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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Picture time


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      Oh, niiiiice pic *snurches*

      Can't see it, but I'm sure it woodn't offend anyone here
      All fixed! GW disapproved of the filename and censored it!

      come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


        SPECIAL PAGE!!!!


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          Niiice pics Laurie *snurches them too*

          I seem to have very few pics of Amanda
          For some reason I have tons of AT pix.


          I cood always send you some via a zip file.


            WooHoos are LOVE! Giving Amanda all this attention... We know she has very, very few fans in the world of sci fi, so it's really nice for Martinettes to let her share in the fame...
            Poor thing. No one even knew it was her birthday. *shakes head*

            *hugs AT*
            *ignores having made all those sigs*

            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            Niiice pics Laurie *snurches them too*

            I seem to have very few pics of Amanda
            I have a few too many
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              My goodness, even with all that we couldn't jump to the next page. Need more incentive:

              Hmmm how did those pictures get in there!


                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                WooHoos are LOVE! Giving Amanda all this attention... We know she has very, very few fans in the world of sci fi, so it's really nice for Martinettes to let her share in the fame...
                Poor thing. No one even knew it was her birthday. *shakes head*

                *hugs AT*
                *ignores having made all those sigs*

                I have a few too many
                You can never have too many pictures!


                  Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                  *sniffles* not even on her birthday? *makes puppy eyes*

                  Nad and Lauri love the picspam.
                  Well I guess........ just this ONCE!

                  Originally posted by llp View Post
                  Wonder what type of pictures you have.....
                  Me? Oh, just lots of.... you know, pretty scenery stuff.........

                  "Ah! I think I see why Jumble advised me NOT to visit the WooHoo thread "


                    1969! OMG!

                    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                      Originally posted by llp View Post

                      Hmmm how did those pictures get in there!
                      :O How have I not seen this one? *loves*


                        Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                        For some reason I have tons of AT pix.


                        I cood always send you some via a zip file.
                        ..... or you could just post them here and I can snurch them

                        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                        WooHoos are LOVE! Giving Amanda all this attention... We know she has very, very few fans in the world of sci fi, so it's really nice for Martinettes to let her share in the fame...
                        Poor thing. No one even knew it was her birthday. *shakes head*

                        *hugs AT*
                        *ignores having made all those sigs*

                        I have a few too many
                        I know, it's sad

                        Er......... Martinettes????

                        Originally posted by thesecretcylon View Post
                        You can never have too many pictures!
                        Of Martin? Nope, that's just not possible

                        *looks at files with...... um....... 6000+ pics of Martin*


                        Edit: OMG!!! The Paisley Shirt!!!! *shields eyes*


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          ..... or you could just post them here and I can snurch them

                          I know, it's sad

                          Er......... Martinettes????

                          Of Martin? Nope, that's just not possible

                          *looks at files with...... um....... 6000+ pics of Martin*

                          LOL. If I actually finished saving all the gallery pix I could probably have that too.


                            Okay, break over... see y'all in an hour or so.


                            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                              Originally posted by llp
                              Originally posted by thesecretcylon View Post
                              :O How have I not seen this one? *loves*
                              I have another one with them....I will have to find it.


                                Originally posted by thesecretcylon View Post
                                LOL. If I actually finished saving all the gallery pix I could probably have that too.
                                'Tis your WooHoo duty to collect as many pics of Martin as you can......... and give them to me in case I'm missing one or two.........

