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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by llp View Post
    Has anyone seen Jumble around in the last view days? Isn't she usually around (a lot) every day?
    Originally posted by thesecretcylon View Post
    I've seen her name at the bottom viewing but not posting since she said about going to the farm. It's sad.
    Sorry WooHoos. I'm sick, need a couple of duvet days to set me right.

    Originally posted by josiane View Post
    *wanders in, carefully stepping over the detritus of last night's party*
    *huggles everyone, especially poorly Woohoos*
    Have fun in Paris, MoB!

    And on the question of our Jumblicious leader, she has started working full time again this week, so is probably busy and occupied with many littleuns Doubtless she'll be here to play with us when she can
    It's actually next week I'm full time, which is just as well


      Aw *squishy huggles* Feel better soon! Tuck yourself up with some Martin (), that'll make you feel better
      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


        Originally posted by josiane View Post
        Aw *squishy huggles* Feel better soon! Tuck yourself up with some Martin (), that'll make you feel better
        Hmm. I'd better not get too close, I'm not sure he'd appreciate me passing this bug onto him. He might never want to hug me again


          Okay all, I've decided to leave my laptop behind! (OMG, could it be true?) But I think it will be nice to have a week away from the majority of my internet access (other than my phone)-- it's an experiment in being semi-unplugged. Have a great week, don't party too hard. Careful not to esplode the thread with too much martin!spam, and I'll see y'all next week!

          Giant WooHoo huggles to all

          Au revoir mes amies! (I think we're all gals here... )

          come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            Sorry WooHoos. I'm sick, need a couple of duvet days to set me right.

            It's actually next week I'm full time, which is just as well
            How about the Wood blanket?


              All right Jumble, you are suppose to be resting, not playing on the internet. I am going to lend you the "quilt" for a few days. I know you will take appropriate care of it and not run around in it nekkid! It's healing powers will help you greatly.

              You take care of yourself and get a lot better. Not good to feel sick!


                Now, MoB, aren't you suppose to be on a plane to Paris by now????

                And, +1 - this is a time of your life to really get out there and live. Don't be afraid of a class. If you don't know anyone then think of it as an opportunity to meet new people. My college days were the most fun I could have and I learned a lot along the way.....some of it actually in the classroom!


                  My goodness, 5 guests - much to many people to entertain by myself this early in the afternoon. Sorry guys, you are on your own.


                    Originally posted by llp View Post
                    Now, MoB, aren't you suppose to be on a plane to Paris by now????

                    And, +1 - this is a time of your life to really get out there and live. Don't be afraid of a class. If you don't know anyone then think of it as an opportunity to meet new people. My college days were the most fun I could have and I learned a lot along the way.....some of it actually in the classroom!
                    Now that I've actually found people I'm a little less scared and really rather excited Can I go now??

                    Edit: I took the initiate and messaged someone who's doing my course at my uni They're in different accom but ee
                    Last edited by boxeddreams; 01 September 2010, 11:26 AM.


                      *huggles the sick woohoos....from a hazmat suit*

                      *hugs LJ* for weird dreams!...although Joe was in it ...perhaps next time better and less chaotic

                      *huggles other woohoos too*

                      I'm once again back to my favorite thing to do...interneting during class! plus I think I deserved it so far...two classes and two unexpected quizes


                        *hugs jumble for being sick*
                        *hugs +1 for uni*
                        *hugs MOB for Paris*
                        *hugs WooHoos*
                        *hugs PTB*
                        *hugs guests*
                        *hugs me*

                        Love all around!
                        *spreads love*
                        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                          *hugs Nad & Jann*


                            Yey...I got huggles...

                            Group huuuuuuuuuug

                            this class makes me soooo sleepy


                              Group Hug!!!!

                              Jann! Wake up!
                              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                                Group Hug!!!!

                                Jann! Wake up!

                                I'm still's just so...boring... The teacher just talks for an hour and that's it(History)

