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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    *runs in*

    Having an awesome birthday! *hands out cake*

    *huggles everyone*
    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


      Originally posted by josiane View Post
      *runs in*

      Having an awesome birthday! *hands out cake*

      *huggles everyone*
      Thanks for the cake....add that to my breakfast foods!


        *grabs slice of cake... chomps*

        yum yum.

        *pours glass of cava too

        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        It's nice to be able to do something fun in memory of those we've lost.

        I need to figure out something for next week-end.
        sometimes the simplest things are the best. On the first anniversary of my sister-in-law's death in March we all got together as a family. It actually started out as a simple get together thing but somehow escalated and we ended up scattering her ashes on hubby's parent's grave. Apparently you're supposed to ask permission and pay a fee before you can do that but the cemetery liaison bloke discreetly told us to just do it and don't get caught! So there we were, about 20 of us stood around the grave, sort of discreetly depositing her ashes and looking around for the cemetery police to come cart us away; it was so funny; someone started humming the mission impossible theme tune (proabbly Charles now I think about it) and then we were all at it...then we went back to my niece's and got hammered. As you do. Frances would have loved it.

        I found my own way of commemorating the anniversary; I made a family slideshow ( ) which made everyone cry and then we laughed some more. Actually Jumble not dissimilar in sentiment to that beautiful video you made.
        Anyway, the point I'm not doing a very good job of coming to is, don't feel like you have to make a big deal or do anything super amazing or wonderful. Sometimes, the simplest things are the most appropriate. And, sometimes, just getting on with life and not doing anything at all works just as well. You don't have to do it alone...but you don't have to do wiith others if that's not what you want either. Only you know what feels right for you. Whatever you do, it WILL be the right thing, because you did what you needed to do.

        *super squishy huggles*

        Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
        It was actually the first OC event I've done, though I have donated to a couple of OC charities over the years. My mom's illness is actually what pushed me to become a midwife, believe it or not!
        I can believe that. Crisis like that can often make you re-evaulate what's important in life and what you want to do. I have a friend (not really friend but someone I know through another forum) who spent several years pursuing parenthood through IVF - and failing. Then one day, her best friend was diagnosed with cancer (funnily enough, also ovarian) and, sadly, died a year later. After that she decided she didn't want a pregnancy, she wanted a baby, stopped putting herself through the misery of treatment and went for adoption and now has two lovely little boys.


          *grabs slice of cake... chomps*

          yum yum.

          *pours glass of cava too*

          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          It's nice to be able to do something fun in memory of those we've lost.

          I need to figure out something for next week-end.
          Sometimes the simplest things are the best. On the first anniversary of my sister-in-law's death in March we all got together as a family. It actually started out as a simple get together thing but somehow escalated and we ended up scattering her ashes on hubby's parent's grave. Apparently you're supposed to ask permission and pay a fee before you can do that but the cemetery liaison bloke discreetly told us to just do it and don't get caught! So there we were, about 20 of us stood around the grave, sort of discreetly depositing her ashes and looking around for the cemetery police to come cart us away; it was so funny; someone started humming the mission impossible theme tune (proabbly Charles now I think about it) and then we were all at it...then we went back to my niece's and got hammered. As you do. Frances would have loved it.

          I found my own way of commemorating the anniversary; I made a family slideshow ( ) which made everyone cry and then we laughed some more. Actually Jumble not dissimilar in sentiment to that beautiful video you made.
          Anyway, the point I'm not doing a very good job of coming to is, don't feel like you have to make a big deal or do anything super amazing or wonderful. Sometimes, the simplest things are the most appropriate. And, sometimes, just getting on with life and not doing anything at all works just as well. You don't have to do it alone...but you don't have to do wiith others if that's not what you want either. Only you know what feels right for you. Whatever you do, it WILL be the right thing, because you did what you needed to do.

          *super squishy huggles*

          Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
          It was actually the first OC event I've done, though I have donated to a couple of OC charities over the years. My mom's illness is actually what pushed me to become a midwife, believe it or not!
          I can believe that. Crisis like that can often make you re-evaulate what's important in life and what you want to do. I have a friend (not really friend but someone I know through another forum) who spent several years pursuing parenthood through IVF - and failing. Then one day, her best friend was diagnosed with cancer (funnily enough, also ovarian) and, sadly, died a year later. After that she decided she didn't want a pregnancy, she wanted a baby, stopped putting herself through the misery of treatment and went for adoption and now has two lovely little boys.


            *runs in to say:*

            Happy Birthday,

            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              Originally posted by josiane View Post
              *runs in*

              Having an awesome birthday! *hands out cake*

              *huggles everyone*
              I'm glad!!

              *munches on cake*

              I will be going to a birthday party here in a bit, I hope it doesn't last as long as the other parties I go to
              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                *waves at guests*


                  Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                  *burst through the door of the Woohoo House, arms flailing*

                  *runz into wall*

                  *picks self up, runz around flailing some more*

                  From Joe's blog tonight:

                  I hearby officially declare that he has been LURKING! Good thing I don't run nekkid anymore.
                  SO are we planning anything big?

                  Congrats Bekki!

                  Congrats on getting Benjabubs potty trained Cags!

                  Glad you had sweet dreams Jumble.
                  But shame on you for not eating until after 5:00
                  Of course, I shouldn't be saying that to anyone since I had waffles with syrup for breakfast. Being peri-hypoglycemic that was less than brilliant. All that sugar and no protein sent me into a nosedive only two hours later. Scared the heck out of Char. Actually, scared the heck out of both of us.

                  BTW-Thyroid ultrasound scheduled for Friday morning.

                  Cags: Jumble = The toilet whisperer.

                  *hugs Sarai* Miss you on the thread.

                  MoB: Good for you on the walk. Sad though, how many of us have lost our moms to cancer in one form or another.

                  *munches Josi's birthday cake*

                  *steals some of Cags Cava*
                  goes to watch TV with Char*

                  *hugs all WooHoo's just 'cuz*


                    *bounces back in*
                    No longer my birthday, but I wanted to show off my beautiful pressies:

                    From Achaja:

                    From Bekki:

                    From Jumble:

                    From Bree:

                    From Cags:

                    They're all gorgeous, thank you so much!
                    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                      Just got back from the BBQ. At 8pm I want to go to bed! So, having tea to try to keep me up a couple more hours. I smell like charcoal smoke.

                      For a little bit on-topic... I am watching one of my favorite episodes (it just happened to be next in my rewatch) AND it is directed by Le Martin! "Divide and Conquer." AND lots of shippy goodness to boot.

                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      I can believe that. Crisis like that can often make you re-evaulate what's important in life and what you want to do. I have a friend (not really friend but someone I know through another forum) who spent several years pursuing parenthood through IVF - and failing. Then one day, her best friend was diagnosed with cancer (funnily enough, also ovarian) and, sadly, died a year later. After that she decided she didn't want a pregnancy, she wanted a baby, stopped putting herself through the misery of treatment and went for adoption and now has two lovely little boys.
                      I always knew I would become a midwife when I retired from singing, I just expected it to be many years down the road! Now that I am established as a midwife, I find myself trying to find the balance between the artist in me and the midwife.

                      Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post

                      1. BTW-Thyroid ultrasound scheduled for Friday morning.

                      2. MoB: Good for you on the walk. Sad though, how many of us have lost our moms to cancer in one form or another.

                      3. *hugs all WooHoo's just 'cuz*
                      1. Oh good. At least you'll have answers!

                      2. It's so true. Cancer sucks.

                      3. Hugs you back.

                      Originally posted by josiane View Post
                      *bounces back in*
                      No longer my birthday, but I wanted to show off my beautiful pressies:

                      <snipped for length>

                      They're all gorgeous, thank you so much!
                      Aww! So nice! Glad you had a great bday.

                      come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                        Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                        SO are we planning anything big?
                        Well, I am planning on sending him

                        the shirt

                        And I'm sure we'll have a Woohoo Party. Won't we? *looks around* Wont' we???


                          Oh we are so having a Woohoo party!!

                          When is it again?
                          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                            You know you've had a bad night when the central heating kicks in and you look out of the window and see daylight, and you haven't even seen your bed because you've been listenng to this and this and this all night....
                            Last edited by Jumble; 11 September 2010, 10:42 PM.


                              *huggles Jumble*

                              I just finished an epic day of RL artworking So satisfied. Except that i found my thimble about ten minutes after i finished hand sewing...oops...

                              hmmm, im hungry....

                              *huggles everyone really really tight*
                              Last edited by Bekki; 12 September 2010, 01:06 AM.


                                *huggles Jumble* Try to get a nice nap today.

                                Oooh Bekki... can we see what you were working on?

                                Mornin Woohoos!

                                ETA: 69 post!

                                come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends

