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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Hmph! Where is everyone? I am wasted on Black Russians and want to lament about how crap I feel and how much worse I will, undoubtedly, feel in the morning.

    Bah, never mind.

    Have a good Christmas everyone. I hope Santa's sack is full and bursting for you...


    ...what'd I say?

    Ah that good ol' Woohoo innocence.

    Who the.... fudgins is letting off bloody fireworks? It's not flipping new year!

    *wonders whether now is a good time to attempt Martinmas art*

    *glances at empty (again) glass... maybe not.*


      *waves to Cags*

      I am also wasted, and totally stuffed!

      With food, awesome food!!

      I did take pics, I'll upload and post them tomorrow *looks at clock* er...... make that later today

      Really really awesome evening

      Is it too early to post the sixth day?


        I just got a name-check on the QI Christmas Special! It's all wizards and magic (the guy who plays Harry Potter is there) and they were looking for words that rhyme with 'Dumble'. First one was Jumble


          Never too early Jumble.

          Glad you had an awesome time at Andersons. As if you'd have anything but.

          *glances at empty glass and ponders a refill...*

          .... soddit, what's half a bottle of voddy and half a bottle of kaahlua between, er, me and me.

          Since the poorly cat (and now probably poorly child) means my planned daytrip and picnoc on Chesil beach are off... I guess it's dinner and mum and dad's as per for me. Not that I'll turn down a roastie or three.


            Ok Cags, if you say so.....


              Ohhhhhh roasties! Suz had the traditional turkey dinner with roast potatoes, but my Pork Wellington didn't have any......... so I smiled sweetly at Lance (you met Lance last time didn't you?) and he went and got me a whole dish of gorgeously crispy roast potatoes

              No wonder I can hardly move.................


                I'm not wasted, just a little tipsy from the Glenfiddich brought by Andi's parents. At least they know I like my single malt now most sober up so I can drive home and go to work in the morning.

                (((Cags))) (((jumble)))

                come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  Ohhhhhh roasties! Suz had the traditional turkey dinner with roast potatoes, but my Pork Wellington didn't have any......... so I smiled sweetly at Lance (you met Lance last time didn't you?) and he went and got me a whole dish of gorgeously crispy roast potatoes

                  No wonder I can hardly move.................

                  I remember Lance yes. what a sweetheart.

                  Hey, you know I'm single now... sorta... with baggage... lots and lots of that.

                  MOB Glenfiddich was one of Charles' favourites. Couldn't stand it myself (give me an Alabama Slammer over that any day) but my family managed to polish off two who bottles in on night at his wake. I had to resort to the cheap stuff then it came time to give him a drink. He'd probably be spinning in his grave if he wasn't sitting on the bookcase neatly above seasons 6 and 7 of SG-1 right now.


                    Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                    I remember Lance yes. what a sweetheart.

                    Hey, you know I'm single now... sorta... with baggage... lots and lots of that.

                    MOB Glenfiddich was one of Charles' favourites. Couldn't stand it myself (give me an Alabama Slammer over that any day) but my family managed to polish off two who bottles in on night at his wake. I had to resort to the cheap stuff then it came time to give him a drink. He'd probably be spinning in his grave if he wasn't sitting on the bookcase neatly above seasons 6 and 7 of SG-1 right now.
                    *hugs* I love the single malt. Glenlivet tends to be my go-to, but I love sampling the different varieties. Neat.

                    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      I remember Lance yes. what a sweetheart.
                      Yes he is

                      Hey, you know I'm single now... sorta... with baggage... lots and lots of that.
                      Sadly he isn't single

                      MOB Glenfiddich was one of Charles' favourites. Couldn't stand it myself (give me an Alabama Slammer over that any day) but my family managed to polish off two who bottles in on night at his wake. I had to resort to the cheap stuff then it came time to give him a drink. He'd probably be spinning in his grave if he wasn't sitting on the bookcase neatly above seasons 6 and 7 of SG-1 right now.
                      What better place, you know, if he has to be on a shelf............

                      I used to drink Glenfiddich, many moons ago, but nowadays I stay away from spirits because as proved by the Vodka the other week, they give me a major hangover

                      Suz has a knack of picking perfect pressies. She's given me Stephen King's "Full Dark, No Stars" Yes, I did open it........ it's past midnight so it's ok


                        I'm NOT wasted, but I did had some wine...I just drunk in Jann style...nice and slowly

                        Already got some "presents"....plates, placemats, bowls, know the fun stuff
                        We ate at an aunt from Brentz and it was awesome too...she's a caterar(sp?) so...good food, yum yum!


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          Yes he is

                          Sadly he isn't single


                          Did I mention my nephew Ewan needs a good... oh, never mind. (Incidently, he's moved/ moving down here. Very happy about that because he'll be so much happier and I do have a special little place in my heart for him.

                          What better place, you know, if he has to be on a shelf............
                          If you'd seen what I wanted to do with him when I first brought the ashes home...

                          I used to drink Glenfiddich, many moons ago, but nowadays I stay away from spirits because as proved by the Vodka the other week, they give me a major hangover
                          TBH, you can pour wine down me all night long but it won't touch me. If you want to see me wasted then spirits is the way to go. I've never been a Scotch girl though; tipple of choice would be tequila and lime cordial over lots of ice. Yum yum.

                          Benjabubs had asked for a rocking horse this year. Good job nanny and granddad are very generous; the one they got him is gorgeous!

                          *huggles Jann* Glad you're having a good time.

                          *iz so drunk*

                          I think I ought to go to sleep.

                          *will pay in the morning.*

                          Suz has a knack of picking perfect pressies. She's given me Stephen King's "Full Dark, No Stars" Yes, I did open it........ it's past midnight so it's ok


                          I haven't opened any of mine. We have a very big family both sides) so we have all agreed to only do littlies so I only have two and one of those is (I know) slippers. Good job too because I need a new pair. Meh, I've treated myself to a weekend with an Aston Martin DB9 in the new year; I can hardly complain!


                            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

                            Did I mention my nephew Ewan needs a good... oh, never mind. (Incidently, he's moved/ moving down here. Very happy about that because he'll be so much happier and I do have a special little place in my heart for him.
                            Yes, I believe you did mention what Ewan needs when you dragged me over and introduced me to him

                            Still wondering quite how I should take that

                            If you'd seen what I wanted to do with him when I first brought the ashes home...
                            Do I want to know?

                            TBH, you can pour wine down me all night long but it won't touch me. If you want to see me wasted then spirits is the way to go. I've never been a Scotch girl though; tipple of choice would be tequila and lime cordial over lots of ice. Yum yum.

                            Benjabubs had asked for a rocking horse this year. Good job nanny and granddad are very generous; the one they got him is gorgeous!
                            Aw! We can get pics of that, right?

                            *huggles Jann* Glad you're having a good time.

                            *iz so drunk*

                            I think I ought to go to sleep.

                            *will pay in the morning.*
                            I don't feel the least bit sleepy yet. But then, I didn't wake up until 11.30 this morning, so......


                            I haven't opened any of mine. We have a very big family both sides) so we have all agreed to only do littlies so I only have two and one of those is (I know) slippers. Good job too because I need a new pair. Meh, I've treated myself to a weekend with an Aston Martin DB9 in the new year; I can hardly complain!
                            I had two - book from Suz and a bracelet from one of my little ones. I've managed to persuade everyone else not to do the pressie thing There is really nothing I need, and the only thing I want......... well I can't have that......... so it saves a lot of hassle just to say 'no pressies, thank you' and leave it at that


                              Andi's fam came to town for Christmas. We picked up Lebanese takeaway and brought it to their hotel where Andi's dad stocked a full bar, and now we are playing cards. It's kind of nice being around a family that actually *hangs out* together. Alas, I have to head home soon so I can get up for work in the morning.

                              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                                Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                                Andi's fam came to town for Christmas. We picked up Lebanese takeaway and brought it to their hotel where Andi's dad stocked a full bar, and now we are playing cards. It's kind of nice being around a family that actually *hangs out* together. Alas, I have to head home soon so I can get up for work in the morning.
                                You're working Christmas Day? Aw Drive carefully

                                Back in 19hundredandfrozetodeath, I used to play cards with my Granddad - 21's, Chinese patience, Rummy, Cheat.......... it was all brought back to me the other day when Rachel (9) was here and we were playing Top Trumps (Simpsons' Horror Edition). Great fun!

                                She made me laugh actually. She was looking at the pics on my wall and asked me if Martin is famous. I told her he is a famous Canadian tv director and pointed out all my SG1, SGA and Sanctuary dvds. She was well impressed

                                R:"You met someone famous? And he hugged you??"

                                J:"I did, and he did!"


                                Then I showed her a pic of a director's chair and the one I have with my name on it that the Sanctuary peeps signed - her eyes nearly popped out of her head

                                R:"What does oxoxo mean?"

                                J:"Hugs and kisses!"


                                She was so overawed when I showed her his Major Wood badges that I decided I'd better keep quiet about his t-shirt in case she fainted

                                Last edited by Jumble; 24 December 2010, 06:34 PM.

