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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    *sends chocolate, wine, hugs and sympathies Jumble's way*

    I've just spent hours fighting PS too But at least it let me save my efforts when I finally wrestled them into something vaguely acceptable. Sorry yours decided it just wasn't going to play ball
    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


      Well, I just got kicked in the teeth by my bank and then stomped on while down. They not only came up with more crap that they need but I've also been advised that it will be at least another month until the approval happens. Great. I have already given up my apt by the end of Sept. If it goes another month exactly it would mean Friday the 28th. Then papers have to be signed and everything registered. Since the 28th is a Friday - that means in October at the earliest. Well great .... I guess I along with my 2 cats will be living on the streets with all my possessions by then. Can't keep this place any longer - they already have someone to move into the place. Wells Fargo has screwed me royally. I am going to have to find somewhere to store everything and them find a hotel or motel that takes cats to live in until I can move into my place - no painting, no cleaning carpets, not even getting the place cleaned. Wells Fargo SUCKS! I am so mad and depressed right now. I'm glad no one lives with me because I really feel like hitting someone (no not the cats). Why couldn't they tell me this in the beginning. I could have kept my apt for one extra month. Why did they tell me about 35 to 40 days. What is the matter with integrity and honesty....don't they have meaning anymore.....I am sooooooo down! I really feel lousy as I go through fits of anger then tears then more anger. I don't thing I have ever been so mad as I am right now and so full of rage!


        I'm so sorry Laurie Banks are stupid *huggles*
        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


          Oh no Laurie! How extremely inconsiderate, unfeeling, and downright nasty! For shame bank, for shame! *virtual huggles* I'd say something about having a glass of wine and some chocolate (ala Jumble) but you deserve a real good mad right now.


            Today's bits:



              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
              Oh no Laurie! How extremely inconsiderate, unfeeling, and downright nasty! For shame bank, for shame! *virtual huggles* I'd say something about having a glass of wine and some chocolate (ala Jumble) but you deserve a real good mad right now.
              Thanks! Right now I have a very large coke/w vodka in my hands. Makes life bearable. Have decided to see if I might be able to get a loan from a regional bank quicker or I might ask to rent my house for a month. The woman has moved out completely. If I promise not to do any painting, just clean the place and get the carpets cleaned, she shouldn't object. Meanwhile, she will get money to cover her payment and I will have someplace to put my stuff, my cats and me until I officiallly own the place. Not exactly what I had in mind. I'm still going to have to buy a washer/dryer and a refrigerator. But I guess I really don't have a choice. It's either that or store everything and live in motel until the loan is completed.


                *huggles Laurie for bank woes*

                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                Nope, no extra pics. If people want a group pic they all get a copy of it as their one pic. I'd be happy to be in a group one again, because of course I have soooo many of just me and Amanda *cough*
                Thanks for the info Jumble! /Gabit newbie

                AT6 is in 72 days! Getting excited! I can't wait to met all of you!

                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                *Three hours I spent making a wp, and it was looking pretty good - then, the dreaded blue screen of death! And when I got up and running again my saved filed was gone :mad;
                I loathe blue screens. I used to get them all the time on my old computer. *huggles for technology fail*

                My allergies are a pain in the butt right now. It seems even taking pills won't help. Runny nose, red eyes... I look and feel horrible -- but they're just allergies, right?
                Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                  Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post

                  *iz insanely jealous MoB gets to meet RDA!* Hope you have a fab time and enjoy your photo op with him


                  Thanks! I'm sure I'll have all of 10 seconds with him, but it may be my only chance!

                  Jumble- I had my eyes corrected 2 years ago an have never regretted it for a second. And I had PRK which has a long, painful recovery. One of the best things I've ever done.

                  come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                    Originally posted by josiane View Post
                    *sends chocolate, wine, hugs and sympathies Jumble's way*

                    I've just spent hours fighting PS too But at least it let me save my efforts when I finally wrestled them into something vaguely acceptable. Sorry yours decided it just wasn't going to play ball
                    Thanks, and *huggles* for your PS woes too. My internet didn't come back until now either

                    Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                    *huggles Laurie for bank woes*

                    Thanks for the info Jumble! /Gabit newbie

                    AT6 is in 72 days! Getting excited! I can't wait to met all of you!

                    I loathe blue screens. I used to get them all the time on my old computer. *huggles for technology fail*

                    My allergies are a pain in the butt right now. It seems even taking pills won't help. Runny nose, red eyes... I look and feel horrible -- but they're just allergies, right?
                    *huggles* for allergies My eyes puffed up like balloons whilst I was in Amsterdam, probably from the sunscreen I used. Not fun

                    Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post

                    Thanks! I'm sure I'll have all of 10 seconds with him, but it may be my only chance!

                    Jumble- I had my eyes corrected 2 years ago an have never regretted it for a second. And I had PRK which has a long, painful recovery. One of the best things I've ever done.
                    Not sure what PRK is, but I'm pretty sure that's not what I'm having as I shouldn't have any pain (they assured me) and recovery is just a couple of days' blurriness

                    Oh Laurie What a nightmare! I hope you can get the house on rental until the paperwork goes through *huggles*


                      Thanks to everyone who shared my misery. A new day, a little more "sober" reflection of life with "banks" - and I will go on. I should hear today if that local bank can get me a loan real quick (I doubt it, but worth a try). And if not, I can't see why the woman that owns the place wouldn't be willing to let me move in until I get all the "paperwork" done and completed. After all, it means money in her pocket. Hopefully it will be a reasonable rent. Life goes on, even if it takes all those turns and curves. Not much I can do about it, so might as well do what I can and make the best of it! inspite of my momentary outbreak of rage! It is over now and I continue on!


                        Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
                        Love the costume Padme, looks like you had fun

                        Hope everythink works out Laurie, dealing with banks is never fun

                        Yep, can definitely relate to that

                        Do you know how hard it is to write an email that comes across as mature and responsible when all you really want to be a bit petty and childish.....
                        Thank you. Yes, I did have fun. I'm just sad I didn't get to go the whole weekend.
                        Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                          *crosses fingers for Laurie*

                          AfA Challenge entries....


                            Oh Laurie, so sorry to hear about your bank troubles Hope that you can arrange moving in as a renter, that sounds like a good solution if it's going to take longer to get the paperwork done
                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              Another set...........


                                My mojo seems to have returned..........

                                Actual conversation I had with Martin - my face was very red

