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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Hey Woohoo's

    *hugs* Nikki and Yes for sports injuries. Ouch!
    *hugs* Josi for electrical scare.

    If it is possible for a person to fall in love with a machine that makes perfect cappuccino's and lattes at only .50 a cup then I am that person! I shall soon divorce Charmaine and marry my true love. You are all invited to the wedding and the cappuccinos and lattes are on me.

    Did anyone else have issues with FV last night? It did an automatic update and then refused to relod for me. Kept telling me I need to update Flash. I did that and then it still won't reload. My puppy will run away if not fed.

    Time to get ready for work. RL is so annoying.

    *hugs all around*

    EDIT: Jumble, I got the pic on the AT Thunk Thread. I spend a lot of time over there as one could imagine.
    Last edited by wine_buyer; 28 April 2010, 04:06 AM.


      Originally posted by josiane View Post
      You are not hallucinating or in some kind of time warp, it is 11.30am on a Wednesday and yes this is me here. I should be at work. I am not. I am waiting for an electrician. Had a bit of a scare last night when there was a minor electrical fire in the switch to the extractor fan in my kitchen because water got into it (they think condensation in the air duct that the fan goes into). I had the fire brigade out and everything So now half the electrics in my flat are switched off until the electrician can come and take a look and make sure it's safe, and I'm stuck here trying to do as much work as I can while not actually being, you know, at work.
      On the upside, what were the firemen like?

      Anyway, I am absolutely thrilled for Jumble and keeping my fingers firmly crossed that the timings can be worked out so you can go. What a fabulous, generous and wonderful thing for EH-T, llp and Flow to do *huggles them*
      Indeed it is

      *still bouncing*

      Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
      Hey Woohoo's

      *hugs* Nikki and Yes for sports injuries. Ouch!
      *hugs* Josi for electrical scare.

      If it is possible for a person to fall in love with a machine that makes perfect cappuccino's and lattes at only .50 a cup then I am that person! I shall soon divorce Charmaine and marry my true love. You are all invited to the wedding and the cappuccinos and lattes are on me.

      Did anyone else have issues with FV last night? It did an automatic update and then refused to relod for me. Kept telling me I need to update Flash. I did that and then it still won't reload. My puppy will run away if not fed.
      I’ve been having loading issues for more than a week, and have already lost two puppies Try loading through the link instead

      Time to get ready for work. RL is so annoying.

      *hugs all around*

      EDIT: Jumble, I got the pic on the AT Thunk Thread. I spend a lot of time over there as one could imagine.
      They have pics of Martin on the AT thunk thread?

      *runz off to rescue him*

      Oh, and since it’s your birthday, a special AT pic run….


        Eeeeee! AT pics!!!

        Made by the lovely Jakie


, afternoon Woohoos!

          Nikki, so, let me get this right; your doc wants you to damage and be in excrutiating pain, before he can tell what's wrong. Even though he - and you - knows what's wrong already and there's a way of fixing it? Yeah, that makes sense.
          Well done on the softball though. *tries to pretend to understand American sports*

          Wendy, I'd bet you were an ice skater if I were a betting person.

          *huggles Josi for the domestic emergency* Scary stuff. I hope it's all ok.

          Happy Birthday Bree!

          Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
          If it is possible for a person to fall in love with a machine that makes perfect cappuccino's and lattes at only .50 a cup then I am that person! I shall soon divorce Charmaine and marry my true love. You are all invited to the wedding and the cappuccinos and lattes are on me.
          I'll come to that wedding.

          I'm more a tea person myself, although a cup of pure caffiene injected directly into my veins is necessary to get me started in the morning these days. But if I must have specialist coffees I chose mocha... no not really coffee I know. Hmm... or a Starbuck's peppermint hot chocolate. Yum!

          Did anyone else have issues with FV last night? It did an automatic update and then refused to relod for me. Kept telling me I need to update Flash. I did that and then it still won't reload. My puppy will run away if not fed.

          FV has been a bit of an arse for several weeks. They keep enhancing it (aka buggering it up) and every time they do it gets just that little bit less reliable. I don't even bother trying to use it after 12pm. Once the U.S. users wake up and start logging on as well as European users... forget it!

          Jann, um, yes, Bloody isn't a word we'd encourage children to use. As children, my brothers and me would take great delight in winding my mum up by reciting "I chased a bug around a tree I'll have his blood he knows I will." (say it fast).

          Benjabubs has opened a "shop" in my living room today but refuses to sell me anything. I'm sat here with my fake credit card, next to a fake till with all this plastic food and he won't let me buy it. What's the point of this game, I ask you.


            Hi kids!


            Just dropping off the second chapter of my latest fic, Going Under. For anyone who's interested

            Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

            Thanks Bekki


              I see the MQ problem's not fixed yet then.

              *grumbles good naturdly about "upgrades and improvements"*

              Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
              Hi kids!


              Just dropping off the second chapter of my latest fic, Going Under. For anyone who's interested

              Thanks, I rememebered to put this on story alert this time, as I won't read until complete (too impatient to get to the next chapter so would rather wait and do it in one go).

              When I logged in, it gave me that "are you human" thing and thee two words I had to put in were "raids" and "hammond". Do you think it knows?


                It's not just the multi-quote, it's every type of reply box being affected It just took me nearly 20 minutes to make a pm

                *looks at Bree*


                  Cags -- you're a good better (bettee?) But I'm not that good. Though I am going to see Torvill & Dean's Dancing On Ice TOUR tonight!!!! WHEEE!

                  I'll take a seat that wedding, too...
                  Made by the lovely Jakie


                    Huh, and the quoiting thing is working now?

                    Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                    Cags -- you're a good better (bettee?) But I'm not that good. Though I am going to see Torvill & Dean's Dancing On Ice TOUR tonight!!!! WHEEE!

                    *iz jealous*

                    I used to do a lot of skating in my youth. I was a regular at Richmond rink every Friday night and got quite good at it. Then the knocked the rink down to build luxury flats on the land, as it overloooked the river and yuppies wanted to live there. That was on the proviso that the property company rebuild the rink somewhere else, which they never did and have never been held to account for not fulfilling thier promise... b*****ds!
                    That was the end of my skating days, aside from a very brief relationship with an Italian boy who played ice hockey and dragged me along to a few games. I liked the game but, turned out, the only thing the boy had going for him was a big nose. Oh well.


                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

                      *iz jealous*

                      I used to do a lot of skating in my youth. I was a regular at Richmond rink every Friday night and got quite good at it. Then the knocked the rink down to build luxury flats on the land, as it overloooked the river and yuppies wanted to live there. That was on the proviso that the property company rebuild the rink somewhere else, which they never did and have never been held to account for not fulfilling thier promise... b*****ds!
                      That was the end of my skating days, aside from a very brief relationship with an Italian boy who played ice hockey and dragged me along to a few games. I liked the game but, turned out, the only thing the boy had going for him was a big nose. Oh well.
                      I'm not so good anymore. Been ages since I did it, and having had medical issues, but I'm getting better so we shall see.

                      on the boy. Turned out for the best, I think.
                      Made by the lovely Jakie


                        Originally posted by josiane View Post
                        You are not hallucinating or in some kind of time warp, it is 11.30am on a Wednesday and yes this is me here. I should be at work. I am not. I am waiting for an electrician. Had a bit of a scare last night when there was a minor electrical fire in the switch to the extractor fan in my kitchen because water got into it (they think condensation in the air duct that the fan goes into). I had the fire brigade out and everything So now half the electrics in my flat are switched off until the electrician can come and take a look and make sure it's safe, and I'm stuck here trying to do as much work as I can while not actually being, you know, at work.

                        Anyway, I am absolutely thrilled for Jumble and keeping my fingers firmly crossed that the timings can be worked out so you can go. What a fabulous, generous and wonderful thing for EH-T, llp and Flow to do *huggles them*

                        Eek!! Glad to hear it's sorted though! Very scary *huggles*

                        Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                        Cags -- you're a good better (bettee?) But I'm not that good. Though I am going to see Torvill & Dean's Dancing On Ice TOUR tonight!!!! WHEEE!

                        I'll take a seat that wedding, too...
                        Oy...I'm soooo jealous . I looooove Dancing on Ice

                        *huggles Bree* Did I hear tell of a birthday??! *whispers* Happy Birthday


                          *huggles Josi* I hope you can get back to work soon and I hope you don't have too much work

                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bree!!!!!!

                          Cags, what a cute game that Benjabubs made, did he ever let you use the card??

                          Upgrades and improvements... I'll go with my favorite saying: Don't fix it if it's not broken!

                          I ice skate once in a while, it doesn't hurt my knees but my legs hurt like crazy. I am such an old lady
                          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                            *Sneaks in*
                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY BREE!!!!!!
                            *Sneaks out*


                              Happy Birthday Bree!
                              I made you a present.

                              I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                                Happy Birthday Bree

                                *runs in huggling*

                                busy busy busy atm...thank god it's almost time for a break/vacation again (going to Rome next week)

                                *runs out since she is going to the premier of Iron Man 2*

