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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Sarai View Post
    Thanks guys

    Just watching Fragments. Enjoying Colin Cunningham's performance - so nice to see a bit of emotion coming out of him for once!!
    Oh yeah!

    The dvd commentary for that is Ryan, Damian and I can't remember who but it's great


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      Why do you think I chose Wednesday?

      You might want to re-read that ^^^

      Hmm... well yes all except the giving birth to him bit could apply to hubby too.

      (My sentence structure need some work tonight huh! )

      Hey, hang on... I thought it was tease Jumble day today!


        Originally posted by cagranosalis View Post
        hmm... Well yes all except the giving birth to him bit could apply to hubby too. :s

        (my sentence structure need some work tonight huh! )

        hey, hang on... I thought it was tease jumble day today! :d

        IN 36 DAYS


          *hugs Cags*

          *hugs Sarai for Dave leaving her alone*

          *hugs all other wooohoos*

          Oh and Nad you get a big hug from me as well for the help you gave me on Monday

          Sorry got nothing else to say I almost feel guilty for being so quiet lately


            *huggles Cags and Sarai*

            *runs through thread nekkid*
            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


              hiya woohoos!

              Home in my family home in warm warm Brizzie! It's weird being so warm in winter...

              *huggles everyone*

              *laughs hysterically at Jumble's comment to Cags*

              Oh dear...that's just....oh dear...hehehehehe

              Edit: Hi Yessika! *waves*


                Hi Bekki!! *waves back*
                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                  *Wonders is absence has been noticed...*
                  I really should post more often, I'm missing so much, so *Hugs Woohoos that need it* and *Hugs to everyone else*
                  Awesome things happening on SWAC. (One of the teen shows I watch. )
                  Eeep!! The Canon ship has sailed!! And they went on a first date.
                  And I can look forward to Raven guest starring, and Sonny winding up in a polar bear costume, as well as dressing up another guy. (She's done it before, quite a funny and sweet ep. ) and Chad winds up in a hotdog costume!! Doing it for his "Lady" hehe.
                  Only sad thing is I have to wait a month for a new ep. But I get two in one night!! Woohoo!!

                  And I helped someone move!!
                  Don't know her name, but me and my church's youth group helped her by wiping out empty cupboards, and carrying stuff to the car, then bringing to her new place (She's only moving like five houses down. )

                  Another random thing, I was watching this interview thing for Eclipse, and the host asked the cat if they wanted Justin Beiber to be in a movie, the audience boo'd. Then he said maybe he can be one of the Vampires that dies. Cue applause.
                  I just personally don't get the attraction. *Shrugs* Same with the Jonas brothers. Never really was a fan of them. *Shrugs again*

                  So how's everyone been?


                    Hi Valerie!!! *huggles*

                    So...our country got a new prime minister overnight...umm...what is going on??? WTF Australia?!


                      Hi woohoos!

                      I'm sorry I've been quiet, and so behind on the thread (again ) but got a friend staying over and we've been super geeky, watching Stargate. We watched The Lowdown. Got to see lots of Martin, Damian, Joe... and Coopie (sigh).

                      Miss you all, will try to catch up!

                      Made by the lovely Jakie


                        That's weird Bekki...but is it at least a good change?(the new prime minister)

                        *hugs Wendy* Good to hear you're having fun!

                        I gotta run...I must stop falling asleep while watching TV


                          nope, not a good change! The country is soooo not happy! (well...everyone I know at least...)


                            *hugs* That sucks! Why did it happen...or do you not know that?


                              I'm not all up on my politics, but the prime minister introduced a tax that the rest of his party was not too happy with, so they staged a bit of a coup and got rid of him overnight...

                              And considering the fact that a large portion of our country only voted for that party because he was prime minister, means that there are now a lot of unhappy Australians! I think they are going to call an election


                                Ouch! Another county that hits the dust with its politics! *hugs*

                                SQUEE! Just got my passport back! I've got officially my visa now! Sweet!

