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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    It's been snowing! How did I find out? I read it on a friend's FB page and opened the curtains to confirm it Just a sprinkling, but I'll have to brush it off of Woody before I can go out


      Oh Jumble, you do make me giggle.
      Although it apparently snowed here too, but it was barely damp slush by the time I did the school run.

      Lovely advent Dee!


        Great Advent Dee - love the clean look.


          Glad I made you giggle Cags To be fair, I had only just got up and come downstairs, and with the conservatory drapes all closed up I didn't actually see outside until I went into the living room to check Woody was all clean by the time I needed to go out so I didn't need my broom after all

          Edit: My post banner matches my sig and avi - cool!

          What's with the 'Caffeinated Teacher' rank Nola?


            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
            MR *super squishy huggles*

            Today's bit:

            But, I am a Princess. All girls are.

            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            It's been snowing! How did I find out? I read it on a friend's FB page and opened the curtains to confirm it Just a sprinkling, but I'll have to brush it off of Woody before I can go out
            Yeah for snow! I'd love to see the old Tampa Bay Hotel with a light dusting, but alas, that will never happen. We are too far South.

            Originally posted by Jumble View Post

            Glad I made you giggle Cags To be fair, I had only just got up and come downstairs, and with the conservatory drapes all closed up I didn't actually see outside until I went into the living room to check Woody was all clean by the time I needed to go out so I didn't need my broom after all

            Edit: My post banner matches my sig and avi - cool!

            What's with the 'Caffeinated Teacher' rank Nola?
            Happy 69 post, Jumble.
            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



              Thanks girls

              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
              It's been snowing! How did I find out? I read it on a friend's FB page and opened the curtains to confirm it Just a sprinkling, but I'll have to brush it off of Woody before I can go out
              That's so new age of you Congrats on your '69!!!
              Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                But, I am a Princess. All girls are.
                This girl isn't! Definitely not

                Yeah for snow! I'd love to see the old Tampa Bay Hotel with a light dusting, but alas, that will never happen. We are too far South.
                Snow may be lovely to look at, but when you live at the top of a hill like I do and the road is never gritted, a heavy fall of snow means I'm under house arrest until it thaws

                Happy 69 post, Jumble.
                Thank you

                Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                Thanks girls

                That's so new age of you Congrats on your '69!!!
                It is? I mean, yes I'm totally new age *nods*


                  Congrats on the 69!
                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                  What's with the 'Caffeinated Teacher' rank Nola?
                  Nice, isn't it? The mods gave it to me a couple of months ago. I am extremely appreciative.


                    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                    Congrats on the 69!

                    Nice, isn't it? The mods gave it to me a couple of months ago. I am extremely appreciative.
                    Really? How cool! What did you do to deserve that?


                      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                      This girl isn't! Definitely not
                      Nor is this one.

                      Snow may be lovely to look at, but when you live at the top of a hill like I do and the road is never gritted, a heavy fall of snow means I'm under house arrest until it thaws

                      Ah I never have that issue. I live so close to Heathrow and you know that's always totally gritted and completely prepared for all types of inclement weather... oh... hang on a minute; no it isn't!
                      Biggest issue here lately is dog poo. I am getting sick to my back teeth of almost treading on piles of it (not one or two but at least 4 lots) on the school run every morning. What's wrong with people that they can't pick up after their animals?

                      Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                      Congrats on the 69!

                      Nice, isn't it? The mods gave it to me a couple of months ago. I am extremely appreciative.
                      I didn't know you could get custom titles like that?! C'mon, who did you sleep with to get it?


                        hehehe - didn't have to sleep with anyone. Turns out that they thought I was generally very helpful to other members, have been around forever, and rather a good egg I guess. I was super surprised by it, let me tell you!


                          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                          This girl isn't! Definitely not
                          I was quoting A Little Princess.

                          Snow may be lovely to look at, but when you live at the top of a hill like I do and the road is never gritted, a heavy fall of snow means I'm under house arrest until it thaws
                          Oh my, no that is not fun.
                          Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                            Originally posted by Jumble
                            Snow may be lovely to look at, but when you live at the top of a hill like I do and the road is never gritted, a heavy fall of snow means I'm under house arrest until it thaws
                            Hmmm! As long as I have groceries - sounds good to me!


                              *sends belated hugs to Mr*

                              *hugs WooHoos*

                              Didn't realize I haven't posted in five days (I went with the awesome advents to calculate that ).

                              *hands out 'pepernoten', chocolate milk and 'speculaas'*
                              *gives the horse a carrot and sings songs about packages, a steamboat and instruments used for whipping*
                              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website



                                I did notice you hadn't posted for awhile - it was obvious from the total lack of ickybah on the thread

