showed me how to do it and then I took over for the next 51 weeks!

                              And now the rain is coming down harder - Can barely see the house across the way. Did anyone tell Mother Nature this is the end of June???? Oh and a/c still on.

                              And life goes on!
                              Last edited by llp; 25 June 2013, 03:44 PM.


                                What the heck is tripe? *Googles* Oooooh. Yeah, ew. I've eaten tongue, but you can't pay me enough to eat liver. Kidneys....mmmm...maybe. I'm made a promise to myself that I'd at least TRY food put in front of me; that's how I discovered how yummy squid is! My dad can't even smell liver without throwing up. True story.

