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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    I just found myself being very happy with my sig/avi combination. Martin *and* J-Yo? It's a little piece of heaven, I tell you. *nods*

    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
    One does have to wonder - these 'coincidences' do keep happening
    *nods* We do have Power.


    And it's not the first time Martin has had me totally confused

    *waits to post a 69 banner*

    Although I may find myself posting the wrong one

    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
    Obsessive? Moi?

    I did, for a moment, think that she might be huggling the little girl from Singularity Then I decided that it was far more likely that she was huggling Martin and that her finger had slipped
    Just how does one's finger slip while huggling someone?
    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      I just found myself being very happy with my sig/avi combination. Martin *and* J-Yo? It's a little piece of heaven, I tell you. *nods*
      Soooo true

      *nods* We do have Power.
      Apparently so

      Just how does one's finger slip while huggling someone?


        Originally posted by llp View Post
        Me bad! Sorry BIG HUGGLES FOR EVERYONE!
        *grabs Laurie in the most tight hug ever*

        Originally posted by llp View Post
        Great, by the time I get through reading the dozen pages or so, everyone has gone to bed! Now it will be like talking to myself. Oh well, that won't be that unusual!

        Oh and hope you have a wonderful birthday LadyGalaxyJ!

        BTW - after reading all those posts I got so confused, I don't know who said what to whom!
        I have no idea who said what too! Either? Damn...

        Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
        ^ What she said.


        Poor Amy, she'll have a lot to catch up on when she comes back! *leaves huggles for her to take when she does*

        *joins in finger crossing too*

        No, I'm still here too! Just came back from the restaurant. I had a fantastic evening! And let's just say that the crappy mood I was in two days ago is now completly gone. Birthdays and friends are good for the soul. (Thank you btw!)

        As requested, I took pictures and I shall be uploading that tomorrow when I'm less tired.

        Yeah I know. I have to read almost everything twice to make sure I don't mix up people. CONFUSING IT IS!
        But really pretty with an handsome man.
        Glad you had a fab time, and I'm glad your mood has improved

        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
        *hugs WooHoos*

        Jumble, I'm sure the WooHoo Martin vibes influenced the whole Jericho thing

        Glad to hear more good news, Pol

        And yay for having a great birthday LG!

        *sighs* We're still so pretty.
        Awww. We are.
        Does this mean we weren't pretty before?

        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        One does have to wonder - these 'coincidences' do keep happening


        And it's not the first time Martin has had me totally confused

        *waits to post a 69 banner*

        Although I may find myself posting the wrong one

        Tired? Why are you tired? It's not like somebody forced you to have a late night or anything
        *kicks you* (affectionately)

        *and blames Amy for the slip*

        Originally posted by josiane View Post
        @ Jumble's obsessive need to correct spelling

        Maybe Dee *wanted* to huggle Marin. Maybe Marin is Martin's Serbian clone that Dee keeps in a cupboard? Did you ever think of that?
        I certainly didn't think of that. But maybe I should!
        *sets off in search of clones*
        *or Asguards*

        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        Obsessive? Moi?

        I did, for a moment, think that she might be huggling the little girl from Singularity Then I decided that it was far more likely that she was huggling Martin and that her finger had slipped
        Tsk, tsk, tsk. The girl from Singularity is Cassandra. So it couldn't have been her either way

        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
        I just found myself being very happy with my sig/avi combination. Martin *and* J-Yo? It's a little piece of heaven, I tell you. *nods*

        *nods* We do have Power.


        Just how does one's finger slip while huggling someone?
        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


          *headdesk* You're right Dee, I meant the girl from.... er........ you know, that one where the kids learn everything and then get their knowledge sucked out and given to the rest of the community...... the one where that guy, what'shisname, takes the girl to the school and makes her paint a proper picture...... actually I think her name was Merron........

          It's obviously been a long time since I watched much SG1
          Last edited by Jumble; 10 September 2011, 08:46 AM.


            Had no idea Martin directed on Jericho. A GREAT show. Adored it. But I'm a sucker for post-apocalyptic drama...

            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


              Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
              Had no idea Martin directed on Jericho. A GREAT show. Adored it. But I'm a sucker for post-apocalyptic drama...
              He didn't - I confused it with Jeremiah But I still like Jericho


                Good afternoon WooHoos! Sorry I missed out on the Martin festivities yesterday. I went into work very early and stayed very late and then went out with friends. (Hubby was gone fishing) Progress reports are due out Monday and I was trying to get the students to turn in late work, get it all graded and put into the computer. Phew! At least I knocked down the number of kids failing by hounding them to turn stuff in. You'd think by the time they were in the last year of school that they'd be more responsible.

                Last night and today are not good. I couldn't sleep last night at all because of a migraine and I still have it. I hate these things.

                Enough complaining! (((huggles))) all around!


                  *huggles Nolamom for migraines*

                  Watching Last Night of the Proms, feeling especially patriotic this year with my little union flag


                    Me too! Keep an eye out for my dad Haven't seen him yet, but he's apparently front row of the choir, 5 or 6 in from the right. My mum and nan are there this year
                    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                      Originally posted by josiane View Post
                      Me too! Keep an eye out for my dad Haven't seen him yet, but he's apparently front row of the choir, 5 or 6 in from the right. My mum and nan are there this year
                      Will do ! I have to say, I'm not a fan of opera, but I like this woman a lot more than some of the previous performers from other years


                        She's good. Wagner just goes on for such a long time though...
                        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                          Originally posted by josiane View Post
                          She's good. Wagner just goes on for such a long time though...
                          Yep *sigh*


                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            He didn't - I confused it with Jeremiah But I still like Jericho
                            Ah! Gotcha.

                            I just woke up after accidentally dozing off. Did I mention that I am allowed to sleep at my new job if I don't have any patients to take care of? How novel is that? I actually slept for about 3.5 hrs! This was great for running errands this morning, but I was still kind of tired by 3pm.

                            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                              Sorry I am late to the martin avi party but i was at a funeral yesterday and dragon boat races today.

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                Sorry I am late to the martin avi party but i was at a funeral yesterday and dragon boat races today.
                                Sorry about the funeral....

                                Love the dragon boat races though!

