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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    Why do I not think it's odd that you have pens you know write on DVDs?
    Er........ is it odd then? They're actually called 'CD Markers' so that wood've given me the clue

    Maybe Martin is directing the first episode of Sanctuary after the hiatus so he stayed home to prep it. That wood mean you will get to see him in action (and saying "action" )
    See, I was going to suggest that, but I'm trying very hard not to get my hopes up too much

    But it wood make sense woodn't it?

    Originally posted by Sarai View Post
    Oy ! The sooner they get the inbox notification system working the better!


      *bounces in*
      *rofl at the "discussions"* Excitement is abounding in here!
      *huggles Woohoos* I love this thread, especially during party & con time

      Originally posted by Bekki View Post
      Morning woohoos!!!

      Oma - That pic for Time is fabulous!!! Looks very cool! Loving the Coopie love : )
      Thanks I cheated and used a wallie I made a while ago and slapped a mask over it

      We're having a Masterchef party tonight (do you guys have Masterchef over there?) for the granfinal tonight and my housemates and I are making dishes from the show (or attempting at least) It's sure to be fairly hilarious...I'm not a great cook...
      Oh, that sounds like such fun!!!! We wanna see Joe style piccies!

      Originally posted by llp View Post
      First - THANK YOU to all who sent their very kind thoughts and wishes.
      Second - Sarai - AWWWW! - loved your new little babies. So cute.
      And Third - Jumble....great pictures.

      Today was really hectic. I had two presentations. The first one went very well and she asked me to send the entire book.....first time that ever happened to me. The second one, she didn't seem as interested and we talked about my other book some. Didn't really go anywhere. But that is okay. I did get some useful information from her.

      The seminars were great. I picked up a lot of information. I just wish I wasn't so tired now to actually put it into the process.....but Monday, after I run a dozen errands, I will use a lot of that information. Tomorrow is a shorter day, but there is a two hour seminar/lecture I have to get to. I'm expecting some very good information from that one. At least I'll get home around 3pm and then collapse.

      The weather got warm. It's still 73F (23C) here and 68F (20C) in Vancouver. But then the sun only went down about 35 or 40 minutes ago. But it is suppose to cool down around Tuesday (in Vancouver) and down to 70F (21C) by Thursday.
      Fantastic news! Sounds like you've had a really productive weekend and learned loads *huggles*

      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      This should have been yesterday,

      Day 11

      Hear hear! I loved Daniel/Vala in this ep, they had some beautifully written scenes One of the caps you posted inspired this a while ago

      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      Day 12

      The Ark if Truth
      ROFLMAO! Teal'c/Cam was pure class

      Love all the Cooipe shots

      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      Until you said that I actually thought he was doubling for a blonde WOMAN!!! Should have known he was in drag to double for RDA : P: P
      Huh! May I remind you what a huge MacGyver fan you were? I believe it was the hair that did it for you back then.


      There's a lot to be said for being a 'young' granny, I just had hoped to avoid it until I actually felt old enough

      Actually, I don't think that's ever going to happen : D Oh I hope not :eek :
      Not a chance, you'll be getting your telegram from the Queen (er, most likely King by then ) and still thinking - and acting like! - you're 16

      :eek : The one with the yellow t-shirt has printed out beautifully!!!!!
      Well of course it has fcol, it's definitely the best shot of the lot Although I did like one of him holding onto that beam


        Strange ships, mullets, male nekkidness, Coopie playing with Martin's Tool, Pre-con nailbiting and insanity...

        I love this thread too!
        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
          Strange ships, mullets, male nekkidness, Coopie playing with Martin's Tool, Pre-con nailbiting and insanity...

          I love this thread too!
          And of course, Nad's summing up

          *huggles Nad*


            Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
            And of course, Nad's summing up

            *huggles Nad*
            Summaries are heaven in the mind of Nad. It's crazy up there.

            *huggles back*
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              I was having so much fun I almost forgot .....

              No 2 in Oma's Coopie Countdown

              *sighs thunkily* What's there not to love? RDA at his total hottest, total angsty shippiness, shooting Maybourne - finally! , and a great storyline

              It was really, really difficult choosing between this and my No 1 But you gotta wait for that....although I know most of you can probably guess which ep it is


                *sings along with Miley* It's the cliiiiiiiiiiimb

                (The girls are watching the Hannah movie )


                  Paradise Lost!
                  *dies of thunk*
                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    *thunks out*


                    *hugs the thread*


                      *falls in thread*

                      Had an awesome party yesterday! I also got some really sweet stuff of some friends (personalized items! ) and just back from last time of work...which was kind of weird since I am going to miss it in the end(even with all the trouble lol)...
                      This does make me realize it is all going to happen very soon

                      Oh and I got to hear that it's for 99,99% sure I got the internship(getting the papers later this week )


                        I just thought to share this here if you're interested:

                        Comic Con There's more vids from there just go to this vidders channel The sound is a bit but I know that I'll take whatever I can get so...
                        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                          All right. I go away for a few hours and this really hasn't changed much since the first day I started reading it.

                          Anyhow, today was an easy day. A free breakfast/brunch and a few lectures. And I got home earlier. Needed that, I'm tired. But never too tired to be here.

                          Now I can relax. All I have to do is get the car washed, fill the tank with gas, get to the chocolate store, wash clothes, and pack....oh and sleep. And also prepare 13 meals for my cats and treats.... Is is Thursday yet?

                          Oh, I also need to find something to get signed (no pen EH-T, sorry). Hummmm, I could use another extra day or so (OR NOT!).

                          BTW - did you all see the two videos from Comic Con. Especially #2 that shows scenes from Season 3. Amanda is right....the show it really getting hotter. And it starts now near the end of SEPTEMBER! Yea!!!!
                          Last edited by llp; 25 July 2010, 04:00 PM.


                            Laurie I just watched Pt2 and did a little "Woohoo" and fist pump out loud in my living room.

                            Season 3 looks beyond Awesome.

                            So excited.


                            DM, thank you for the links. The sound is better if you watch through headphones than normal speakers. I shall watch the whole thing tomorrow when its not silly o'clock here.

                            *wanders off to bed bouncing all the way*


                              Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

                              Laurie I just watched Pt2 and did a little "Woohoo" and fist pump out loud in my living room.

                              Season 3 looks beyond Awesome.

                              So excited.


                              DM, thank you for the links. The sound is better if you watch through headphones than normal speakers. I shall watch the whole thing tomorrow when its not silly o'clock here.

                              *wanders off to bed bouncing all the way*
                              Thanks for the advice!!!! It is a lot better!!!! Awesome

                              I'm just so giddy right now, I don't think I'll be able to sleep. Thank god for all those wonderful ppl who film these stuff
                              Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                                Hmmm...headphones...Okay, I will pull them out. Thanks.

