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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by josiane View Post
    *runs in*
    I'M AN AUNTIE!!!
    boy, born 11.15pm, 7lb 3. She had a perfect birth, and my nephew is called James.
    so relieved and happy now
    My vids Sig made by me


      That's a terrible thing to have to live with, so unfair. Is he still living there?

      Congrats to Josi for becoming an auntie. I am waiting for my "second" auntiehood to come about. Suppose to happen sometime in February.


        Oh goodie, no one is here so I can post away.
        My Girls:

        This is Sammie

        This is Carrie

        Have to have one with his "tool"

        Are you trying to hide????

        With his beard just for Jumble

        And a few for Sarai
        Enjoy all.... now I can go to bed with a smile
        Last edited by llp; 13 September 2010, 11:19 PM.


          Originally posted by josiane View Post
          *runs in*
          I'M AN AUNTIE!!!
          boy, born 11.15pm, 7lb 3. She had a perfect birth, and my nephew is called James.
          so relieved and happy now
          Gosh! That was quick! I went to bed and missed the news by half an hour?

          AND WELL DONE SIS!!!!

          Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
          Congratulations Auntie Josi!!!!!!

          Being an auntie is awesome. You get to kiss and huggle and spoil and love him and then when he poops or cries or tosses his cookies you get to hand him over to mum.

          So, I left work a little early because my head hurt. Went home to rest. Was home for 10 minutes, just got comfy on the bed, when the buildings fire alarms went off.
          I quickly got dressed and ran out into a hallway filled with smoke.

          Spoilered for length:
          Some of you may recall that a short while ago I was very upset that a man, whom I knew was an alcoholic, who had set fire to the previous apartment building that he had lived in, had just moved into my building. He lived upstairs and then he moved downstairs into the apartment that his son rented. The one directly across from my apartment. In his previous apartment he decided to cook something and promptly passed out drunk. Thus the fire. I told my landlord about this man. Told him I was afraid for myself and Charmaine, our cats and everyone in the building. He told me he wood take of it but "please don't tell the other tenants". The other tenants know about him now.

          He got drunk, put some meat in the broiler and forgot he did that and decided to go for a walk. His apartment caught on fire and I pent the next couple of hours waiting outside for news from the firemen. Finally they let us back in and finally I could see that my babies were okay. Shaken but okay. My apartment and all of the hallways smell like charred meat and chemicals but that will go away. What will not go away is the fear that I have that it will happen again. I'm supposed to be sleeping now. I have a very early appointment tomorrow and that is stressful enough. He came home just as the firemen were letting people back into the building. He was totally clueless about what he had done.

          So that was my afternoon and my head still hurts. One of these days I will have to follow my doctors advice and get rid of the stress in my life so I won't get so many migraines. Because, you know, it's just that easy.
          Let's hope your landlord gets rid of him now

          Laurie, LUUUUURVE the beard Soooo wish he'd grow it again.....


            *hugs Bree*
            Wow, that's awful to have to live with!

            MoB and Laurie, love the pics!

            Originally posted by josiane View Post
            *runs in*
            I'M AN AUNTIE!!!
            boy, born 11.15pm, 7lb 3. She had a perfect birth, and my nephew is called James.
            so relieved and happy now
            *happy dances*
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              Originally posted by josiane View Post
              *runs in*
              I'M AN AUNTIE!!!
              boy, born 11.15pm, 7lb 3. She had a perfect birth, and my nephew is called James.
              so relieved and happy now
              Yay Congrats Auntie Josi
              And huge well done to Anne and Dad
              and baby James!!

              Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
              Spoilered for length:
              Some of you may recall that a short while ago I was very upset that a man, whom I knew was an alcoholic, who had set fire to the previous apartment building that he had lived in, had just moved into my building. He lived upstairs and then he moved downstairs into the apartment that his son rented. The one directly across from my apartment. In his previous apartment he decided to cook something and promptly passed out drunk. Thus the fire. I told my landlord about this man. Told him I was afraid for myself and Charmaine, our cats and everyone in the building. He told me he wood take of it but "please don't tell the other tenants". The other tenants know about him now.

              He got drunk, put some meat in the broiler and forgot he did that and decided to go for a walk. His apartment caught on fire and I pent the next couple of hours waiting outside for news from the firemen. Finally they let us back in and finally I could see that my babies were okay. Shaken but okay. My apartment and all of the hallways smell like charred meat and chemicals but that will go away. What will not go away is the fear that I have that it will happen again. I'm supposed to be sleeping now. I have a very early appointment tomorrow and that is stressful enough. He came home just as the firemen were letting people back into the building. He was totally clueless about what he had done.
              Bree that sucks, can't you go to the police about it? He at least deserves an asbo or something along those lines .


                Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                Congratulations Auntie Josi!!!!!!

                Being an auntie is awesome. You get to kiss and huggle and spoil and love him and then when he poops or cries or tosses his cookies you get to hand him over to mum.

                So, I left work a little early because my head hurt. Went home to rest. Was home for 10 minutes, just got comfy on the bed, when the buildings fire alarms went off.
                I quickly got dressed and ran out into a hallway filled with smoke.

                Spoilered for length:
                Some of you may recall that a short while ago I was very upset that a man, whom I knew was an alcoholic, who had set fire to the previous apartment building that he had lived in, had just moved into my building. He lived upstairs and then he moved downstairs into the apartment that his son rented. The one directly across from my apartment. In his previous apartment he decided to cook something and promptly passed out drunk. Thus the fire. I told my landlord about this man. Told him I was afraid for myself and Charmaine, our cats and everyone in the building. He told me he wood take of it but "please don't tell the other tenants". The other tenants know about him now.

                He got drunk, put some meat in the broiler and forgot he did that and decided to go for a walk. His apartment caught on fire and I pent the next couple of hours waiting outside for news from the firemen. Finally they let us back in and finally I could see that my babies were okay. Shaken but okay. My apartment and all of the hallways smell like charred meat and chemicals but that will go away. What will not go away is the fear that I have that it will happen again. I'm supposed to be sleeping now. I have a very early appointment tomorrow and that is stressful enough. He came home just as the firemen were letting people back into the building. He was totally clueless about what he had done.

                So that was my afternoon and my head still hurts. One of these days I will have to follow my doctors advice and get rid of the stress in my life so I won't get so many migraines. Because, you know, it's just that easy.
                ((((Bree)))) That sucks. Spoilered for some helpful? advice that you can take or leave...
                I had something similar happen about 8 years ago. Take is slow, let yourself deal with the fear. This might sound mildly cookoo, but think about giving some hypnotherapy a try. It was years before I could smell smoke without having a panic attack. It might help you get through the biggest part of that PTS-type anxiety sooner. Again, HUGE hugs to you!

                Originally posted by llp View Post
                Oh goodie, no one is here so I can post away.
                My Girls:
                This is Sammie
                This is Carrie

                Enjoy all.... now I can go to bed with a smile
                Furbabies! Gorgeous!

                come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                  I come in and you're all making babies?

                  Congratulations Auntie Josi!!

                  My last day at work and then, if all goes planned, I get FOUR DAYS off! OMG. I'm so excited. I get some time off, hopefully to relax, maybe even stay on here for longer than 10 minutes!
                  Made by the lovely Jakie


                    Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                    I come in and you're all making babies?

                    Congratulations Auntie Josi!!

                    My last day at work and then, if all goes planned, I get FOUR DAYS off! OMG. I'm so excited. I get some time off, hopefully to relax, maybe even stay on here for longer than 10 minutes!
                    YAY for time off!

                    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                      *sneaks in from study group*

                      CONGRATULATIONS AUNTIE JANE!! Hope mum and dad and bub are all doing fabulously Give the little bubby a cuddle for us woohoos

                      Bree - I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you after you told the landlord that you thought it might! that's no no good! but at least no one was hurt and hopefully appropriate action can be taken so that nobody ever gets hurt because of it! small victories, perhaps

                      *runs back to studying...but will stilllurk in the thread in case anyone is around to distract me beautifully*


                        Congratulations Aunt Josi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        Wonderful news!!!

                        (((huggles Bree)))
                        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                          Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                          I come in and you're all making babies?
                          Sadly not the old-fashioned way

                          Congratulations Auntie Josi!!

                          My last day at work and then, if all goes planned, I get FOUR DAYS off! OMG. I'm so excited. I get some time off, hopefully to relax, maybe even stay on here for longer than 10 minutes!
                          WooHoooood! Take it easy and enjoy it

                          You know, I get the most AWESOME things in the post lately

                          Thanks Cags *hugs you back*


                            OH MY DAYS. I just found out one of my closest friends and her family, whom I love, had a devastating house fire and were only saved by their neighours banging on the door and waking them up, getting them out.

                            Please, please, please make sure you have a working fire alarm!

                            They're so lucky their neighbours weren't asleep.
                            Made by the lovely Jakie


                              Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                              OH MY DAYS. I just found out one of my closest friends and her family, whom I love, had a devastating house fire and were only saved by their neighours banging on the door and waking them up, getting them out.

                              Please, please, please make sure you have a working fire alarm!

                              They're so lucky their neighbours weren't asleep.
                              You'd be surprised how many people either don't have them, or don't check the batteries

                              So glad to hear they're all safe


                                Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                                OH MY DAYS. I just found out one of my closest friends and her family, whom I love, had a devastating house fire and were only saved by their neighours banging on the door and waking them up, getting them out.

                                Please, please, please make sure you have a working fire alarm!

                                They're so lucky their neighbours weren't asleep.
                                Yuck. They really have been lucky. As lucky as you can be in that situation.

                                EDIT: Babies, fires... there's pattern forming in our convo's.
                                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website

