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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by llp View Post
    That's okay - got my own - and one of them costs me way WAY to much money! But ya know - the alternative isn't what I want so.... I will just keep on shelling out the money!

    Now, I am going to treat myself and go out for lunch (2 days in a row)! I've been very good. So why not!
    Luckily, come August I won't have to pay for mine anymore - there are some advantages to this age thing

    *waves to Pol* - and done


      *sneaks in*

      For 5 £ I think I'll get a photo on the Iron Throne at LFCC!

      *sneaks out*
      My vids Sig made by me


        got up this morning, looked in the mirror...



          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
          That's why I have only one small mirror which I rarely use. I look awesome all the time!
          Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


            and a bit earlier...



              Happy Belated Birthday Dee *hugs*
              Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
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                Originally posted by Pol View Post
                Hi Woohoo's, long time no see!

                I have a request, and I've even reached out to The Wood for this (and if you've seen this on other threads, sorry for the multiple messages):

                I know it's been ages since I've been around, but real life and all that. And deadlines. And a broken hand (again, this time the left).

                I have a request. It's my "honorary Mom's" 80th birthday coming up in September, and we all got the idea to have folks from all over the world send her postcards. If you'd like to do so (and you wood so make a wonderful old woman's day/week/year), here is the information:

                Jeannine Pomerleau
                c/o Pam Sturgeon
                5641 Saddletree Rd
                Pahrump, NV 89061

                The message can be anything. Happy Birthday, Happy 80th, or something clever. Her birthday is September 21, and the cards will be given to her then.

                I would really love it if anyone, especially our overseas GW pals, wooooood send her a simple postcard from your home city/country. Thanks so much,
                Absolutely Pol. Awesome idea.

                Originally posted by Luvnjoe View Post
                *runz nekkid under the super moon*

                Oh, I was at a handfasting yesterday on Super moon day. But there was no moon. Just lots and lots of cloud and wind and rain. Mostly wind actually.

                Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                *sneaks in*

                For 5 £ I think I'll get a photo on the Iron Throne at LFCC!

                *sneaks out*
                OK, going to sound like a dunce here but what's the Iron Throne?

                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                I know someone that applies to perfectly; especially the nasty and selfish and gossipy bit.

                Belated happy birthday Dee. I did a facebook greeting but don't know if you go on there much.

                *huggles Laurie* Glad you're feeling better now. I hope you continue to recover.

                *waves to MR*

                I've had a lovely weekend in t' North at a wedding. Well handfasting actually. Never been to one before so a new experience for me. A lovely one though; very natural feeling ceremony. No nekkid dancing *glares at LJ* just some bare foot broom jumping. Fabulous little B&B too. All in all a great weekend - spoiled by only one thing *coughpersoncough*. I'm trying not to let it get to me but getting somewhat fed up (sick to my back teeth actually) with coming away from every family event with the overriding memory being of drama and conflict as opposed to fun and happiness.
                Oh well. Families. Can't live without 'em, can't take 'em out with a cool slo mo sweep with a P90 jack O'Neill style.


                  Originally posted by Samantha.Majka View Post
                  Happy Belated Birthday Dee *hugs*
                  Thank you

                  Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

                  OK, going to sound like a dunce here but what's the Iron Throne?
                  I think it's the throne from The Game of Thrones - a tv show.

                  Belated happy birthday Dee. I did a facebook greeting but don't know if you go on there much.
                  Got it I'm there all the time btw. That's the easiest way to find me

                  I've had a lovely weekend in t' North at a wedding. Well handfasting actually. Never been to one before so a new experience for me. A lovely one though; very natural feeling ceremony. No nekkid dancing *glares at LJ* just some bare foot broom jumping. Fabulous little B&B too. All in all a great weekend - spoiled by only one thing *coughpersoncough*. I'm trying not to let it get to me but getting somewhat fed up (sick to my back teeth actually) with coming away from every family event with the overriding memory being of drama and conflict as opposed to fun and happiness.
                  Oh well. Families. Can't live without 'em, can't take 'em out with a cool slo mo sweep with a P90 jack O'Neill style.
                  Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                    HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY DEE!

                    Sorry i missed it, hope you had a great time.

                    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                      HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY DEE!

                      Sorry i missed it, hope you had a great time.
                      Thank you! And I did have a great time!
                      Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                        Thanks for the warm welcome back everyone!

                        Laurie I hope you feel better already! That must have been so scary what you experienced!
                        Nola I still love all your pics
                        Dee I hope you had a great birthday!
                        Josi thanks for the picspam! Good to see "the man" again

                        Other than that life went again crazy the last day-and-a-half....yesterday we got to hear that one puppy was probably going to be returned...turns out that in the two days it was there the wife had a mental breakdown(what she apparently had had earlier...thanks for telling) and it was either the puppy out of the house or she would leave her husband...and this had already happened before what that guy told us today Yeez...again thanks for mentioning! And here we thought we made sure all puppies went to good homes! Puppy came back today and just literally jumped up in our arms! Poor thing needed a few hours to calm down
                        Now to find a new home for this little thing and for sure that she is going to get the best home possible! *cuddles the puppy*


                          Originally posted by starlover View Post
                          Thanks for the warm welcome back everyone!

                          Laurie I hope you feel better already! That must have been so scary what you experienced!
                          Nola I still love all your pics
                          Dee I hope you had a great birthday!
                          Josi thanks for the picspam! Good to see "the man" again
                          I did

                          Other than that life went again crazy the last day-and-a-half....yesterday we got to hear that one puppy was probably going to be returned...turns out that in the two days it was there the wife had a mental breakdown(what she apparently had had earlier...thanks for telling) and it was either the puppy out of the house or she would leave her husband...and this had already happened before what that guy told us today Yeez...again thanks for mentioning! And here we thought we made sure all puppies went to good homes! Puppy came back today and just literally jumped up in our arms! Poor thing needed a few hours to calm down
                          Now to find a new home for this little thing and for sure that she is going to get the best home possible! *cuddles the puppy*
                          Wha???! Why take a dog if this happened before! People
                          Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                            Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                            I did
                            Yey! Good to hear!

                            Wha???! Why take a dog if this happened before! People
                            I know...but last time it happened when they got their child...that was the reason they never got a second child...*sigh* The puppy is still sleeping now...while my puppy is being her naughty self


                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                              Luckily, come August I won't have to pay for mine anymore - there are some advantages to this age thing *waves to Pol* - and done
                              Unfortunately one of my meds is rather expensive. Next time I go back to that doctor I will ask to see if they have one that is less expensive but just as effective. However, medicare takes care of my dr. appts. Tomorrow I go back to the clinic to see about the cough and my ears - they keep getting plugged from the cold. Both driving me nutz. I am really falling behind in my errands and it feels as if something has zapped all my energy. This is going to take a long time to get back to anything near normal. Went to the store yesterday and half way through I was totally worn out. Not fun!

                              Jann - just as well the poor baby ended up back with you. Having pets is suppose to soothe you but if you are already over the edge - forget it!


                                Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                                Thank you

                                I think it's the throne from The Game of Thrones - a tv show.

                                Aaah, thank you. Guess I won't be in the crowd flocking to sit in it then.
                                I have the books to read so have avoided the TV series until they have been read. better that way I think.

                                Jann, sorry about the puppy. That's.... yeah, why do that? silly people. Hopefully you'll have a great forever home for little pupster soon though.

                                Laurie have some more healing huggles. Sounds like this thing has really wiped you out. Maybe you could think about getting some vitamins or a tonic of some sort to build your health back up and air your recovery? I ended up on multivits after a bout of colds and such wiped both me and benjabubs out in the winter. Took ages for us to get our mojo back.

                                I have so much to do today but mincing about on the internet is so much more appealing. Think I might doss and pay for it later.

