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    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
    I still have a about 2 1/2 hours until it airs here. Looking forward to it very much

    Cags - want to come wash my horribly dirty car?
    Sure, if you want to pay for my air fare, accommodation and trip to Disneyland while I'm over there. For that I'll do all your nasty chores.


      Cags, you have no idea just how much I want to click on that spoiler on the DW finale. *must resist* Only 45 minutes to go. The wait driving me crazy.
      Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
      My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
      Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


        My mind can't even process the DW finale. And actually... (spoilers for the finale and sort of the 50th)
        It was revealed about a week ago that John Hurt played 'a part' of the Doctor in the 50th, and the rest of the article said that he played the real Ninth Doctor, which would make Ecclestone the Tenth, Tennant the Eleventh, and Smith the Twelfth. I remember reading that when the news first came out, but I had completely forgotten it! And actually, be careful what you read on the internet. It's probably why I didn't think too much about it. But with the end of the finale, it seems true! The way the episode ended, I think he's not a new Doctor but an old one. My mind went to the Time War, and it *is* the only era of Who that we know next to nothing about. And there is more to tell about the Doctor and the Time War, and what really happened obviously.

        But, that aside, because I need to process all the information, how tragically beautiful was the last Doctor/River scene? I might have cried. The 'Goodbye Sweetie' nearly killed me. And that kiss?! FJDSAKLFAS.
        Last edited by LadyGalaxyJ; 19 May 2013, 05:19 AM. Reason: Apparently I can't type after watching Who.
        Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
        My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
        Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


          DW finale
          I loved how they incorporated all the other Doctors. I'm watching it again right now.


            *runs away from Doctor Who spoilers*

            I missed it last night due to singing in a concert (which went very well), gonna sit down at some point today and enjoy it then
            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


              *runs back in*

              Seen it now!

              Doctor Who
              Brilliant, brilliant finale. So very well done and I just adore all that timey wimey stuff, rewriting and filling in the past and just wow. Awesome. Cannot wait for the 50th anniversary now!

              Re John Hurt,

              I heard the same as Jakie, that he's a missing incarnation between Paul McGann and Christopher Eccleston, and thus it's all going to be to do with the Time War somehow. Which makes perfect sense, given that the regeneration between 8 and 9 was never seen, and also doesn't actually even mess up the numbering really, with the idea they introduced there (though immediately undermined with the caption) that somehow John Hurt is not the Doctor, in that the Doctor rejects that regeneration - the Doctor being a name he chooses to call himself, not his real name. Plus there was that hint in the episode where Clara was running round inside the TARDIS and found the History of the Time War book. I think it's fantastic to give us an opportunity to see more of that period of the Doctor's past for the 50th, especially given the way that it links Old and New Who.

              I also loved the way they inserted Clara into all the old Doctors as well. I have to confess I'm particularly excited about seeing Ten and Rose again in the 50th too

              Ok and while I'm at it, Castle finale...
              I too reacted with equal parts squee and eye-rolling. I had a feeling they were going to do that, and I cannot imagine that she will say yes, at least not at first (of course eventually she will, but I think that's a way off yet...) and so there's room for a good bit of angsting in the season premiere. But I still couldn't help but squee because I love those two
              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                Yesterday two dear friends came over to help me with my gardening and ended up landscaping my front yard. They did a great job by moving plants around, trimming down some, pulling out others, weeding and planting new ones. They really made it look nice. Great to have young and healthy friends who can do things like that for you.

                And afterwards we went to a Mexican restaurant. First really great one I've been to since I left Calif 6 years ago. I had Mexican pizza and love it - along with 2 margaritas which I also loved and all under the "happy hour" menu! They have now introduced me to 3 fantastic places to eat - an American pub, an Italian place and a Mexican place all near my home. All have really good food and all are priced reasonably. Ymmmmm! Anytime someone wants to come and visit.... let me know. Have some great places to eat!
                Last edited by llp; 20 May 2013, 08:09 AM.


                  Our grandson came over and mowed this week. It's a great way for a young person to earn some money (like for new video games!)

                  On Saturday night, my daughter sang in a "Broadway Nights" thing.


                    Jumping on the finales!


                    First of all Wasn't it amazing?!! I knew about John Hurt but didn't know the part he was playing. I must admit when it finished Dave and I just looked at each other and said 'Um...what?!' But now I've read your comments I think I get it! I loved how they inserted all the Clara's into the timeline even if the SFX were a bit shonky as some people have complained (but then when you're working with footage from the 70s what do you expect?!!). My absolute favourite bits though were the bits with River, I just love Alex Kingston and she's really made that role her own. So, so excited for the 50th special and Ten/Rose


                    I have mixed reactions about the finale. I watched the 3 final eps in one go and the hints they dropped about putting a ring on Becketts finger and the 'direction' the relationship was going in made it pretty clear where Marlowe was going to finish this season off. Whilst I love Caskett and have been rooting for Castle from day dot, I actually found myself siding with Beckett in this one. I know she'll never take it but she has this amazing opportunity and a huge boost to her career so I think it's quite right that she wants to go for it. It's not like its California, it's DC and frankly Castle is being a whiny git about it. I don't like how she lied about it, don't get me wrong but tbh I felt like whilst it wasn't out of character it was a bit of a leap in the plot for Castle to then go and propose marriage. I think my biggest beef with Marlowe et al is that they introduce and close off all the big story lines in the first and last two eps of each season. We know they can do arcs - they kept C and B apart for 4 bloomin years but now I feel like they are bit afraid of keeping anything going too long, they're rushing things. We'll have to see what season 6 brings I guess


                      *waddlez through*


                      Internet is back up! Yay!


                        Had a visit to my doctor today and a migraine treatment. We've come to the realization that the botox injections, while they worked pretty well the first year, have slowly decreased in effectiveness to where now there's really no point in doing another round after this one. Additionally, she's admitting me to the hospital Thursday evening for the weekend for treatment.


                          *hugs Nola* What kind of a treatment are you gonna have if not botox?

                          LJ good to hear about the net

                          I'm wondering what to watch not that all of the shows are done for the season...
                          Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                            Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                            *hugs Nola* What kind of a treatment are you gonna have if not botox?

                            LJ good to hear about the net

                            I'm wondering what to watch not that all of the shows are done for the season...
                            Fortunately - a lot of "summer season" shows are about to start in a few weeks so only have a few weeks to deal with!


                              Originally posted by llp View Post
                              Fortunately - a lot of "summer season" shows are about to start in a few weeks so only have a few weeks to deal with!
                              Agggghhhh, I hate transitions, lol. .. I'm hoping to go to see the new Star Trek in the mean time, but I don't know how to trick my friends into coming with me.
                              Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                                Hey LJ How're you feeling? Better I hope.

                                Nola... that's a shame the botox isn't working any more. I'm guessing it did nothing for wrinkles in your case. I hope whatever your doctor has planned is beneficial.

                                Also hoping to go see Into Darkness some time soon. I will be Billy Nomates going it alone too.

