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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
    I, personally, have not had christmas or thanksgiving off for 3 years. Christmas doesn't bother me, since I don't really celebrate it, but I'm looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving with my crazy family this year.
    *hugs* This..err...last year was for me the first year in 4 years that I celebrated/didn't had to work during Christmas! It was fun! Still next time hopefully with my family.

    Just got another e-mail from dad saying "8 weeks" (till I go home)

    Pretty much. Though the south lives at a different pace than the north...
    I heard about that. Haven't been in the North yet It's on my "to do" list.


      Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
      I, personally, have not had christmas or thanksgiving off for 3 years. Christmas doesn't bother me, since I don't really celebrate it, but I'm looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving with my crazy family this year.

      Pretty much. Though the south lives at a different pace than the north...
      I don't celebrate Christmas either, I just treat it as a holiday. I've never had to work one though I guess a lot depends on the type of job you do - Suz always works Christmas Day because horses tend to need mucking out and feeding regardless of what day it is

      Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
      Hey!!! I'm still at home, doctor said that I have bronchitis
      And the strange thing is that I keep having stomach cramps! (??) I think that it's a side effect on my antibiotic
      However, I now have time to draw I have to learn how to draw I'm drawing Amanda
      *squishy huggles Sil* Antibiotics can really screw around with your digestion Take care of yourself

      Right, I'm off to Anderson's. A buffet there will be a new experience!


        I read everything and all I remember is something about Will being gay

        *hugs WooHoos*

        Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
        Hey!!! I'm still at home, doctor said that I have bronchitis
        And the strange thing is that I keep having stomach cramps! (??) I think that it's a side effect on my antibiotic
        However, I now have time to draw I have to learn how to draw I'm drawing Amanda

        And as for the bold part: Of course!
        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


          Evening all! Just got out of a 1 and a half hour meeting with the bank . Nothing bad, just the first of two of our mortgage meetings to get the ball rolling. Arrived home to find the solicitors pack on our doormat, getting very scary now

          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
          YES!! Definitely doing that week-end for the WooHooMeet Off the top of my head - Josi will be here for a couple of days, Wendy a couple of days and hopefully Cags and Ben for one day, possibly two
          Woop! That's more Woohoos than I thought ! Will you have room for me and Dave?! Although not sure yet, he might be going to visit his brother in London so it could only be me. That wood be the Saturday, we'd probably have to leave early Sunday to visit G-Ma and You Know Who () on the way back up t'Leeds.

          Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
          Hey!!! I'm still at home, doctor said that I have bronchitis
          And the strange thing is that I keep having stomach cramps! (??) I think that it's a side effect on my antibiotic
          However, I now have time to draw I have to learn how to draw I'm drawing Amanda
          *squishy huggles*

          But yay for more drawing !


            *huggles Chemmy through hazmat suit* Don't want to get sick and everyone around me is coughing and all!
            aka really afraid I get sick again since I don't know how good my immune system is after the fun stuff from February

            *is jealous again at the UK Woohoos meeting*

            *puts that as an argument on the list for moving to the UK *

            Yay Sarai for all the house developments! Really exciting!


              Originally posted by Sarai View Post
              Evening all! Just got out of a 1 and a half hour meeting with the bank . Nothing bad, just the first of two of our mortgage meetings to get the ball rolling. Arrived home to find the solicitors pack on our doormat, getting very scary now
              It's like everything in life - scary the first time you do it Glad to hear it's all going ahead

              Woop! That's more Woohoos than I thought ! Will you have room for me and Dave?! Although not sure yet, he might be going to visit his brother in London so it could only be me. That wood be the Saturday, we'd probably have to leave early Sunday to visit G-Ma and You Know Who () on the way back up t'Leeds.
              Don't worry, you won't all be here at the same time There's room for Dave if he wants to stay - another Anderson's virgin is always welcome Wendy can't get here until Sunday, probably Cags and Ben as well, so it'll all work out

              Had a great evening at Anderson's - lots of scrummy food and loads of nice peeps to talk to. Couldn't get many good pics because the food started disappearing the minute it got to the buffet tables

              Stuart said he liked most of the vid I made and we're planning to go over it together and decide what to cut out etc. and he's going to get me some better quality pics to play with

              Tried to get a pic of him, but he couldn't seem to stand still This is the best one....,

              Chilli Con Carne, Seafood Risotto and a Chicken something or other with rice...

              Coleslaw, Tortilla Chips and salad....

              Baked Gammon, Potato Salad and Tomato something or other which was gone before I could
              pick up a plate

              There were lots of assorted flavoured Creme Brulees, some Raspberry Cheesecakes and Meringue Swans with fresh cream, but I couldn't get any pics


                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                I don't celebrate Christmas either, I just treat it as a holiday. I've never had to work one though I guess a lot depends on the type of job you do - Suz always works Christmas Day because horses tend to need mucking out and feeding regardless of what day it is
                Indeed. Babies don't seem to care what day it is either. Or what time.

                Waiting for Andi to get home. We are trying the new sushi place around the corner...

                come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                  Howdie Campers!

                  Another chapter offering for those interested. Chapter 8 of Going Under, which is the second to last Hope you enjoy!


                  Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                  Thanks Bekki


                    *stumble in and flops on couch*

                    Wow, busy day! Helping Suz move Wrex to his new stables, running around collecting bedding and food for him, running Suz over to her new home to drop off stuff ........ taking her back to her ex-home so she can meet up with her friends for her farewell do........ finally got home and sat down with a cup of coffee and some lunch..... turned on the tv to watch the Alan Titchmarsh show where they're duscussing 'What goes on in a man's mind?' and Arlene Phillips is saying "Men's heads are so full of rubbish and Jumble......." Say what? Hm. Didn't know that many men knew about me, but I guess I should take it then that my existence is thoroughly worthwhile
                    Last edited by Jumble; 08 April 2011, 06:38 AM.


                      Nearly missed a WooHoo birthday

                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY ESTRELA!!!!


                        *hugs Woohoos*

                        Happy B-day estrela!
                        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                          Happy Birthday Estrela!!!!!

                          and I finally finished a BSG vid....all my stalker friend akachan's fault!
                          My vids Sig made by me


                            Happy birthday estrela!!!


                            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                              Happy Birthday Estrela !!



                                Happy Birthday Estrela

                                *runs around thread nekkid*

                                Can I say for the American week till Sanctuary comes back! Yahoo!

