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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Glad you got stuffed (in a good way) Jumble. Mmmm creme brulee...send me some! One of my very favorite desserts. Especially if the sugar crust is just right and there's plenty of vanilla. Ack! Now I want some!

    I have to decide on something pretty to wear today. The senior panoramic picture is being made this morning, and as I'm a senior teacher, I'm in it. I really love looking back at all the years' pictures in the school office and how I've changed. 2004 I was almost 300 pounds - enormous! and then I shrunk down to a normal person. Doesn't even look like the same person at all.


      Hi LTC *waves*


        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
        Glad you got stuffed (in a good way) Jumble. Mmmm creme brulee...send me some! One of my very favorite desserts. Especially if the sugar crust is just right and there's plenty of vanilla. Ack! Now I want some!
        Stuart's creme brulee's are always perfect ..... except when they've been in my cold box for the duration of whatever journey I need to do in order to take them to WooHooMeets, but that's not his fault

        I have to decide on something pretty to wear today. The senior panoramic picture is being made this morning, and as I'm a senior teacher, I'm in it. I really love looking back at all the years' pictures in the school office and how I've changed. 2004 I was almost 300 pounds - enormous! and then I shrunk down to a normal person. Doesn't even look like the same person at all.
        300 pounds? Seriously? Very well done for shedding all that surplus - makes me think there's hope for me yet


          *waves back*
          Ohhhhhhhh WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA'AM



            So glad to hear the Anderson's party was a success! I'm already salivating in anticipation of our trip in May
            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


              *falls in*

              *huggles everyone* ( I did catch up reading...just too lazy to quote )

              Yay for Andersons anniversary! I would have liked to be there! I need to plan a trip to the UK in the future! Perhaps end of the year if the financials allow for it

              Good to hear your dad is home again Nad! I hope he's doing better by now!

              Sowwy I have been away for a few days! No real excuse!
              School is a mess atm...graduation teachers that are ill, no replacements. School not being prepared for this and thus we're hoping that our class still happens otherwise we're missing credits for graduation or they have to make our graduation assignment worth more points. Other than that I'm well on my way! Surveys are written and will be send this week. Observation schedule is ready and will start with it this week. Got a few interviews planned and most of my desk research is well on its way!

              Tjinta started swimming this weekend! Woohoo! She got checked for HD(hipdysplesia) and ED(ellbow dysplesia) today and the photos are looking good so far!(at least that is what the vet told us) We still have to wait for the official results 2/3 weeks, but if everything is indeed okay we can start with a "dog sport"

              And that's it for my life right now


                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                Stuart's creme brulee's are always perfect ..... except when they've been in my cold box for the duration of whatever journey I need to do in order to take them to WooHooMeets, but that's not his fault
                Even then they're pretty perfect

                Can't wait for May!!! I may have to fast for the whole day in preparation


                  Originally posted by josiane View Post

                  So glad to hear the Anderson's party was a success! I'm already salivating in anticipation of our trip in May
                  Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                  Even then they're pretty perfect

                  Can't wait for May!!! I may have to fast for the whole day in preparation
                  Ah, you missed an amazing evening! There were dishes there that I'd never had before - lamb somethingorother that definitely had honey in it and tasted divine! Plus a fish pie the like of which I've never tasted before! Several rice dishes, cold beef that melted in the mouth, lovely ham, more salads than I knew existed............then the desserts....... and a cheeseboard with every type of cheese you can think of..... crackers, crusty bread..... Jeez, no wonder I could hardly move And I didn't even have any cheese

                  You definitely have to come next year

                  Hm.... I seem to remember there's a fairly large chunk of STP in the freezer.... and a pot of toffee sauce




                      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                      Ah, you missed an amazing evening! There were dishes there that I'd never had before - lamb somethingorother that definitely had honey in it and tasted divine! Plus a fish pie the like of which I've never tasted before! Several rice dishes, cold beef that melted in the mouth, lovely ham, more salads than I knew existed............then the desserts....... and a cheeseboard with every type of cheese you can think of..... crackers, crusty bread..... Jeez, no wonder I could hardly move And I didn't even have any cheese
                      *drools too*

                      You definitely have to come next year
                      Oh yes! For sure!

                      Hm.... I seem to remember there's a fairly large chunk of STP in the freezer.... and a pot of toffee sauce
                      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                        I wish I had more to add lately. But my fandom meter is running low, I guess. The only thing I'm fannish about watching these days is Game of Thrones-- doesn't seem like there are too many woohoo watchers, except for, perhaps Josi?

                        We are experiencing a bit of a summer preview here. Sundress and sandal weather. Enjoying it while I can.

                        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                          Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                          I wish I had more to add lately. But my fandom meter is running low, I guess. The only thing I'm fannish about watching these days is Game of Thrones-- doesn't seem like there are too many woohoo watchers, except for, perhaps Josi?
                          There's not a great deal of fandom stuff going on around here lately, so don't worry about that I haven't seen GoT, I seem to have missed the boat on that one

                          We are experiencing a bit of a summer preview here. Sundress and sandal weather. Enjoying it while I can.
                          We had a beautiful, warm, sunny day here........... right up until school run time when it waited until we were just about to walk home (2 x 3yr olds + 1 5yr old), then the heavens opened it bucketed down until we were all completely soaked... then it stopped and the sun came out again


                            Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                            I wish I had more to add lately. But my fandom meter is running low, I guess. The only thing I'm fannish about watching these days is Game of Thrones-- doesn't seem like there are too many woohoo watchers, except for, perhaps Josi?
                            Yep! Happy to squee/analyse with you any time

                            We are experiencing a bit of a summer preview here. Sundress and sandal weather. Enjoying it while I can.
                            Very jealous. I want some proper warmth!
                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                              I wish I had more to add lately. But my fandom meter is running low, I guess. The only thing I'm fannish about watching these days is Game of Thrones-- doesn't seem like there are too many woohoo watchers, except for, perhaps Josi?

                              We are experiencing a bit of a summer preview here. Sundress and sandal weather. Enjoying it while I can.
                              I know how you feel. I don't watch much TV. Now that Stargate and Sanctuary are off the air (the latter only temporarily I hope) I am down to a few Canadian shows that none of you wood have seen. Add to that no cons until AT6 so not much to add from a fandom point of view.

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                I know how you feel. I don't watch much TV. Now that Stargate and Sanctuary are off the air (the latter only temporarily I hope) I am down to a few Canadian shows that none of you wood have seen. Add to that no cons until AT6 so not much to add from a fandom point of view.
                                I guess we'll just have to chat amongst ourselves until something Awesome happens
                                Last edited by Jumble; 17 April 2012, 12:03 PM.

