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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    That was never something I worried about, and frankly was never an inducement to stop. Smokers don't see it like that, they're more likely to grit their teeth against it (I just felt that urge, even though I'm no longer a smoker) and they definitely don't respond to any kind of pressure to give up, not successfully anyway

    I totally understand that you want to keep your home (and your lungs) smoke-free, but I have to tell you that making rules that you think will restrict someone from smoking will in fact make them more determined to keep doing it, no matter how cold, wet and uncomfortable they have to be in order to do it

    It's all part of the addiction I'm afraid. The only way a smoker will successfully give up is to do it because they want to, for themselves. Saving money isn't a strong enough inducement. Being healthier isn't a strong enough inducement. The only thing strong enough is 'I don't want to do this anymore!'
    The interesting thing is that carrying an oxygen tank around is one of Charmaine's biggest fears. She actually has nightmares about it and it's the reason she keeps trying to quit. At this point in her life I guess it's just not strong enough. Ironically, I used to be a smoker. I started when I was 14 and quit when I was 24. Obviously I wasn't allergic to it back then. Char and I met when I was 33 and in the beginning her smoking didn't seem to bother me but then I kept getting sick for seemingly no reason and I found out it was the smoke. Interestingly enough I never asked her to quit and she never tried until recently. I just kept the windows wide open (even in winter) and tried to stay away from her whenever she lit up.
    Now it's been 10 months since since the last time she had a cigarette in the house and smoking outside is the only rule that exists mainly because it has too. She tried smoking in the car with me once a couple of weeks ago and I had to pull over because I couldn't catch my breath.

    She says she doesn't want to smoke anymore but I don't think she has truly had that "I" moment yet.


      Originally posted by Sarai View Post

      Awesome Bree

      As a "former" smoker (meaning I lose all willpower when drunk ) I completely agree .

      And since this thread has not seen a decent Dan pic for daaaays () I present the following...

      <lazy snip>

      And look who are these people that WE ARE GOING TO MEET IN 66 days???

      I have never seen that picture of Amanda before. How did I miss it?

      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      I make it 65

      And I think that guy is the one I was dreaming about last night..........

      No idea who she is though.............

      That wood be the woman in MY dreams last night. Hmph!


        Originally posted by Sarai View Post

        Well I wasn't sure about it being 65 days so I counted and got 66...I shall count again

        EDIT: I was counting the Friday - so really it is 66 days, but 65 days until it's only one more sleep. If you see what I mean...
        I'm going by the countdown under my sig which was set up by someone on the GABIT thread. I guess it depends on the time zone, but we'll be crossing over that on the way there

        She says she doesn't want to smoke anymore but I don't think she has truly had that "I" moment yet.
        And until she does, she can't give up

        I don't exactly know what my "I" moment was, or what caused it. I just know that at some point a few weeks ago I calmly decided that when the current batch of cigarettes was gone I woodn't be buying anymore. And that's what happened. It's very strange, and I don't understand it at all, but there it is


          Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
          I have never seen that picture of Amanda before. How did I miss it?

          That wood be the woman in MY dreams last night. Hmph!
          Just be glad there's so little competition



            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            I'm going by the countdown under my sig which was set up by someone on the GABIT thread. I guess it depends on the time zone, but we'll be crossing over that on the way there

            And until she does, she can't give up

            I don't exactly know what my "I" moment was, or what caused it. I just know that at some point a few weeks ago I calmly decided that when the current batch of cigarettes was gone I woodn't be buying anymore. And that's what happened. It's very strange, and I don't understand it at all, but there it is
            That's the reason I don't hassle her about quitting. It has to be her choice.
            I quit in much the same way that you did Jumble. I finished a pack one day and just decided to not get another. Like you, I don't get why but it just happened. Now, if only I could lose weight so easily!
            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            Just be glad there's so little competition


            Now that I think about it the lack of competition is quite a good thing. At least I don't have to worry about Jann dragging Amanda off to have her wicked way with her the way she does with your Martin.
            I don't like to share and on this thread I have no fear of having to share.


              *hugs Bree* And yes you can keep Amanda for those wicked ways...I prefer Martin...and Shep...and bubu...and....Brad

              Jumble and Sarai you two are leaving the 29th right? Since I leave the 30th...don't wanna scare my parents with telling them there are some Woohoos on the loose on the airport(since we're travelling through Heathrow)

              Oh and before I forget

              *runs around nekkid*


                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                *hugs BreeJumble and Sarai you two are leaving the 29th right? Since I leave the 30th...don't wanna scare my parents with telling them there are some Woohoos on the loose on the airport(since we're travelling through Heathrow)
                But you survived 3 days with us scary Woohoos a couple of months ago - surely you returned and assured your parents that we are all grown-up, sane, polite individuals ?


                  Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                  But you survived 3 days with us scary Woohoos a couple of months ago - surely you returned and assured your parents that we are all grown-up, sane, polite individuals ?

                  Sure....they only saw some food pictures and the random car hugging picture...

                  They don't believe in sanity anymore

                  And is it already that long oh time flies!


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    I don't exactly know what my "I" moment was, or what caused it. I just know that at some point a few weeks ago I calmly decided that when the current batch of cigarettes was gone I woodn't be buying anymore. And that's what happened. It's very strange, and I don't understand it at all, but there it is
                    It's far more minor I know, but I know exactly what you mean. I've never smoked, but when I was younger I used to bite my nails obsessively, I mean, really badly. Tried everything under the sun to kick the habit and never could. Then for some reason, when I was in my early 20s, I just decided not to do it any more, and that was that. So I completely see what you mean.

                    Good on you for doing it, too
                    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                      Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                      Forgive the double post but since it's so QUIET in here I present the following sung to the tune of "I Need a Hero".

                      Where have all the Woohoos gone and where are all the PTB?
                      Where's the street-wise Martin Wood to fight for Woohoos like me?
                      Isn't there a white knight driving the hippy bus?
                      Late at night I toss and I turn and I dream of shippy-hippy us

                      I need a Woohoo, I'm holding out for at Woohoo 'till the end of the night
                      He's gotta be strong and He's gotta be fast
                      And He's gotta bring broccoli tonight.
                      I need a Woohoo, I'm holding out for a Woohoo 'till the morning light
                      He's gotta be sure and it's gotta be soon
                      And some chocolate would help with my life, with my life

                      I need a Woohoo!

                      Awesome! You know I'm going to try and find a kareoke/backing track version of this and make this into a Woohoo video now. It has to be done.

                      And, yeah, I had some green to give so consider it from me and Jumble. We Woohoos share everything.

                      Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                      Bored doesn't begin to describe it. Please entertain me.

                      Aw! on your doggy.

                      Charmaine left for New Hampshire on Monday and my cats are ignoring me. Like it's my fault that she left.

                      Do your cats give you that whole tail flick and bum presentation thing? Mine do whenever we come back from time away.

                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      I've been very busy with my new baby. I'd forgotten what hard work they are when they first start, but I did get a lot of smiles today so it's all worth it

                      I totally amazed myself this morning. There is quite a steep hill leading up to my road from the main road, and in the 20+ years that I've lived here I've never managed to walk up it without stopping a few times to catch my breath.Well today I did! And with a pushchair as well!! How's that for a darn good result after less than three weeks of NOT polluting my lungs with cigarettes?

                      Yay Jumble! That's fab. It's things like that that make it worthwhile and keep the incentive up to keep it up.

                      Incidently, my mum quit in much the same way you did; having smoked 15 to 20 a day from her twenties right up to her fifties she just decided to give up one day. She never looked back either.

                      Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                      Unfortunately Charmaine has started again. Actually, I think she never truly stopped but it was easy to hide it from me since she is away every other week. I caught her smoking in her car. She didn't realize that I had come downstairs and when I saw her blowing smoke out of the car window I walked up and said in a completely calm and rational voice "are you enjoying that?" . The look on her face still gives me the giggles whenever I think about it. Needless to say she is NOT allowed to smoke in the house or in the car when we are together (I am alergic to cigarette smoke) and I made it clear that I don't care how hot or cold or wet etc...the weather is, there will be no "just this once" moments. I learned from the past that this only leads to full time smoking in the house with me unable to catch my breath unless I leave the room.

                      So anyway, keep up the great work Jumble! Being able to breathe is so much better than worrying about whether or not you will eventually need to carry an oxygen tank everywhere you go.
                      Hang on? Are we married to the same person? Charmaine... Charles... yeah, I think we are!

                      Seriously though, that does sound a lot like Charles' many efforts to quit. Despite everything - and he's had lots of incentives to quit, both his own health and mine and trying for a baby and his sister's death, the cost and heaven knows what else... he just can't quite do it.
                      I think Jumble is right though; the person quitting need to have that I want to quit moment before they'll do it. I honetsly don't think Charles ever will and I've have, literally begged, pleaded and thrown the damn book at him (it's ok, it was a paperback and I got him in the chest so no real harm done ) to get him to stop but... while he's "given up" for short periods, he's always gone back on it because it's not what he wants. The daft thing is, apart from when we were trying for a baby and, uhm, trying to do everything to improve our very slim chance, I was never bothered by him smoking. I have never smoked and it never bothered me (and, when I was on the systems team I used to joke that I needed a bit of passive and nip into the smoking room with my friends!) They say ex-smokers are the worst and maybe the reason it never bothered me is because I never smoked myself. We've only banned smoking in the house since Benjabubs came along and that's purely because I don't think it's fair not to give him a choice to breathe it in or not.

                      At the moment Charles is experimenting with vaping - which is kind of like an electronic cigarette; you get the hit of the nicotine and the feel of taking a drag and the habitual nature of smoking is handled by the fact you are, in every sense, taking a drag of something but it is just nicotine vapour so doesn't smell and doesn't have all those other harmful chemicals in it that smoking does. He has a much less pronounced smoker's cough since starting. One odd side effect of the vaping for him has been he vapes far less than he would have smoked. I don't know why but he does; he says he doesn't feel the need to have more than a quick puff. It might be to do with the concentration levels of the nicotine in the liquid I suppose. Hey, who cares! Apparently a lot of the guys at his work do it because it's the only legal way they can have a nicotine hit while on the job. The key thing is, it's not a cessation aid like inhalers are - it's a replacement for smoking - so there's no pressure to move on from vaping to quitting altogether so there's no need to have a desire to do anything other than save a bit of hassle and money by doing it. You might want to look it up and see if it's something Charmaine might express interest in if she's of a mind:

                      Originally posted by starlover View Post
                      *hugs Bree* And yes you can keep Amanda for those wicked ways...I prefer Martin...and Shep...and bubu...and....Brad

                      Jumble and Sarai you two are leaving the 29th right? Since I leave the 30th...don't wanna scare my parents with telling them there are some Woohoos on the loose on the airport(since we're travelling through Heathrow)

                      Oh and before I forget

                      *runs around nekkid*
                      Ah but this one Woohoo lives so close to Heathrow... it would be a terrible shame to not stop by and wave madly at your parents... thus confirming their fears that you did, in fact, have a lucky escape whilst you were over here.
                      Last edited by Cagranosalis; 25 May 2010, 11:13 AM.


                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        i totally understand that you want to keep your home (and your lungs) smoke-free, but i have to tell you that making rules that you think will restrict someone from smoking will in fact make them more determined to keep doing it, no matter how cold, wet and uncomfortable they have to be in order to do it i'm not saying don't make the rules, obviously you have to. Just don't expect it to put her off smoking.

                        It's all part of the addiction i'm afraid. The only way a smoker will successfully give up is to do it because they want to, for themselves. Saving money isn't a strong enough inducement. Being healthier isn't a strong enough inducement. The only thing strong enough is 'i don't want to do this anymore!'
                        Good for you! Keep it up! Here a little incentive --> <-- McKay always has to be different.

                        (Sorry, no pictures of bums.)

                        Now, for a moment of concern....Jumble, you do realized that ET-H and I will have to restrain you if you jump MW when we go to the set. However, if you convince him to do the jumping....all bets are off!
                        Last edited by llp; 25 May 2010, 11:17 AM.


                          Originally posted by josiane View Post
                          It's far more minor I know, but I know exactly what you mean. I've never smoked, but when I was younger I used to bite my nails obsessively, I mean, really badly. Tried everything under the sun to kick the habit and never could. Then for some reason, when I was in my early 20s, I just decided not to do it any more, and that was that. So I completely see what you mean.

                          Good on you for doing it, too
                          It's exactly the same thing, and the reason I know this is that I also bit my nails from when I first got teeth until I was in my late twenties. Not just the nails, but the skin and quick too.

                          Now you know why I'm so obsessive about taking care of my nails and get hysterical if I break one

                          Cags Yay Jumble! That's fab. It's things like that that make it worthwhile and keep the incentive up to keep it up.
                          The thing is, I don't need any incentive. What is weird and what convinces me that this time I really have stopped for good is that I don't feel like I've given up. I feel like I never smoked in the first place. Which seems ridiculous when you consider that I've been smoking since I was 12 years old (and I don't need to remind you how long ago that is ), but it's how I feel.

                          I find it very odd

                          Originally posted by llp View Post
                          Good for you! Keep it up! Here a little incentive --> <-- McKay always has to be different.

                          (Sorry, no pictures of bums.)

                          Now, for a moment of concern....Jumble, you do realized that ET-H and I will have to restrain you if you jump MW when we go to the set. However, if you convince him to do the jumping....all bets are off!
                          I can't imagine why you wood think I might do that! I'll be perfectly well behaved and quiet as a mouse, honest!

                          But if he were to offer me a hug, you woodn't hear me saying no


                            After reading, I must say that the WooHoodSock story is one of love and devotion, of willpower, femininity and courage. WooHoos are brave, huggable and wonderfully crazy. Strong, able to admit their faults and celebrate the good in them and life. WooHoos PMS and squee, WooHoos are creative and well spoken.

                            We rock, darn it!

                            *jumps on the couch and sings Bree's song. Nekkid*
                            *realises that she has been riding too many laps around the block on kikker*
                            *hugs WooHoos*
                            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                              After reading, I must say that the WooHoodSock story is one of love and devotion, of willpower, femininity and courage. WooHoos are brave, huggable and wonderfully crazy. Strong, able to admit their faults and celebrate the good in them and life. WooHoos PMS and squee, WooHoos are creative and well spoken.

                              We rock, darn it!

                              *jumps on the couch and sings Bree's song. Nekkid*
                              *realises that she has been riding too many laps around the block on kikker*
                              *hugs WooHoos*
                              Yes, that's all true. We are wonderful people one and all, and better for being brought together as we are

                              But tell me oh Wise WooHoo Leader, what does any of that have to do with socks?

                              And what's a kikker?


                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                Yes, that's all true. We are wonderful people one and all, and better for being brought together as we are

                                But tell me oh Wise WooHoo Leader, what does any of that have to do with socks?

                                And what's a kikker?
                                Ah yes. The sock. One of life's greater mysteries... *looks ...mysterious*
                                Socks. *nods*

                                And a ''kikker'' is a frog. But in this case it's the name of my shiny new bike. Because it's green.
                                Bicycles rock. *nods again*
                                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website

