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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    *hugs Amanda*
    Some people are just weird like that... *shrugs*

    *hugs APA*
    It wood have been awesome to see you, but we give awesome 'in honour of...' parties.
    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      *hugs Amanda* <3

      I just had the worst pasta bake ever. You would think that is the one dish you can't mess up, but my sister has proven that it's possible
      Made by the lovely Jakie


        Evening Woohoos *waves*

        Originally posted by jumble View Post

        So I'm loading milk into my cheesemaker on Country Life and thinking to myself, wow the power of suggestion, I can actually smell that cheese!

        Cue smoke alarm.............

        Yes, I had some cheese on toast under the grill............
        I forgot you were a cheese fiend! I was thinking about getting in a selection of cheeses to enjoy with our wine, any choice options you can think of?!

        Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post

        Fixed them. It means I get into Leeds around 5:15pm (assuming there's no delay) and will probably mean waiting around? I don't mind. I'll find somewhere to get a drink
        Yay !! There's a decent starbucks in the train station. I'll come and get you straight from work though so you probably won't have to wait too long

        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        I still have no idea how we're travelling or when we'll get there Last I heard, Oma was looking at flights to Gatwick on the Thursday, from where I wood pick her up and then drive to Oxford on the Friday

        It'll work out, I'm sure it will

        *skips back a page to look at Cags' avi again*

        Edit: Why is it only 100x100? Did you shrink it, or didn't I make it the right size?
        Flying !!! Blimey! I'm sure it will all come together its just so extreme. Bloomin' strikers, why do have they to be so inconsiderate. Grrr . So what sort of time do we think you'll make it to Leeds if Oma flies to you on Thursday?

        EDIT: That question is directed more at Josi really since you have no sense of direction Jumble

        Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
        Hi WhooHoos!

        Wow. Just…wow. I don’t know what to say! First of all, I apologize for not being able to pop over yesterday. Our little spring snowstorm, while not of any great consequence in some respects, totally threw my whole day out of whack—this is the first time I’ve been able to sit down at the computer since yesterday morning. I had no idea you guys were planning a party! I’m overwhelmed, really and I feel just horrible that I couldn’t be here. I honestly don’t know what to say, except thank you so much! All the artwork is amazing and the fact that you all even thought of me…well…I’m verklempt. Really.

        So, thank you—everyone—so so much. Giant *hugs* to all of you!!!!!!

        (((((APA))))) Glad to see you could pop in! And hope you had a lovely birthday


          Originally posted by Sarai View Post
          Evening Woohoos *waves*

          I forgot you were a cheese fiend! I was thinking about getting in a selection of cheeses to enjoy with our wine, any choice options you can think of?!

          Yay !! There's a decent starbucks in the train station. I'll come and get you straight from work though so you probably won't have to wait too long

          Flying !!! Blimey! I'm sure it will all come together its just so extreme. Bloomin' strikers, why do have they to be so inconsiderate. Grrr . So what sort of time do we think you'll make it to Leeds if Oma flies to you on Thursday?

          EDIT: That question is directed more at Josi really since you have no sense of direction Jumble

          (((((APA))))) Glad to see you could pop in! And hope you had a lovely birthday
          I can't wait! I can't wait. I'll PM you my phone number if I haven't already done it.
          Made by the lovely Jakie


            Originally posted by Sarai View Post
            Flying !!! Blimey! I'm sure it will all come together its just so extreme. Bloomin' strikers, why do have they to be so inconsiderate. Grrr . So what sort of time do we think you'll make it to Leeds if Oma flies to you on Thursday?

            EDIT: That question is directed more at Josi really since you have no sense of direction Jumble

            Well if we go with the plan B of Oma flying and then both me and her getting to Jumble on the Thursday evening, then we can really come up to Leeds whenever as we'll have the whole day. It'll still only be a 4 hour journey as even though Jumble's further south than me she's closer to the motorway and the route's more direct (M25 traffic permitting ) So we can time it for when you'll be ready to have us arrive
            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


              Well you can take your time really as if I'm picking Wendy up won't be home til about 6pm anyway!

              *squishy huggles Jumble* You having fun with Woody?


                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                Evening Woohoos *waves*
                I forgot you were a cheese fiend! I was thinking about getting in a selection of cheeses to enjoy with our wine, any choice options you can think of?!
                Shhhhhh! I'm not supposed to eat cheese at all But I do allow myself a little treat now and then

                Yay !! There's a decent starbucks in the train station. I'll come and get you straight from work though so you probably won't have to wait too long

                Flying !!! Blimey! I'm sure it will all come together its just so extreme. Bloomin' strikers, why do have they to be so inconsiderate. Grrr . So what sort of time do we think you'll make it to Leeds if Oma flies to you on Thursday?

                EDIT: That question is directed more at Josi really since you have no sense of direction Jumble

                Yes, it does seem a bit extreme, but in fact it will make it easier for me because I won't have to tackle the train journey to Oxford carrying the cold box with the desserts in

                And also on the upside is that Josiane, Oma and I will have Thursday night and a good chunk of Friday to spend together

                We might even pop into Anderson's for a quick lunch before we travel up to you

                Originally posted by Sarai View Post

                Well you can take your time really as if I'm picking Wendy up won't be home til about 6pm anyway!

                *squishy huggles Jumble* You having fun with Woody?
                Oh yeah!! He's a very fast mover, we've been zipping around all over the place

                Lee and Joel gave him their seal of approval too

                Apparently there's more 'leg-room' in the back


                  *closes eyes*
                  *chants: Woody is a car... Woody is a car... Woody is a car...*
                  *opens eyes*

                  Goes to find something fluffy to do. Pat the dog. Draw butterflies. Discuss the day with Joe the Green Bunny...
                  Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                  Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                    *closes eyes*
                    *chants: Woody is a car... Woody is a car... Woody is a car...*
                    *opens eyes*

                    Goes to find something fluffy to do. Pat the dog. Draw butterflies. Discuss the day with Joe the Green Bunny...
                    Of course he is, what were you thinking?

                    Yes, go explain yourself to Joe the Green Bunny, see if he understands



                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      Of course he is, what were you thinking?

                      Yes, go explain yourself to Joe the Green Bunny, see if he understands

                      It's because I'm little isn't it?
                      That's why everyone picks on Nad...

                      Joe understands.
                      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        For me, clothes shopping is very stressful, I hate it

                        For me it is fun. I love shopping. Love Love Love.

                        Except groceries...I HATE doing those...I find those stressful...certainly since I usually have to do it around busy times


                          Aw *huggles little Pukkie*

                          *looks at pic of Joe watching S/J snog*

                          Joe understands what? What goes on in the back of the car? Why more leg-room is a useful thing to have?

                          What have you been teaching that poor bunny???


                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            Aw *huggles little Pukkie*

                            *looks at pic of Joe watching S/J snog*

                            Joe understands what? What goes on in the back of the car? Why more leg-room is a useful thing to have?

                            What have you been teaching that poor bunny???

                            Can't talk. Laughing my backside off.
                            Made by the lovely Jakie


                              And now you're laughing at poor little Pukkie.

                              It's because she's little isn't it?


                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                And now you're laughing at poor little Pukkie.

                                It's because she's little isn't it?

                                I was laughing at what you said. But I suppose, by extension, I was, yes.

                                But no worries. Laughter cures everything. Even things little ones don't want to see! So laugh, laugh, laugh.

                                ...I've had a lot of sugar...
                                Made by the lovely Jakie

