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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Thanks for all the good juju, y'all. If they make me an offer, it's going to come down to salary and benefits, because my cost of living will actually increase with this move, do we shall see.

    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
      I do Apparently word of Martin's Absolute Awesomeness hasn't reached the Troll Caves yet - and I've been trying sooooo hard to spread it
      Your own Troll! Do we get to see him! Where is he hidden away --- I know he is on UTube, but that is a very large site! - I would love to sneak a look!


        I've been trying a tut, but I'm having some trouble with one step. I did a work-around, but the bubbles aren't turning out quite as bubbly as they should.



          *huggles Woohoos*

          I like the sig Nola, the bubbles look okay though, could be a bigger perhaps for a better effect IMHO.

          Just back from the job interview. It went well and I was well qualified for the job, but apparently the are/were looking for someone for a longer period of time and it was a minus that I went to Australia for a couple of months in the summer.
          I still have to hear if I got the job or not(still some other applicants after me) but it all depended on if they wanted someone for a longer period of time or just a good person for a short time.
          Strange thing was that the contract they offer is only for 3 months, so that is why I replied on the position, but apparently they offer each time 3 month contracts so they can be more flexible.

          It's just a wait and see now!


            Doesn't seem to make much sense does it Jann But I guess having somebody ongoing in three-monthly slots is different to wanting someone just on a temporary basis. I hope you get something that you like - you're going to need lots of cash for that trip to Oz

            Just had a nice lunch with Suz. We went to Worplesdon Place, which is a Beefeater, and although the food was nice it wasn't up to Stuart's standards. The contents of the steak and ale pie were delicious, but the 'pie' was more the consistency of a pudding - I like my pastry crisp, not stodgy The apple and maple syrup crumble pie was yummy, but the ice-cream tasted like they'd frozen some squirty cream - yuk! Nice, friendly, efficient staff and very reasonable price. I'd give it a 7 out of 10


              Yeah Jumble it was weird. Just got a call from city hall and even though they loved me and I left a very good impression they wanted someone for the long term so I didn't get the job. (as I already suspected) They mentioned "it's not personal" too!
              So the search goes on. I just find it weird that I had to go to the interview while it's already in my "file" (from the temp agency) that I'm leaving halfway throughout the year; it's something they knew beforehand! Oh well. Bummer.

              On the positive side I'm getting paid at home for doing things in the household now mom bruised her ribs and has to rest a lot.

              Yay for the good lunch with Suz! Sounds good though, but you're being spoiled with Stuart so (almost) nothing can compare to that!


                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                Yeah Jumble it was weird. Just got a call from city hall and even though they loved me and I left a very good impression they wanted someone for the long term so I didn't get the job. (as I already suspected) They mentioned "it's not personal" too!
                So the search goes on. I just find it weird that I had to go to the interview while it's already in my "file" (from the temp agency) that I'm leaving halfway throughout the year; it's something they knew beforehand! Oh well. Bummer.

                On the positive side I'm getting paid at home for doing things in the household now mom bruised her ribs and has to rest a lot.
                Oh well, at least it gave you interview experience and proved that you gave a good impression, which bodes well for when you do need a permanent job

                Yay for the good lunch with Suz! Sounds good though, but you're being spoiled with Stuart so (almost) nothing can compare to that!
                I know, nothing ever compares well to Anderson's food But it was nice to spend time with Suz when neither of us had to rush off anywhere

                Martin's birthday package is in the post, should get there on the 19th


                  I'm off out to dinner - not Anderson's See you later

                  *huggles WooHoos*


                    *hugs WooHoos*

                    Too bad about the job Jann.
                    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                      Just came in to sort of wave energy! Been really sick and if breathing is a requirement...I'm in big trouble. However it's balanced out by the cough from hell. Haven't had a cold in a very long time so life is trying to balance itself - using my dilapidated body as the game board.

                      Going back under the covers....bye for now!


                        Originally posted by llp View Post
                        Just came in to sort of wave energy! Been really sick and if breathing is a requirement...I'm in big trouble. However it's balanced out by the cough from hell. Haven't had a cold in a very long time so life is trying to balance itself - using my dilapidated body as the game board.

                        Going back under the covers....bye for now!
                        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                          **hugs** Jann about the job (or lack thereof)

                          **backs away carefully - hugs from a distance** get better llp!

                          today's bits:



                            AT's beautiful in HD! ...

                            (((huggles sick Woohoos))) My mom used to say every time I'd sneeze, that it's not allowed ... so you know, get better, since you're already breaking some major rules here

                            (((hugs Jann for the job))) At least you'll have more time for... other stuff!

                            (((hugs Martin 'cause he's awesome)))
                            Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                              a little Amanda art...



                                *Runz in*



                                *flailz more*

                                *cries about Joe maybe ending blog and runz to room*

