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    Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
    Love the second one Nola. That's me right now.

    I made some cake earlier. It's supposed to be baby pink and baby blue... umm..

    *shares slice among woohoos*

    I think it is pretty - maybe not pastels - but I like the colors!

    Well found out earlier that I have to wait until next Friday at the earliest to find out anything about the loan so I hope to just put it out of my mind and have some's been so long I'm not sure I remember how! But I'm going to try! Id newea toaew pajek - sorry eating some of the cake hmmm! What I said is I need to start picking out colors for my new home (I've decided I am getting it no matter what! )

    So who has some USEFUL suggestions...... Carpets are a light brown color..... couches are blue..... I can paint whatever colors I want - have 2 bedroom (Well mine is going to be a light rose shade), one office, 2 bathrooms (mine will also be a light rose shade) living room (with hall), kitchen, dining room and service porch (where washer and dryer will be) - Will probably paint the kitchen, dining room and service porch same color. Same with living room and hall way.....everything else is up for grabs - but no pocka dots please! SO - ANY ONE HAVE ANY IDEAS???? I'm listening but nothing too weird please! Don't want people to: go nuts or - or SO?????
    Last edited by llp; 25 August 2012, 06:48 AM.


      very pale yellow - like sunlight


        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
        very pale yellow - like sunlight
        Any particular room(s) or what??? Would be nice for the kitchen/dining room area.


          yes, that's what I meant. You mentioned painting the kitchen and dining area.


            Laurie, you've been to my house so you know anything I suggest will be very BRIGHT!!! No pale yellows here

            Are all the carpets brown?

            And you need to remove the img tags from where you've quoted Cags


              Originally posted by llp View Post
              I think it is pretty - maybe not pastels - but I like the colors!

              You know I have enough colours of this super duper colouring to make bright rainbow cake now. Hmm... maybe for AT6?

              So who has some USEFUL suggestions......

              Well you've seen my living room so you know blue and brown go together but possibly tie in the carpet shade with a darker (chocolate) brown. Without seeing exact shades... can you incorporate a turquoisy blue shade into your living room - perhaps are a feature wall or through accessories? You can then paint the walls throughout the living room, dining area, study and kitchen a nice pale beige/cream colour (I have this one, which is warmer than it looks with a hint of grey and beige to name it neutral: this would tie the whole area together and help with the flow, but you can bring your own character to each room by adding different touches, so could have some yellow blinds/curtains in the kitchen, and yellow border etc. Or paint the woodwork to bring the colour that way. My living room is pale neutral wallls (expect one feature wall) and mocha brown skirting, doorframe and picture rail, but my kitches has the same walls except it has yellow blinds, maple units and grey worktops. Keep the study fairly neutral and put up some posters or a pinboard you can decorate, so you can change the colour and feel of it to suit depending on what you are writing.
              As for the bedrooms, one pale rose (lovely) If you have brown carpets in those rooms, unless you plan on replacing, pink and brown can work if you mix it right and have things that tie them together. the other room you could do in yellow or green, or bring your turquise in there. Bathrooms are always nice green or blue but I had a bright orange one for a while and loved it!


                I think it's very difficult to advise on a colour scheme for someone else, because our tastes are all so different - that ^^ wood be my worst nightmare

                The important thing is to decide what kind of statement you want to make and how you can work your choice of colours into that, thereby putting your own stamp on each room and making your home a comfortable place for you to live


                  when my husband remodeled the den, he asked about color choices with one of his decorator friends. I told her I didn't care except that I wanted it warm and masculine. It is HIS room after all! She came up with a burnt orange color. That sounds awful, but it's actually very beautiful. Sort of like a very old Italian or Spanish plaster wall. The floor is ceramic tile in mottled brown/orangey shades that pick up the walls. The baseboards. crown moulding, and trim is done in cream. The whole effect is lovely. I never would have consulted a professional decorator if it hadn't been a friend of his, but it was absolutely the right choice.


                    Burnt orange - now that's more like it

                    *sigh* It appears my PS mojo and my sense of humour have run off together for a vacation in some sekrit place, making artwork an impossibility


                      Only trouble with Orange - it doesn't agree with my coloring....I fade out and look sick in it so not sure that would work. Oh and Cags - went to the site and didn't see anything but ads for putty! Now sure what you were trying to show me.

                      And I guess you are right, I need to come up with my own color scheme...although a greyish blue color (not dull - but not turquise) sounds like a nice color for the living room area. Can't clash with the kitchen color though....problem is the kitchen, dining room, living room and hallway have no real separation of walls except for how they are shaped and that especially goes for the dining room - living room area (and hall). So I might have to paint that all one color! Then I can paint the kitchen a separate color. That is the advantage of your place Jumble - each room is a separate room. The rest of the house is but not those particular rooms!

                      As for the carpet - I am beginning to forget what color it is - I haven't seen the place in awhile and can't get back in until I actually own it. The old lady that currently owns it is very nervous and really doesn't want anyone in her place right now. I will see if I can get in for about 15 minutes so I can take a few measurements as well - but it won't be easy.

                      This isn't going to be easy is it? Well I'm heading to the paint store today to get color blotches to look at, lots of them! Then I will have a few weeks of moving them around to make up my mind. I hate having to make these decisions.....I have no decorator talents at all - my mom was the artist in the family, I prefer writing - oy! confused:


                        You can always 'create' separated areas by using different colours rather than having it all the same

                        Do you really have to get it decorated right away? It may be better to live there for a little while so that you can see better how you want each area to feel, then choose the colours to achieve that.


                          I don't have to really do anything but move in and unpack. But I thought it would be easier to get it painted when it was empty. I fear the once I move in, I may never actually get it painted....just procrasinate! I do want the carpets cleaned as well as have the entire place cleaned. But I suppose if necessary, I can get it painted later and just paint my bedroom and bathroom!


                            I wood paint the whole house white But that's only because if you want to draw on the walls (or write ), the white wood look best as a background

                            A long while back I read that blue is the best color for bedroom because it relaxes. I think pale yellow for the living room, can't remember why...*googles* Here I found this link, it might help you decide

                            I used to love orange... but our living room is painted orange, and now I it. LOL.
                            Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                              Got to download some pictures of my new place from the realtor site - carpets are beige - bad memory!


                              Dining room

                              Living room - dining room (a corner only) - kitchen area

                              Master bedroom (only part of it - room is very large)

                              Master bathroom - I actually have a separate shower! YEAH!

                              Second bedroom - for guests!

                              That's all the pictures I could show. There is a third bedroom (for my office), another bathroom, hallway of course and a service porch. The place is 1404 sq. ft. Sorry - no pictures of the outside available. As you can see my memory is not great - the carpets are beige! That will have to go eventually! And the place is all white! Way too much white!


                                If those colours are true to life, I really think you could leave it as it is except for your bedroom and bathroom if you know what colour you want them. The second bedroom looks pretty good as it is and the other colours are all neutral enough to live with until you get a feel for how you want it all to be. That wood be the time to replace the carpets to fit with whatever colour scheme you choose for the rest of the rooms

                                Me, I'd have it all reds, blacks and purples...... but you know me and my colour schemes

