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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    *tryes to thynk S.H.Y.P.* *can thynk only of Martyn* Ok, yf yoo say they're the same, Y reckon Y can get the job done
    See? Life's so simple at times

    And there's a dyre shortage of Martynpycs on thys page........ have a movyng Martyn.....

    .... or two....

    ... about three?
    ...HAVE a moving Martin?

    Originally posted by starlover View Post
    Just found these two pics...I think I've seen them before...but still..they have Martin on them

    [IMG][/IMG ]

    [IMG][/IMG ]

    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      I'm here HP!!


        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        *huggles Saray* We really myss you eyther that, or we're just jealous that you have a lyfe
        Myss you guys too

        Y feel lyke such a bad Woohoo. Y swear yn July we won't have thys problem. By then y'll be living wyth the man and by extensyon have no lyfe .



          Originally posted by humanityspotential View Post
          Yes, well, I think you've all got the 'crazed fan' thing down pat Go further than using it on GW and I think you're beyond help

          Where's Martin gone??
          Crazed? Here?

          *opens window*
          *shouts: Come oveeeerrrr! Come over to the light siiiide!*
          *grabs guitar*
          *strikes accord*

          I have an idea for the S.H.I.P. birthday!

          *rushes out*
          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


            Originally posted by Sarai View Post
            Myss you guys too

            Y feel lyke such a bad Woohoo. Y swear yn July we won't have thys problem. By then y'll be living wyth the man and by extensyon have no lyfe .

            You'll be lyvyng wyth 'The' man? What ys yt that you're not tellyng us Saray?????????????

            Jeez, yf Y was lyvyng wyth 'The' man, that wood be all the lyfe Y wood need
            Last edited by Jumble; 17 March 2009, 01:52 PM.


              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              You'll be lyvyng wyth 'The' man? What ys yt that you're not tellyng us Saray?????????????

              Jeez, yf Y was lyvyng wyth 'The' man, that wood be all the lyfe Y wood need
              Dyd you not know my last name was Shea????

              *sygh* yf only!!

              'The Man' as yn my man. Dave. close to Dan

              *runs out for cocktails*


                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                Dyd you not know my last name was Shea????

                *sygh* yf only!!

                'The Man' as yn my man. Dave. close to Dan

                *runs out for cocktails*
                Dave ys close to Dan? Shouldn't you be worryed Y thYnk Y wood be

                Speakyng of whych......... OT
                Y'm goyng to Mychael's house thys weekend. The questyon ys, shoold Y or shoold Y not take my laptop? Shoold Y gyve the whole weekend over to hym, or should Y keep yn touch wyth the Martyn thread? Y mean, yf we get the answer to 'the' questyon, and Y'm not onlyne to hear aboot yt, wood Y ever forgyve myself?

                Answers on a postcard..........(because by then yt'll be too late, and Y'll have taken my laptop wyth me


                  jumble, you should tell him you have a friend named luvnjack who needs you around to keep her obsession with Joe Mallozzi in check. If you don't check in, then luvnjack starts posting crazy stuff on Joe Mallozzi's blog.


                    Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                    jumble, you should tell him you have a friend named luvnjack who needs you around to keep her obsession with Joe Mallozzi in check. If you don't check in, then luvnjack starts posting crazy stuff on Joe Mallozzi's blog.

                    Soooooo. Yf Y don't log yn, you'll send that message to Joe? Jeez, now Y'm yn a quandary, because Y really thynk you shoold post yt (the general one, not the Luvnjack one ) whattodowhattodowhattodo..........


                      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                      I better not be typing Ys instead of Is at work tonight.
                      Good luck...

                      Originally posted by humanityspotential View Post
                      Yes, well, I think you've all got the 'crazed fan' thing down pat Go further than using it on GW and I think you're beyond help

                      Where's Martin gone??
                      I'm still a normal fan...

                      Martin is still here He's just been...quiet

                      Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                      Myss you guys too

                      Y feel lyke such a bad Woohoo. Y swear yn July we won't have thys problem. By then y'll be living wyth the man and by extensyon have no lyfe .

                      Jann misses Sarai, but Jann is happy that Sarai has RL...and you'll be living with him...cute!


                        I just posted the note. Poor, poor Joe! But, yes, jumble, feel free to use me as your excuse. Cuz, I really do need a partner in crime around here!


                          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                          I just posted the note. Poor, poor Joe! But, yes, jumble, feel free to use me as your excuse. Cuz, I really do need a partner in crime around here!
                          You dyd??? WoooHooooood! Well done yoo Y really feel yt's ymportant to let TPTB know that so many of us love them to byts

                          Yes, Y wyll gladly use you but Y'm not sure just how much tyme Y wyll be able to gyve to supportying yoo throogh yoor obsessyon, because really, yt's been two weeks synce Y've seen hym, and Y'm only human yoo know


                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            You dyd??? WoooHooooood! Well done yoo Y really feel yt's ymportant to let TPTB know that so many of us love them to byts

                            Yes, Y wyll gladly use you but Y'm not sure just how much tyme Y wyll be able to gyve to supportying yoo throogh yoor obsessyon, because really, yt's been two weeks synce Y've seen hym, and Y'm only human yoo know
                            Well, yes, of course! Just sayin'...if you need a moment online...


                              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                              Well, yes, of course! Just sayin'...if you need a moment online...
                              Y'm sure Y wyll fynd a moment or two...... Y mean, a girl has to get her pryorytyes ryght

                              *runs over to Joe's blog to see yf Luvnjack's post has been approved*


                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                Y'm sure Y wyll fynd a moment or two...... Y mean, a girl has to get her pryorytyes ryght

                                *runs over to Joe's blog to see yf Luvnjack's post has been approved*
                                LOL! He's probably deleting it as quickly as possilble! Oh dang! I forgot to change the Is to Ys! DRAT!

