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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    *stops by for a visit and a catch up*

    Wow. It's been quiet in here.

    *waves at Nad*

    I hope everyone's off enjoying the weekend. Time for me to catch some sun.


      Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
      Just think of it as more time to train! It's still a great goal!
      True, I just wanted to do something over summer. I guess I can if I don't get my job. I managed to do a feat the other day, though. Usually I can only run for 10 minutes before needing to stop but on Wednesday I ran for 16 minutes (2k) and sort of felt like I could have ran for longer (but I didn't). Though on Friday I could only get 12 minutes before walking but it was still all good Slowly getting further and further.


        Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
        Just think of it as more time to train! It's still a great goal!
        True, I just wanted to do something over summer. I guess I can if I don't get my job. I managed to do a feat the other day, though. Usually I can only run for 10 minutes before needing to stop but on Wednesday I ran for 16 minutes (2k) and sort of felt like I could have ran for longer (but I didn't). Though on Friday I could only get 12 minutes before walking but it was still all good Slowly getting further and further.


          I've just been fooling around all day, nothing special.

          today's bits:



            Oh so quiet around here these last few days. Very hard to keep ones dignity here especially since there is no one around to stop me.....must behave, must behave


              Just can't be left to your own devices, can you? At least you kept your clothes on (this time!) and the broccoli stores appear to be intact.

              I'm having a difficult time getting motivated to do anything truly productive. I should do some housework and laundry (yuck). I might do some lesson planning (double-yuck). I could take a nap...


                Still quiet, huh?

                Well, when the cat's away (where is Jumble, anyway??)...

                *grabs Martin*
                *twirls through thread throwing confetti*
                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                  *sneaks in because it's sooooo quiet*
                  Made by the lovely Jakie


                    I bought a violin! Trying to learn how to play, accidentally threw away a part of the violin yesterday. Had to go through my own trash (not a great experience) to find it, because apparently you need that bridge thingy to make the instrument play. Suffice to say that I'm relieved it wasn't all my fault it sounded soooo bad yesterday.

                    *huggles woohoos*
                    Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                      Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                      I bought a violin! Trying to learn how to play, accidentally threw away a part of the violin yesterday. Had to go through my own trash (not a great experience) to find it, because apparently you need that bridge thingy to make the instrument play. Suffice to say that I'm relieved it wasn't all my fault it sounded soooo bad yesterday. *huggles woohoos*

                      Thanks for the *huggle* and right back at ya *huggle*

                      Trying to learn to play the violin without someone there to teach you is really really really hard. I use to play the viola (which is slightly larger then a violin and a little deeper tones)...and it ain't easy my friend. I wish you loads of luck!

                      Originally posted by josiane
                      Well, when the cat's away (where is Jumble, anyway??)...
                      - hmmmm! is our Jumble out there playing....oh my!

                      Originally posted by Nolamom
                      Just can't be left to your own devices, can you? At least you kept your clothes on (this time!) and the broccoli stores appear to be intact.
                      I beg your pardon YOUNG LADY You should never talk to a senior citizen in such a manner! Tsk! Tsk! Even if it's true!


                        Dee, yes, the bridge does help. Kind of a crucial part...

                        Good luck! I never learnt, but had the odd go on my sister's violin when I was younger. The sounds I made weren't pretty
                        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                          Originally posted by llp View Post
                          Thanks for the *huggle* and right back at ya *huggle*

                          Trying to learn to play the violin without someone there to teach you is really really really hard. I use to play the viola (which is slightly larger then a violin and a little deeper tones)...and it ain't easy my friend. I wish you loads of luck!
                          S'aank youuu! I have youtube Which isn't much help, but I learned (sort of) to play happy birthday. I'm wondering if I should bother with the notes or just go by ear. And I adore viola and cello! Violincello is my fav instrument for the past two years. Love the sound.

                          - hmmmm! is our Jumble out there playing....oh my!
                          Let's hope so

                          Originally posted by josiane View Post
                          Dee, yes, the bridge does help. Kind of a crucial part...
                          I know that ... now.

                          Good luck! I never learnt, but had the odd go on my sister's violin when I was younger. The sounds I made weren't pretty
                          Mine aren't... all that great either, but definitely better then yesterday when the poor violin was screaming. I would try to get it to make a normal sound and then laugh my ass of from all the screeching

                          And then I would hear laughing from the hall, only to open my doors and find my parents laughing. Fun all around.
                          Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                            My goodness, time's getting away from me. It's already time for the bits!



                              Dee bless you.
                              Made by the lovely Jakie


                                *hugs WooHoos*

                                Dee record your violin efforts and YT 'em? Sounds like fun to hear it.
                                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website

