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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    I don't have anyone up there. I hadn't even heard about it until a few minutes ago.

    Utterly, utterly senseless


      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      *hugs our UK WooHoos*
      Amen to that. Even though there aren't any Woohoos from that area, it is still painful because it is so close to home. I pray for the families that are going through this pain because a very depressed man felt that he needed to hurt people to release his own pain. It only causes more.

      *goes back to lurking*
      I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


        *rushes in*

        *huggles to all my woohoos that need them* Take as many hugs as you need! Especially today.

        I'll try to be back tomorrow with a proper post. I promise.
        Made by the lovely Jakie


          *runz through thread nekkid, cuz...well...cuz*

          EDIT: *runz back through to ogle House in sig* Niiiiice


            Morning WooHoo's

            RL is getting in the way of my posting here but it's been mostly fun so I can't complain.

            Jumble, glad you like the Martin sig and I hope you're better today.
            Josi, that picture was lovely.
            LJ good luck with video.
            Sarai, good luck with the nerves.
            Nikki, you are so right. This stuff happens more in US and whenever it does it is always some person who feels the need to punish innocent people for their pain before finally killing themselves. It causes nothing but pain all around.

            "Huggles for all WoHoo's" on days like this we need as many as we can get.

            I am going to try to get more pix and a "report" of sorts of my weekend on here as soon as I can. The Path of Life was amazing and I can't wait to share what it was about.

            Also, last night I was hostess at a private wine tasting held at a local restaurant.
            There were 20 people, the wines were in the $65 to $100 range Way out of my budget but the people we held this for are lawyers, doctors and men and women who own their own businesses and doing quite well.
            I think woohoo's might be interested in the food.
            They started with platters of flatbread with smoked salmon and shaved Parmesan.
            Then came the platters of polenta cakes with lobster claws.
            Then came the platters of grilled scallops, grilled white asparagus and pineapple wrapped with prosciutto.
            Then came the "pasta cake" They line a lasagna pan with eggplant strips, fill it with pasta, peas and ham, then invert the whole thing so the eggplant is on top (Kind of like an upside down cake) and it looks like a cake.
            Then came the wild mushroom risotto.
            Then came the platter of rolled pork roast. Inside was a whole sausage and surrounding that was roasted red peppers and spinach. This was served with carrots, peas.
            Finally, a chocolate chip torte with whipped cream and chocolate and lemon tarts.
            Fortunately, because I was hostess I managed to keep my eating and drinking down to a reasonable amount but if I had not been running around making sure everyone was happy I probably wouldn't have been able to move at the end of the night.

            Sometimes my job is extremely stressful and I wonder if I am in the right place but then I have nights like these and I realize the perks are worth the stress.

            Have a sparkling day Woohoo's.


              *runz thru thread nekkid*


                *sees nothing but a blur*


                  I look forward to your report, Bree

                  *hugs Jumble* I really hope you feel so much better ASAP!

                  I've told a few of you who asked, but I can finally say what I did on Saturday night. I (and 9 others) have been fundraising for the Alzheimer's Association for the past month with the intention of letting Kate Mulgrew know at CM16 how much we had raised. On Saturday night, we had dinner with Kate Mulgrew, Robert Duncan McNeil and Tim Russ (she brought them along) with Ron Gould and his wife. It was, without a doubt, the most amazing night of my life... EVER. You're not allowed to pinch me. I have to keep staring at the pictures just to prove to myself that I was there. It was just amazing to have this casual dinner with them, and have a really indepth conversation with Kate Mulgrew about life, sexuality and what our plans for the future are. I swear it was like having dinner with a group of friends. It was just incredible. There's a reason I've been ever since.

                  And moving on slightly, I finally got through to my driving instructor and booked my first lesson for next Friday and 1030am. I'm told that's a good time to have lessons.... who knows *shrugs*

                  I hope you're all well. I send you all hugs and love.
                  Made by the lovely Jakie


                    Afternoon all

                    Bree, that food sounds yummy!
                    *huggles Jumble* Really hope you feel better soon, it's been ages now
                    *squees with Wendy* I said it over PM but that's so awesome and I'm so happy for you And WTG you booking your driving lessons - good luck! It'll be scary but it only gets better
                    *huggles everyone else*
                    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                      I'm feeling fine in myself Wendy, it's just I'm still having trouble focussing and it's tiring and frustrating

                      Wow! What a fabulous night out you had And you kep it all a huge secret When do we get to see the pics????

                      Do yiou mean tomorrow for the lesson? I'll make sure I send you loads of calming vibes

                      It has been ages Josiane. I'm throughly ticked off with the whole thing now But I'm still hoping it will right itself without having to have a whole load of other stuff done.


                        I hope so too, and I can completely understand your frustration. *more hugs*
                        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                          Originally posted by josiane View Post
                          Afternoon all

                          Bree, that food sounds yummy!
                          *huggles Jumble* Really hope you feel better soon, it's been ages now
                          *squees with Wendy* I said it over PM but that's so awesome and I'm so happy for you And WTG you booking your driving lessons - good luck! It'll be scary but it only gets better
                          *huggles everyone else*
                          Thanks Josi *hugs*
                          I hope I don't crash the car!

                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          I'm feeling fine in myself Wendy, it's just I'm still having trouble focussing and it's tiring and frustrating

                          Wow! What a fabulous night out you had And you kep it all a huge secret When do we get to see the pics????

                          Do yiou mean tomorrow for the lesson? I'll make sure I send you loads of calming vibes

                          It has been ages Josiane. I'm throughly ticked off with the whole thing now But I'm still hoping it will right itself without having to have a whole load of other stuff done.
                          *hugs* At least this means the medicine has helped? I hope it calms down and you get to focus better.

                          I wasn't allowed I had to keep it secret. Trust me, it was hard! I mean, seriously, look at what I've been sitting on! I can send you some pics over email if you want. Also, there was a professional photographer there and those will be put on Kate Mulgrew's official website!

                          It's a week tomorrow, for my lesson. I have to sit all worried for a whole week!!!
                          Made by the lovely Jakie


                            The meds seem to have helped in that the migraine itself has stopped. Hopefully the sight thing is just an after effect

                            Oh yes please, send me pics! And give us the link to the website when the official pics are up

                            No, yiu don't sit there worried for a week! You put it out of your mind as a 'job done' now that you've fixed it up, and then next Friday morning you remind yourself that you only have to do as much as you feel comfortable with


                              Hey WooHoo's

                              *Huggles Jumble* so sorry things are still so weird with your eyes. I hope it clears up on its own without the need for any additional medical attention.
                              *Virtual "High Five" for Wendy!* That is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!! What a wonderful thing to have happen! And, good luck with the driving! I was terrified when I first learned and now I absolutely love to drive!
                              *sheilds eyes from LJ's nekkidness* Twice in one 24 hour period? Scandalous!

                              Short break over. Back to work.


                                Okay, Woohoos! I need your help! I'm trying to stay off the adoption forum today. Someone distract me, quick!

