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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Oma, how dare you NOT look at the postcount before posting?!

    And glad to hear you're all there safely. Be good. And have fun!
    Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
    My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
    Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


      Cags has also arrived safely, so dinner is imminent


        ""Waves"" at everyone at the mini WooHoo meet. Starting to feel isolated at the other end of the world and not a MW, AT, Sanctuary or SG1 fan in sight. But happy that you are all getting together!

        I think my age is starting to creep up on me! I pulled a real dumb move. I wasn't going to have the money to pay my taxes in time so I decided to pay using a check from my credit card and then pay the back over a 2 month period. Then I got concerned when I read something on my bill and called them (of course after I sent the check). The person on the other end (and I swear he was in India or Pakistan) said - oh no, you can't do that. WHAT! OMG - so I had to pull the money out of my saving quickly and send the check to the IRS. All done and safe now - except, I got my bill from the credit card company and there was the charge for the check. I paid my taxes twice! TWICE! So called the IRS and they had one but not both checks! The one I had written (from my savings) hadn't shown up yet even though it was cashed and the money removed from my account. Well to make a long story longer ( ) I called them again today and they had both checks - and the very nice lady on the other end said she would release the money so I could get it back... probably in about 10 days. Who said growing older would be fun! Now I just have to wait for it and pay the credit card bill off..... all because I bought a home and had to sell my stock for a big enough down payment and thus owe money on taxes.

        Is it too early to drink?

        (P.S. - sadly the comment about age - it's true! )


          Not too early to drink here - we're on the third bottle and even Oma is drinking her share

          Sadly, it's alcohol free wine, but we're all merry anyway


            Cheers to those at the mini-woohoo meet & greet!

            llp, glad you got things settled in the end, thought I might have to send you a refund from the stripper shoes!

            Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


              Dinner last night was so yummy, we forgot to take pictures

              It was great to see Josi, Cags and Oma and to see Hannah's lovely wedding pics Oma will be back tonight after her conference, so we'll have a bit more time before she has to trek back to the wilds of Cornwall


                Originally posted by llp View Post
                Yeah for all those puppies - so cute! I want one - but I doubt they can be shipped to Washington. And my cats would have a fit! Saw the picture....a large herd! Glad Tjinta is doing well.
       shipping Thanks for the congrats!

                Also everyone else thanks for the congrats! Tjinta and pups are doing ok now! First puppy weighs already over 600 gr.(1.32 lbs). Real fatties! We also got a cake from one of the puppy buyers! So sweet!

                Glad to hear that the mini-woohoo meet went awesome once again! but I'm disappointed in the fact that you forgot to take pictures of the dinner!


                  *runs in* Hi Woodiehoos!

                  Yay for puppies and woohoomeets and all things nice I happen to find the stealing of Jumble's 69 most hilarious! Does that make me a horrible woohoo? Probably. Am I ok with it? Probably.

                  It was my brother's 25th birthday yesterday and his girlfriend and I flew his best friend interstate for the day and planned him a surprise party with all his friends. The day was a hit, I drank a bottle of red wine (before the guest of honour arrived at the party...) and fun was had by all


                    Originally posted by starlover View Post
           shipping Thanks for the congrats!

                    Also everyone else thanks for the congrats! Tjinta and pups are doing ok now! First puppy weighs already over 600 gr.(1.32 lbs). Real fatties! We also got a cake from one of the puppy buyers! So sweet!

                    Glad to hear that the mini-woohoo meet went awesome once again! but I'm disappointed in the fact that you forgot to take pictures of the dinner!
                    I guess it just didn't occur to us, because we were only in my kitchen, not at Anderson's We'll do better next time

                    Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                    *runs in* Hi Woodiehoos!

                    Yay for puppies and woohoomeets and all things nice I happen to find the stealing of Jumble's 69 most hilarious! Does that make me a horrible woohoo? Probably. Am I ok with it? Probably.
                    We should change your name to The Evil WooHoo from Oz

                    It was my brother's 25th birthday yesterday and his girlfriend and I flew his best friend interstate for the day and planned him a surprise party with all his friends. The day was a hit, I drank a bottle of red wine (before the guest of honour arrived at the party...) and fun was had by all
                    Oh dear, I totally missread your last sentence - didn't see the word 'fun'


                      I came in to say hello and as I was reading the thread, I fell asleep... I probably shouldn't be sitting on my bed with my head near the pillow.

                      Hello! I miss you all and can't wait for Chevron.

                      *curls up in the corner to sleep*
                      Made by the lovely Jakie


                        *waves to Wendy*
                        Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                        My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                        Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                          Sorry I haven't been around much this week. We are having the most beautiful weather the last 4 days. Mid 60's and the sun it out with only a wisp of white clouds in the sky. I have enjoyed it so much and will miss it when it leaves .... we are suppose to have rain again tomorrow. I've gone out every day, went walking around the area some and just loving it. In fact, off for one more walk and then to the grocery store just because I like it outside. Had a very wet February and March. So going to put my socks and shoes back on and off I go! See you this weekend!


                            *runz around nekkid*

                            You just can't leave me alone! I'm the reason we can't have visitors! Bwuahahaha!

                            Also, if you haven't read Joe's blog today, do! You won't be sorry!



                              I read it early this morning. So very sweet and touching.


                                So tomorrow is the day I know whether or not I get the scholarship. I'm all kinds of stressed. I want to know, but don't want to at the same time.
                                Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                                My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                                Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!

