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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Niiice spam Jumble!

    Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
    Having one of those 'really glad I've had a couple of drinks' moments!! As if last week in general and being really busy at work this week wasn't bad enough. Ellies Father has just emailed and asked to meet her, before Christmas if possible hasn't seen her in 10 years so what's the rush now debating relying now or tomorrow when I've had time to think a little.
    Is your response likely to change between now and tomorrow?

    I'm inclined to agree with Jumble on this one and be wondering about his motivations? Taking emotional considerations aside, I can't imagine you have the time to fit it into your schedule with the run up to Christmas. What on earth is his game?

    *squishy huggles*

    All you (UK anyway - and anywhere else where the weather isn't great) Woohoos be safe out there tonight/tomorrow. If it's like here where you are, there's a freezing fog and ice all over the roads. Especially you, Jumble. No scuffing Woody now.


      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
      MR, my advice wood be that you tell him to wait until after Christmas. It's going to be hard for you and Ellie, and my feeling is that you don't want future Christmasses to bring up bad memories if it doesn't go well.
      My thoughts exactly. It's not really something I want to be worrying about at the moment to be honest. I have Grand-dads funeral next week, as well as work and with Ellie's Birthday so soon after Christmas things are usually pretty hectic this time of year at the best of times.

      Have you asked him why, after a ten year absence, he wants to see her now?
      No, it's on my list of things I want to say.

      Anther thing you could do is suggest that he and Ellie get to know each other a little by email and photos before they actually meet. That way you can monitor their conversations and find out how she's feeling about it before making a committment for them to meet.

      Just me being skeptical and careful
      I thought about that, maybe getting him to actually write her a letter before they met. Nothing too deep but something so that she was aware of his interest.

      Of course this is all dependent on Ellie actually wanting to meet him. I have left off telling her about the fact he had been in touch until I knew what he wanted.
      Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


        MR, what Cags and Jumble said. I think you've got too much on your plate at the moment, and as you say, why the hurry after ten years? And what Ellie wants has to be paramount. She's old enough to make her own decision on the matter, and if she doesn't want to meet him then he will have to deal with that.
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
          Niiice spam Jumble!
          Well, somebody had to

          All you (UK anyway - and anywhere else where the weather isn't great) Woohoos be safe out there tonight/tomorrow. If it's like here where you are, there's a freezing fog and ice all over the roads. Especially you, Jumble. No scuffing Woody now.
          I'm not doing the run tomorrow, and I've heard the weather is due to turn a lot milder towards the week-end. Atm, there's too much fog to allow for any ice or snow Of course, that could just be me up on my hill - it has been known for us to be up to our ankles in snow whilst the surrounding area has none

          Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
          My thoughts exactly. It's not really something I want to be worrying about at the moment to be honest. I have Grand-dads funeral next week, as well as work and with Ellie's Birthday so soon after Christmas things are usually pretty hectic this time of year at the best of times.
          Well, if you need an excuse (which you shouldn't) you can tell him exactly what you just said. You and Ellie need time to deal with your loss before another highly emotional situation is allowed to develop.

          No, it's on my list of things I want to say.

          I thought about that, maybe getting him to actually write her a letter before they met. Nothing too deep but something so that she was aware of his interest.

          Of course this is all dependent on Ellie actually wanting to meet him. I have left off telling her about the fact he had been in touch until I knew what he wanted.
          If I were you, I'd leave off telling her anything at all until at least after her birthdy. You don't want her worrying about it so that it ruins her enjoyment.

          And be careful when you do tell her - children use their parents' feelings as a barometer. If she sees that you are in any way upset or worried by this she will feel that she shouldn't want to meet him in case it upsets you.


            *makes hot coco for cold, nekkid-running woohoos*

            APA got her WoO script from Joe today! Complete with sarcastic notations! *swoons* I love Joe. *smooches him*


              *snurches some Martin pics*

              Glad y'all liked the advent!

              *huggles all Woohoos*


                by Jakie


                  So pretty!!!!
                  Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                    Happy 12/12/12!

                    Nice Advent!


                      Nice job Jakie. I was trying to read the text but on the screen it's too small.


                        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                        Nice job Jakie. I was trying to read the text but on the screen it's too small.
                        I think that's a tinytextbrush (not neccessarily called that way).
                        Laughing at you because I used to do that, tried to read those brushes and you seriously can't read them. So much time wasted.
                        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                          I know, I realised it after I'd strained my eyes for 10 minutes trying to make out what it said. *iz numpty*


                            *munches on maple syrup peanuts* Ah, the taste of Granville Island!


                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                              *munches on maple syrup peanuts* Ah, the taste of Granville Island!
                              *munches on air* Ah, the taste of a diet...

                              Sounds delicious Jumble. *drools a bit*
                              Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                                Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                                *munches on air* Ah, the taste of a diet...
                                I've been on that for awhile - decided it's time to give myself a treat

                                Sounds delicious Jumble. *drools a bit*
                                They are There was a guy on Granville Island selling all sorts of flavoured nuts and stuff and he let us sample them - then I bought loads to bring home I was very happy to see that Sainsbury's now have them - Yum!

