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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Evening Woohoos!

    So we've managed to devolve to speaking of ourselves by our badge tags in the 3rd person? Okay, who spiked the broccoli? I blame Martin.

    Kitteh has a UTI, mild hyperthyroid, and some degree of chronic renal failure. All to be expected of an old-man-cat, but the vet thinks we can get the thyroid and kidneys under control pretty easily and she says he's still likely got a few good years. So, some meds and a new diet for Mr. Hindu. Now time to bring in fat Kali and see what she's doing. Well, maybe next month. Hindu just cost me a bundle.

    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    *waves to MoB and Bekki*
    *waves back* (several hours later)

    Hope you are feeling better!

    Originally posted by llp View Post

    MoB - working 5 days in a row is hard? But most people have a 5+ day work week. Or they use to before the economies of the world flushed down the bowl! Must have something to do with catching (and hopefully no throwing) of babies! But I shouldn't talk....I don't even have a 1 day work week these days!
    I know! I've gotten so used to my irregular schedule that a 'traditional' work week feels exhausting. Most of my friends wouldn't take my schedule for twice the money though. A normal work week for me is 4 days, but that includes nights and weekends. And not a whole lot of 8 hour days.

    Originally posted by llp View Post

    And to The Baby-Catching WooHoo - being a sympathetic midwife is fine, but there are extremes you don't need to go to.
    I can't tell you how nauseous I was at 4:30 this morning! I'm still fairly queasy, but better. I was very worried about my ability to make it to work today. And I don't really get sick days in my line of work. Tomorrow I'm working with my boss on some practice admin stuff, so I'm hoping for a short day.

    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


      *walks in*

      Hey guys. *sniff*

      Sorry I've been missing, GW unsubbed me again.

      I need some help, I'm bored out of my mind, school's out for the long weekend (the term ended, and I don't have school till Tues. ) and I'm sick, so there isn't a whole lot of options in my future.

      So anyway, I was thinking about trying my hand at vidding something, (and you know, NOT giving up the first time WMM freezes. ) and I was wondering if there was a free vidding program (that's not WMM) *cough* that has some descent features, and isn't a complete piece of junk? *cough* *sniff*

      *Huggles Woohoos from afar so I don't get them sick *

      So how has everyone else been doing?


        *hugs Val* Sorry that you're sick...otherwise I would have suggested you making my homework.

        I think I'm really slowly getting down with something...or I'm just overtired(can't remember the day I went to bed before 1 am)

        As for free vidding programs...sorry I don't know any

        *waits for massage from Sheppy*


          Am I the only one who uses WMM to make vids?
          I like WMM and I have gotten other programs that allow me to complement it, which is much easier than getting used to a new vid editing program

          I have a crummy weekend and week ahead, oh joy!

          *runs around thread nekkid*
          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


            I don't mind WMM. Just save a lot.


              Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
              The Determined WooHoo wishes the Dan-Loving WooHoo a good evening and hopes that lots of merriment occurs!
              *stumbles in*

              Merriment occurred. To the tune of 4 glasses of wine. Which is quite enough when you have to be in work the following morning.



                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                *stumbles in*

                Merriment occurred. To the tune of 4 glasses of wine. Which is quite enough when you have to be in work the following morning.

                Whoops. But mostly a YAY! You'll get through the day

                And sorry Val, I don't know any vidding programs
                Made by the lovely Jakie


                  Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                  *stumbles in*

                  Merriment occurred. To the tune of 4 glasses of wine. Which is quite enough when you have to be in work the following morning.

                  Bah no sympathy!

                  MORNING SARAI! HOW ARE YOU!!!

                  Originally posted by Valerie_Jackson View Post
                  I need some help, I'm bored out of my mind, school's out for the long weekend (the term ended, and I don't have school till Tues. ) and I'm sick, so there isn't a whole lot of options in my future.

                  So anyway, I was thinking about trying my hand at vidding something, (and you know, NOT giving up the first time WMM freezes. ) and I was wondering if there was a free vidding program (that's not WMM) *cough* that has some descent features, and isn't a complete piece of junk? *cough* *sniff*

                  *Huggles Woohoos from afar so I don't get them sick *

                  So how has everyone else been doing?

                  Well I used a combination of Premier Pro and Cyberlink PowerDirector. Power Director isn't fee but it's dirt cheap compared to the others and does a few things that WMM can't do so worth the price. However, you can download a 1 month trial of it.

                  It puts a 5 second watermark at the start of the video...BUT you get around that by inserting a blank/black 5 second background at the start, cue the music and video in after that and then, after you've produced the video, import it into WMM and just chop the 5 seconds off and re-render it. It's a good long trial period so you get chance to decide if you want to buy... or... uh, whatever.

                  You can do the same with Sony Vegas: too. Vegas is better than power director by far but also a lot more expensive. But I guess that depends on if you're the one paying for it or not.

                  Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                  Kitteh has a UTI, mild hyperthyroid, and some degree of chronic renal failure. All to be expected of an old-man-cat, but the vet thinks we can get the thyroid and kidneys under control pretty easily and she says he's still likely got a few good years. So, some meds and a new diet for Mr. Hindu. Now time to bring in fat Kali and see what she's doing. Well, maybe next month. Hindu just cost me a bundle.
                  Aww, poor Hindi. extra huggles for him.

                  I know! I've gotten so used to my irregular schedule that a 'traditional' work week feels exhausting. Most of my friends wouldn't take my schedule for twice the money though. A normal work week for me is 4 days, but that includes nights and weekends. And not a whole lot of 8 hour days.
                  I understand that. I used to work in an environment where I never had 2 days off together. All shifts and over the place. On the odd weeks I did get a normal 5 day week working schedule (almost never) it almost killed me at the end.

                  Morning Woohoos, how are we all today? Who's got the quilt?


                    Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

                    Morning Woohoos, how are we all today? Who's got the quilt?
                    Well I lent it to Jumble and she passed it on and I took it back (snuck it away) so I could take a nap. Now I can't sleep because my nap lasted 5 hours.

                    So I have it locked away where only I can find it! Why you asking? Do we have another very sick Woohoo somewhere trying to claim rights?


                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      Bah no sympathy!

                      MORNING SARAI! HOW ARE YOU!!!
                      *pokes tongue out at Cags*

                      Actually feeling much better thank you. Must be the advantage of youth.



                        Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                        *pokes tongue out at Cags*

                        Actually feeling much better thank you. Must be the advantage of youth.

                        I hate you, you know that.

                        *throws rotten broccoli stalks after Sarai*

                        Laurie, nope, I don't think anyone needs it, except Jumble, but, y'know, I like to keep track of these things.


                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

                          You can do the same with Sony Vegas: too. Vegas is better than power director by far but also a lot more expensive. But I guess that depends on if you're the one paying for it or not.

                          Morning Woohoos, how are we all today? Who's got the quilt?
                          *coughno payingcough*
                          My vids Sig made by me


                            Ugh, I hate it when my son is stressed out and won't sleep! *looks at clock...sighs*


                              Morning all!

                              I'm posting on my iPhone from work while we do our 'mandatory training' which is boring common-sense stuff.

                              Anyone bidding on the S4K auction items? I am considering something for my 2010 charitable giving, since that money is just waiting to be donated. Dunno.

                              Hugs. Hope everyone is having a great day.

                              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                                The Wonderful Woohoo of Oz bids you all a good day and is about to fall asleep!

                                Firstly, she would like to huggle the stuffings out of you all and tell you about her day

                                Still rehearsaing the musical that we wrote at uni...we open in 2 weeks today. It's all a bit exciting. we finally had a rehearsal that went very well. everything just fell into place. very good sign. Also, today was the first rehearsal that we had our stage kiss.



                                Bekki's brain: he has a girlfriend, he has a girlfriend. this is fiction, this is fiction. I am playing a character, I am playing a character

                                Cue bright red face and sudden heat in room.

                                Not to self: NEVER EVER EVER play the love interest of a person you actually have feeling for...

                                *flops into bed, never to awaken* I am actually that tired !

