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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Thanks for the Birthday Wishes

    jumble, josiane, Bekki, Sarai, Cags,
    +1, MoB, yessika, Laurie, Bree, XFChemist
    , Jasmina, Valerie and Nik!

    (Yes, I said that in one breath. *nods*)


    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      *hugs icky sick WooHoos*

      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      You weren't going for funny??

      Brilliant! Utterly BRILLIANT!!!!!
      Not really, no

      Thanks for the nice comments everyone!

      Originally posted by Bekki View Post
      *spins through the thread*


      A birthday corny poem! (it seems fitting...)

      It has come to our attention
      that a birthday is in sight
      A Dutchie Woodiehoo has gained
      another year tonight!

      so everybody clap your hands
      and everybody cheer
      The word you've heard is true! woohoo!!!
      Nad's birthday is here

      have a super day, dear Nad!
      The Park bench lady cries
      and Tesla comes with snuggles fair
      and pretties for your eyes

      we woohoos come prepared with hugs
      yes, squishy huggles, heaps!
      and pretty arts and messages
      coz we ur awsum peepz!

      So happy birthday nadinu
      (I spelt it how it sounds)
      have a super duper day
      we love you mounds and mounds!!!
      *high fives*

      Originally posted by josiane View Post

      Ooh! That reminds me... just in time for Nad's birthday, saw this recipe for broccoli cakes

      Look at them!


      Originally posted by Treknik View Post
      Nad, Finding Woohoodstock was awesome! When will we be seeing it on TV?
      I don't know. Damian can take the idea for free...
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        *more hugging*

        Someones gone and used one of my bowls and not washed it out I know it's not me as I haven't had anything with tomato sauce for a couple of days and that bowl was sat on the drainer after this mornings cheerios

        *is being a whiny bum lately*
        *more more hugging*


          Originally posted by jumble View Post

          Oh do tell!
          Her feeling (and I can't entirely disagree with her): She really likes the eps that deal with the mythology of the five, and that when you get Magnus, Druitt, Tesla, & Watson on screen together (or any combination thereof) you have this powerhouse of actors and a riveting story, and the standalones without them pale in comparison because the younger characters just can't live up to that. She likens it to the X-Files and their mythology arc that kept the viewers watching. Mind you, she's only seen season 1, but she came home the other day while I was watching Haunted and was clearly finding it really fascinating.

          Her point is interesting and definitely made me think. With the exception of Requiem, those are my favorite episodes and that mythology is why I keep watching. I'm trying to convince her to watch season 2 and give it another shot. It also seems like season 3 will have more opportunity to explore arcs and background history. Sorry, I'm having some trouble being articulate today. Did that make any sense at all?

          Originally posted by Treknik View Post

          Mob, it seems that Jack's cabin is being used a lot lately. *cough* SGU *cough*
          I tried to watch SGU when it first came on, but I didn't enjoy it, so I haven't seen more than the first few eps.

          come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


            Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
            Her feeling (and I can't entirely disagree with her): She really likes the eps that deal with the mythology of the five, and that when you get Magnus, Druitt, Tesla, & Watson on screen together (or any combination thereof) you have this powerhouse of actors and a riveting story, and the standalones without them pale in comparison because the younger characters just can't live up to that. She likens it to the X-Files and their mythology arc that kept the viewers watching. Mind you, she's only seen season 1, but she came home the other day while I was watching Haunted and was clearly finding it really fascinating.

            Her point is interesting and definitely made me think. With the exception of Requiem, those are my favorite episodes and that mythology is why I keep watching. I'm trying to convince her to watch season 2 and give it another shot. It also seems like season 3 will have more opportunity to explore arcs and background history. Sorry, I'm having some trouble being articulate today. Did that make any sense at all?
            I get what she's saying, but really, get her to watch S2 because it really rounds out the 'lesser' characters and to me really equalizes them. S1 of any show concentrates on the 'main' characters, of course it does. But then in S2 you get more of the others, you get to know them and it really makes a difference to how you see the whole picture.

            It did for me

            I tried to watch SGU when it first came on, but I didn't enjoy it, so I haven't seen more than the first few eps.
            I've had to give up on SGU. I couldn't find a character that I really cared about, except to seriously hate Rush


              Happy birthday Nad! *huggles*


                For those that couldn't hear properly on this interview with Martin and Damian at SE

                Excerpts from an audio interview with Martin Wood & Damian Kindler, August 2010

                Interviewer: So first of all we're very much looking forward to Season 3. What is your favourite episode from Season 3?
                Martin: Requiem! Oh! From Season 3? Breach.
                Interviewer: Breach? Yeah, I've been hearing a lot about this, so is it going to be... what, huge? You know, changing every thing?
                Martin: It's great, it's great. My favourite one for Season 3. Kali 3 is good.
                Interviewer: Oh it's Kali 3?
                Damian: I think it's wrong for me to choose one I wrote so I'm not going to choose one.
                Martin: No it's not, choose your favourite.
                Damian: Breach
                Martin: Breach
                Damian: Breach, when I saw the Director's cut at the end I went [yells] "Oh! Yeah!" and then I realised that you were there still so I went "it was alright, hey whatever"
                Martin: During screening of shows that Damian writes I almost never say anything and this one I got kind of emotional and I actually looked him and said "phew, it's pretty good"
                Interviewer: and you wrote that?
                Damian: Yes
                Martin: and he won't let me up for air since I said that and so it's the last time I ever comment
                Interviewer: So what is it about it that makes it, you don't have to tell me spoilers but is it the visual effects? Is it more of a...
                Martin: it gets us into what the big arc is
                Damian: we actually achieved a ginormous amount of achievement
                Martin: yeah we covered a lot of ground
                Damian: it's actually a giant achievement in about five different ways all in one 44 minute package. One, it got you off my back
                Martin: Me off your back about doing
                Damian: For three years before we even had a series Martin wanted to do an episode, both Martin and Amanda wanted to do an episode where Magnus is essentially left behind on a mission to clean up something by herself and encounters someone that no one else knew was there and it almost kills her. She somehow defends herself, gets to the bottom of the mystery and almost dies in the process of fighting this creature, this monster, this threat and then kind of wanders back into the Sanctuary and everyone is like "Hey where have you been?" and only the audience and Magnus really know what happened. That's the thing and I to my I think credit said that's a **** story, I'm not doing it.
                Interviewer: [laughs]
                Martin: He did! Those were his words. That is not a story it's just
                Damian: running and jumping. It's a director's mastabutory exercise
                Martin: and then about a week after we started fighting about it, he came down to the set and he was like "I've got it! I've got it! I've got the way in!" and came up with a character that was going to take us to the next level in this arc
                Damian: We needed a new villain right?
                Martin: Yeah
                Damian: So I said this has to be the door into the new villain. And once we figured out who the new villain was
                Martin: as soon as that happened then he said
                Damian: no it was just the villain because we knew we needed a villain, I figured out what he is doing
                Martin: that's right, that was on a phone call you figured it out
                Damian: and the best part about it is, I'm glad we're on record here, because the best part about it is I did all this twisting and pretzel logic and I came out the other side of it and this catharsis and Martin is "See! for three year's I've been telling you there is a story there!" and I'm like, I've been up in my office killing myself trying to make your idea! - you know, he wanted a really cool solo Magnus action thing and since the uh believe me until I found a way to make it good and then he went "See!"
                Martin: but it's writing genius is what it is
                Interviewer: and that's Ian Tracey? He's going to be playing that?
                Damian: It's also directing genius and it's performance genius because it's two actors, toe to toe. Martin directed the **** out of it, it's like kinetic and fast and scary and weird and amazing and it never stops. Really it's an episode that grabs you by the throat, scares you then shocks then just pulls you along with it in an amazing ride. Reveals really cool sci-fi moments of like "Holy ****! That's what's going on here?" and then kind of releases you at a crest fall. It's actually kind of the tightest story we've ever told
                Martin: Yeah it is
                Interviewer: Interesting
                Damian: like it goes pffft!
                Martin: and we shot it in less time than we shoot a normal episode
                Interviewer: is the villain someone we would knnow? Like is it going back to like uh
                Damian: you don't know him but you realise he's from that era
                Martin: he's ancient history
                Damian: we said at Comic Con we were introducing someone who was the inspiration for Jeckyl & Hyde and that's all I'm saying
                Interviewer: Oh, OK.
                Damian: except that he's also mad


                Damian: the great thing about Breach is that it gives you that really kinetic kind of scary, pot boiler, scary almost like predator type story but it opens up it's like a five episode arc with this villain is there he's... you know good villains aren't just "I will kill you and destroy the word ah ha hah!", they're more like - you like them, they're funny, they're scary, they're charismatic, they pull you in and they scare you and repulse you and Ian Tracey's character does that in such an amazing kind of first act of this building and then we take it some really cool places. He's with us for five more episodes.
                Interviewer: Oh cool so that's the first from there and then we go
                Damian: we start literally with a bang and then we go from there, it's great.


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  1. I get what she's saying, but really, get her to watch S2 because it really rounds out the 'lesser' characters and to me really equalizes them. S1 of any show concentrates on the 'main' characters, of course it does. But then in S2 you get more of the others, you get to know them and it really makes a difference to how you see the whole picture.

                  It did for me

                  2. I've had to give up on SGU. I couldn't find a character that I really cared about, except to seriously hate Rush
                  1. I agree with you regarding season 2. Season 1 was really rocky and that's why I'm trying to get her to watch, lol. I just don't want to be too pushy. Though don't hate me for this, but I just can't bring myself to care about Will.

                  2. *nods*

                  come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                    I love how they finish each other's sentences! lol


                      Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                      1. I agree with you regarding season 2. Season 1 was really rocky and that's why I'm trying to get her to watch, lol. I just don't want to be too pushy. Though don't hate me for this, but I just can't bring myself to care about Will.

                      2. *nods*
                      No, I have trouble caring about Will too

                      Didn't we just have that discussion?

                      But Will is just one character amongst so many that I do care about, so I can get past him


                        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                        I love how they finish each other's sentences! lol

                        They do that in RL all the time

                        *huggles Martin really tight*

                        *Goes to bed*

                        Er.......... to sleep
                        Last edited by Jumble; 07 October 2010, 12:10 PM.


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          No, I have trouble caring about Will too

                          Didn't we just have that discussion?

                          But Will is just one character amongst so many that I do care about, so I can get past him
                          Yes. I've adored Henry from the get-go.

                          come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            No, I have trouble caring about Will too
                            Me too
                            My vids Sig made by me


                              I still see Will and think ''Snoopy''.

                              As for SGU, I thought it looked awesome, but I's just not my kind of SG. I might give it another try later, but or now, I'll just fangurl the PTB instead of the characters.

                              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                              Happy birthday Nad! *huggles*
                              Thank you!
                              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                                Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                                Yes. I've adored Henry from the get-go.
                                Oh Henry, YES!!! And John! And Biggy, and Tesla........

                                I know they need Will, I just don't love him

                                Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                                Me too
                                He's pretty much essential as being the only 'normal' of the main cast. I just have difficulty actually 'caring' about him

                                Or RD, if I'm honest I met the guy, but I enjoyed taking the mickey out of him more than I enjoyed meeting him
                                Last edited by Jumble; 07 October 2010, 11:31 PM.

