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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Hi WoHoo's

    I iz home. Got in last night but was exhausted and today was spent unpacking and putting things away.
    Tomorrow is work so back to reality.

    I have a lot of pix to sort through but I will post what I can, when I can.

    *dons hazmat suit and spreads huggles to sickly WooHoo's*


      Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
      Hi WoHoo's

      I iz home. Got in last night but was exhausted and today was spent unpacking and putting things away.
      Tomorrow is work so back to reality.

      I have a lot of pix to sort through but I will post what I can, when I can.

      *dons hazmat suit and spreads huggles to sickly WooHoo's*
      Welcome back (((Bree)))!

      come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


        My apoligies....I got a phone call and forgot to come back. Sorry I missed everyone.
        Really didn't mean to do that! I'll leave some lovely See's peanut/chocolate candies for everyone to munch on when they get back. Good for breakfast as well!

        So, my guess it's mostly the US contingent who are left. Well, it's only 5pm around here so I still have many hours left in my day. Chiller has been running season 1 of Sanctuary so that it what has taken my attention away. No outside comments but still fun to watch!

        Hope everyone has had a lovely weekend. Going off to watch Nubbins!

        See you later! *waves* bye to all


          I'm back from the music festival. It was great!!

          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
          *hugs all around*
          Poor sicky WooHoos you...

          Nice banner, jumble!

          Um yeah. Got nothin'. Maybe I should go write the rest of Finding WoodStock. I need silly.
          *waits patiently for Nad to finish writing*

          Love the artwork Jumble

          Originally posted by josiane View Post
          I'm in awe of all the challenge entries over there, gorgeous stuff! And Jumble, yours are fab - love to see that your muse has come back bright and colourful and just a little bit different than before

          How are the sickly Woohoos doing? I think I'm pretty much recovered - went to Reading for choir rehearsal today and managed fine, although the voice wasn't up to much Just as long as it comes back to full strength for the concert in two weeks But baby James was there too, as my sister is playing in the orchestra for one piece in this concert, so my mum & I were on babysitting duty while she rehearsed. He came into the choir room with us for a bit and was good as gold, slept right through while we sang *huggles him*
          Yay for for feeling better and aw! for baby James

          Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
          Hi WoHoo's

          I iz home. Got in last night but was exhausted and today was spent unpacking and putting things away.
          Tomorrow is work so back to reality.

          I have a lot of pix to sort through but I will post what I can, when I can.

          *dons hazmat suit and spreads huggles to sickly WooHoo's*

          *runs around nekkid*
          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


            *falls in*

            I had a good fall break and now back "home".

            *huggles through hazmat suit to all sick woohoos*Have a slight cough too, and I don't wanna get sick

            *crawls into warm bed*

            And the USA is making me...strange...I just traveled for over 9 hours today and it didn't even feel as that long


              *jumps in*

              *does a groovy dance*

              *spays anti-sick goop around the woohoo House*

              *sends out huggles to all*

              *bounces away*


                Well my timing has been off all day and this is no exception. Almost 11 at night and no one is here but me, not even a guest. Oh well, I can run around and jump up and down.....oy! too old for that.

                Well *Hugs* to all the sick woohoos....share the "QUILT" fairly now. And Jumble be nice, remember the sickies need a little hug from the "MAN" every once in awhile so they can get well...... hehehehe Runs away before she hears about this....

                *Waves* to all the woohoos.

                I'm getting tired and for once it is at 11 instead of 2 or 3 in the morning so I'm going to bed. See you all later. Looks to see if any cookies are left, nope, all gone. Oh well.

                Good night all!


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  OMG! I actually just saw a trailer for Sanctuary on Alibi!!!!

                  It's about freaking time they started spreading the news

                  This little WooHoos is feeling really rough and is heading for bed

                  WoodNight WooHoos!

                  No hugs, because I really don't want to spread the WooHoo virus any further

                  *picks up Quilt, Jacket and T-shirt and heads off for a snuggly night*
                  Ok, I'm late to the party... what channel will I have to tune into to see Sanctuary season 3? When? What time? I was trying to keep an eye on the ITV4 schedules but now I see mention of Alibi

                  *hugs Woohoos* Sorry I've been a bit absent, looking forward to seeing you at AT5


                    Welcome home Bree!

                    Originally posted by babancat View Post
                    Ok, I'm late to the party... what channel will I have to tune into to see Sanctuary season 3? When? What time? I was trying to keep an eye on the ITV4 schedules but now I see mention of Alibi

                    *hugs Woohoos* Sorry I've been a bit absent, looking forward to seeing you at AT5
                    I think Jumble was just saying they're advertising it on Alibi, which is nice to see other channels spotlighting it. It's actually airing on Watch starting 19th October at 9pm.
                    Annoyingly (for those of us doing both) it clashes with SGU, but as SGU is on Sky1, and Sky1 repeat their stuff ad nauseum, I'll proabbly watch Sanctuary live and catch up with SGU later.

                    Morning Woohoos. The vampire has had my blood and I can eat! Yay!

                    Oh, in case you don't go near the art thread, this was my entry for the challenge, which was entirely inspired by a certain blog post:



                      *runs in*

                      *squishy huggles all the sickly Woohoos*

                      I refuse to don the hazmat - surely it couldn't come back...could it?

                      *runs out - too much work!*


                        *lurvs Cags' arties*


                          Originally posted by starlover View Post
                          *falls in*

                          I had a good fall break and now back "home".

                          *huggles through hazmat suit to all sick woohoos*Have a slight cough too, and I don't wanna get sick

                          *crawls into warm bed*

                          And the USA is making me...strange...I just traveled for over 9 hours today and it didn't even feel as that long

                          *giggles* Soon you'll be driving for like 12 hours and feel it's nothing

                          Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                          *jumps in*

                          *does a groovy dance*

                          *spays anti-sick goop around the woohoo House*

                          *sends out huggles to all*

                          *bounces away*

                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          Welcome home Bree!

                          I think Jumble was just saying they're advertising it on Alibi, which is nice to see other channels spotlighting it. It's actually airing on Watch starting 19th October at 9pm.
                          Annoyingly (for those of us doing both) it clashes with SGU, but as SGU is on Sky1, and Sky1 repeat their stuff ad nauseum, I'll proabbly watch Sanctuary live and catch up with SGU later.

                          Morning Woohoos. The vampire has had my blood and I can eat! Yay!

                          Oh, in case you don't go near the art thread, this was my entry for the challenge, which was entirely inspired by a certain blog post:


                          Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                          *runs in*

                          *squishy huggles all the sickly Woohoos*

                          I refuse to don the hazmat - surely it couldn't come back...could it?

                          *runs out - too much work!*

                          I'm sure it won't

                          LJ, I love your new avi
                          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                            LJ, I love your new avi
                            Why thank ya! I was in a Kino-lovin' mood. lol


                              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                              Why thank ya! I was in a Kino-lovin' mood. lol

                              I'm off to class. Later! *waves and steps out of thread*
                              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                                *bites nails* The shirt will take 7-10 days to get there, after production. After production?? Well how long does that take? If it know...2 or 3 days, then the shirt will be there by his bday. But if it takes a week or something, then it won't make it by then. *sigh*

