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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
    That's so happy and bright Jumble! Great thing to wake up to on this cold morning.

    It's very......... Jumbly


      Woah! Bright and cheerful advent. Awesome stuff.

      I have been trying to upload mine (to send you a link, Jumble) but struggling with PB's resizing thing. Going to crack it today though, if it kills me.

      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
      I've been holding on for what feels like forever

      And I really had no intention of letting all that out
      Well, you know, sometimes just letting it out there somewhere is cathartic so if it helps, do it.

      Just, er, don't do it the way I did and let loose on someone... umm.. Although (spoiled for boringness)


      ...when she was about to use the "I've lost my mum" line on me (one that gets trotted out every single time anyone points out that she's the bloody instigator of all the trouble and usually the point when the tears are turned on so any further attempt at making your point is lost in the mass Pity Party that follows)... I preempted it with a "and don't use the losing your mum excuse, we've all lost her and I can f***ing out trump you on that one luv"

      A moment of which I should not be proud but, yet, strangely I am.

      Sorry to anyone not on FB who don't know the story. The short version is I got cornered and ended up dishing out some home truths to someone the other night. I htink I was probably quite horrible actually. I didn't want to but they pushed me and, it turns out, when my back's against the wall, I'm like a feral cat and I fight back with my claws out and my teeth bared. Who'd've thunk it!

      Anywoo, Suz is ok and that's what really matters

      And did you stay tuned for Sexcetera afterwards?

      They may have hotter bodies, but are they nice people?
      No I went to bed shortly after that, only to be woken at 3am by a cat (identity unknown but it's a 50/50 thing) upchucking on my bedroom carpet. I contemplated getting up to clear it up but, meh, I figured it would still be there in the morning. I just had to remember not to step in it when I got out of bed.

      You're right about the hotness thing. Well not so much hotness but what makes people attractive. It's definitely not what they look like (although, yeah, it helps ) but how they carry themselves, how they act and their personality. As for eyes... yeah, I'm a bit of a sucker for green eyes too.

      Isn't there some way you could move yourself and the kiddies up to where Hubby is and leave the selling of the house to the Agents?

      Ditto this, LJ. But massive *squishy huggles* for the grumps and grinchies. Just remind yourself that it WILL be worth the pain for the gain in the end.


        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
        Woah! Bright and cheerful advent. Awesome stuff.

        I have been trying to upload mine (to send you a link, Jumble) but struggling with PB's resizing thing. Going to crack it today though, if it kills me.
        Chuck it into an email straight from your pc

        Well, you know, sometimes just letting it out there somewhere is cathartic so if it helps, do it.

        Just, er, don't do it the way I did and let loose on someone... umm.. Although (spoiled for boringness)


        ...when she was about to use the "I've lost my mum" line on me (one that gets trotted out every single time anyone points out that she's the bloody instigator of all the trouble and usually the point when the tears are turned on so any further attempt at making your point is lost in the mass Pity Party that follows)... I preempted it with a "and don't use the losing your mum excuse, we've all lost her and I can f***ing out trump you on that one luv"

        A moment of which I should not be proud but, yet, strangely I am.

        Oh I think you're right to be proud! It's been a long time coming and was totally deserved

        Sorry to anyone not on FB who don't know the story. The short version is I got cornered and ended up dishing out some home truths to someone the other night. I htink I was probably quite horrible actually. I didn't want to but they pushed me and, it turns out, when my back's against the wall, I'm like a feral cat and I fight back with my claws out and my teeth bared. Who'd've thunk it!
        It's the Momma Bear instinct The other driver should be very glad I couldn't get to her when I heard how she behaved after the impact, and what she said to my already shocked and upset daughter

        No I went to bed shortly after that, only to be woken at 3am by a cat (identity unknown but it's a 50/50 thing) upchucking on my bedroom carpet. I contemplated getting up to clear it up but, meh, I figured it would still be there in the morning. I just had to remember not to step in it when I got out of bed.
        Having had the foot-in-the-catsick experience, you have my sympathy - not nice


          Great advent Jumble
          Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


            Thanks Dee


              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
              Chuck it into an email straight from your pc
              Done. They were the right size but, ack, what they will be when you get them is anyone's guess.

              It's the Momma Bear instinct The other driver should be very glad I couldn't get to her when I heard how she behaved after the impact, and what she said to my already shocked and upset daughter
              Oh. Having an accident is bad enough without someone being nasty to you about it. *extra huggles*

              Having had the foot-in-the-catsick experience, you have my sympathy - not nice
              Er, yeah. Sorry 'bout that.


                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                Done. They were the right size but, ack, what they will be when you get them is anyone's guess.
                Weird things happening with the sizes The one that was 101kb in your email miraculously reduced to 98kb when it got to my desktop The other one stayed as it was. They are now both safely uploaded to PB

                Oh. Having an accident is bad enough without someone being nasty to you about it. *extra huggles*
                Yeah..... told Suz is was entirely her fault and that she wood have to pay for the repairs on the other car And being in a bit of a state and never really one to cope with people shouting at her, Suz agreed just to shut her up

                So last night I told Suz exactly what to say, calmly, when she phoned and she's written it all down so she gets it right. I've also told her that if the woman rants at her again she should simply tell her that if she can't discuss the thing properly in an adult fashion she was going to hang up, then do it if she didn't calm down.

                Doesn't hurt to have a Mum with a bit of legal experience
                Last edited by Jumble; 10 December 2012, 07:07 AM.


                  Hello everyone!
                  Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                    Dear life,
                    Can you please be kind to Woohoos in 2013?

                    P.S: Martin at Chevron would be nice too.

                    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                    It's very......... Jumbly
                    Indeed it is. Bright and colourful. I love it!
                    Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                    My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                    Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                      Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                      Dear life,
                      Can you please be kind to Woohoos in 2013?

                      P.S: Martin at Chevron would be nice too.

                      Amen to that

                      Indeed it is. Bright and colourful. I love it!
                      Thank you


                        Jumble - love the new advent - so colorful!

                        Cags - I totally understand why you have had it up to there with that family member. Losing ones mother happens - it's part of life, as sad as it is. It hurts, but you go beyond it. What you have gone through is so much harder that she is a fathead that can't see beyond her nose. Don't worry yourself about it. I completely agree with your thoughts!

                        LadyG - second me on that prayer please! Or is that third me!

                        Luvnjoe - I totally agree if there is any way you can pack up the kids and move - do it. I sold my house when it was totally empty. It can be done. I'm sure there are a lot of reasons why you can't do it....but think of the reasons why you should and can do it!

                        Padme18 - Hi right back at ya! (((Hugs and waves)))


                          Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                          Dear life,
                          Can you please be kind to Woohoos in 2013?

                          P.S: Martin at Chevron would be nice too.


                          *huggles Woohoos tightly*
                          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            Weird things happening with the sizes The one that was 101kb in your email miraculously reduced to 98kb when it got to my desktop The other one stayed as it was. They are now both safely uploaded to PB
                            Well huh! At least you got them though. My work here is done until Martinmas anyway

                            Yeah..... told Suz is was entirely her fault and that she wood have to pay for the repairs on the other car And being in a bit of a state and never really one to cope with people shouting at her, Suz agreed just to shut her up

                            So last night I told Suz exactly what to say, calmly, when she phoned and she's written it all down so she gets it right. I've also told her that if the woman rants at her again she should simply tell her that if she can't discuss the thing properly in an adult fashion she was going to hang up, then do it if she didn't calm down.

                            Doesn't hurt to have a Mum with a bit of legal experience
                            No it doesn't.
                            What a horrible woman. Well, on the plus side, she can rant all she likes, the likelihood is the insurers will do what all insurers normally do and be lazy beggars and just decide to make it a 50/50 blame regardless of who says what. And really, when they're the ones paying out, there's not going to be much she can do about it except try and sue Suz privately (and I'd love to see her try that one out!)

                            Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                            Hello everyone!

                            Hey there! *huggles just coz*

                            Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                            Dear life,
                            Can you please be kind to Woohoos in 2013?

                            P.S: Martin at Chevron would be nice too.

                            Amen x 2.

                            Originally posted by llp View Post
                            Cags - I totally understand why you have had it up to there with that family member. Losing ones mother happens - it's part of life, as sad as it is. It hurts, but you go beyond it. What you have gone through is so much harder that she is a fathead that can't see beyond her nose. Don't worry yourself about it. I completely agree with your thoughts!

                            Well yes but no -ish. Any loss, no matter what, if you love them is hard to go through. None can be compared to any other. I don't claim top prize in a "my loss is the worst" contest because I know it just does not work that way. But, when you're dealing with someone whose brain does work that way, then it's an effective way to make your point.


                              Hiya WooHoos. Long time no see. The semester has finally wound down so I can catch up again. In doing said catch-up I can see I have missed a great deal and realize that I am not getting FB updates from Carrie and others. I'm going to have to poke around and see why not.

                              Anywhooooohooo. Sending good vibes to you all for a MUCH better 2013 and bad juju vibes to whomever it was that our Carrie so rightfully told off! Good on you, C!
                              Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                                *watchez the snow fall*

