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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by josiane View Post
    Woohoos + excessive quantities of sugar... take cover everyone
    I could do with some of that right now

    Speaking of which, I'm having lunch with Stuart on Sunday so we can have a serious discussion regarding the conveyance of Anderson's desserts to Leeds in April. And exactly which ones

    And how many...........


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      I could do with some of that right now

      Speaking of which, I'm having lunch with Stuart on Sunday so we can have a serious discussion regarding the conveyance of Anderson's desserts to Leeds in April. And exactly which ones

      And how many...........


      It's taken me the best part of 3 hours to update the nominations table for the Artwork Awards...and we've only had four sets of nominations so far !!!

      *passes out*


        *drools some more*
        *huggles Jumble and Stuart for awesomeness*
        *drools a bit more for good measure*
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          Nad does not like speedskating right now. Just sayin'... Carry on.
          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


            Originally posted by Sarai View Post


            It's taken me the best part of 3 hours to update the nominations table for the Artwork Awards...and we've only had four sets of nominations so far !!!

            *passes out*
            That's what you get when you don't apply restrictions

            Which reminds me, I haven't done mine yet

            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
            Nad does not like speedskating right now. Just sayin'... Carry on.
            Why? Did you imagine OBPTB tripping over each other and ending up in a jumbled heap?



              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              That's what you get when you don't apply restrictions

              Which reminds me, I haven't done mine yet
              True. But then we apply restrictions to the voting stage so I don't mind too much for this stage. It just takes a lot of work . Still, it's a chance to hone the old spreadsheet skills

              And there's still plenty of time, deadline is 6th March


                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                That's what you get when you don't apply restrictions

                Which reminds me, I haven't done mine yet
                Me neither

                Why? Did you imagine OBPTB tripping over each other and ending up in a jumbled heap?

                Oh... that definitely woodn't make me dislike it. No... I wood pay money to see that

                Our guy got disqualifyed, that wood be ok, if he woodn't have skated the fastest time and was on his way to gold...
                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                  Originally posted by Sarai View Post


                  It's taken me the best part of 3 hours to update the nominations table for the Artwork Awards...and we've only had four sets of nominations so far !!!

                  *passes out*
                  Ya know, I was about to go check the Awards email to do just that.....but now, I don't think I'll bother tonight.......

                  *huggles Woohoos*

                  * at Nad and Jann* When will the Dutch learn that the only sports of consequence in the Winter Olympics are Downhill Skiing and Tobogganing (all types there of)? Now THERE's speed


                    Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                    Ya know, I was about to go check the Awards email to do just that.....but now, I don't think I'll bother tonight.......

                    *huggles Woohoos*

                    * at Nad and Jann* When will the Dutch learn that the only sports of consequence in the Winter Olympics are Downhill Skiing and Tobogganing (all types there of)? Now THERE's speed
                    What in earth is Tobogganing?!
                    And skiing... Isn't that with the sticks and little planks?
                    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                      Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                      Ya know, I was about to go check the Awards email to do just that.....but now, I don't think I'll bother tonight.......
                      Yeah, I wood recommend a strong shot of whiskey cup of tea before you even think about attempting it! Not that you drink, in which case send it my way

                      Will sending you my spreadsheet make compiling yours any easier? I'd say take the whole thing if we weren't doing it separately in the interests of fairness .


                        Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                        Whew, I just came in from a huge snowball fight with the neighborkids. It was me, my son and daughter against the three 3rd grade boys in our neighborhood. My two kids took off hiding, so it was me against the boys. Wow what a fight.

                        So, now I am going to take off my wet clothes, because I did get hit a few times (one time in the head which didn't make me happy), and plop down on the couch nekkid. Next to Jann. Move over woohoos.
                        *bounce bounce bounce*

                        Got on sugar low again...but I'm getting on high again(that happen when you give a kid for the first time in MONTHs candy)

                        *hugs for the kids*

                        *throws a snowball*

                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        I could do with some of that right now

                        Speaking of which, I'm having lunch with Stuart on Sunday so we can have a serious discussion regarding the conveyance of Anderson's desserts to Leeds in April. And exactly which ones

                        And how many...........

                        MANY MANY MANY!

                        I love desserts

                        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                        Nad does not like speedskating right now. Just sayin'... Carry on.
                        Me neither *sob*

                        *hits coach*

                        *jumps up and down on couch again*


                          *runz nekkid*


                            Originally posted by josiane View Post
                            *runs in*

                            Amanda, so glad your dad's surgery went well, that must be a big relief
                            Yessika, sorry you're getting sick, hope it goes away soon
                            ((((Bekki)))) for the hangover... but glad you're having a good time
                            ((((Bree)))), that really sucks

                            *huggles everyone*
                            thanks Josi, I'm actually feeling much better

                            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                            What in earth is Tobogganing?!
                            And skiing... Isn't that with the sticks and little planks?
                            I don't know what those are either

                            *huggles all woohoos on sugar high*

                            It snowed all day today!!!

                            I wish all winters in Texas were like this one
                            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                              Thanks for hugs Josi and Nad.

                              Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                              *runz in*

                              Having just eaten half a packet of jelly babies, I too am on a major sugar high!

                              We started toilet training Benjabubs today...
                              It's fair to say it perhaps hasn't gone brilliantly so far - hence the half a packet of jelly babies... and I'm eyeing up the easter eggs I stocked up on at the weekend right now. Any port in a storm.

                              *huggles Bree* Yes, you know what Jumble said. Perception is reality and, if it's important to you, then it's important and you get as upset over it as you like. Hope you didn't get a bad migraine in the end.

                              *huggles woohoos*
                              Thanks Cags and unfortunately I did get the migraine. Still have the remnants. Did you ever get a headache so bad it hurt to lay on a pillow? No fun

                              Good luck with the toilet training. In my experience the girls always got the idea way faster than the boys.

                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              I could do with some of that right now

                              Speaking of which, I'm having lunch with Stuart on Sunday so we can have a serious discussion regarding the conveyance of Anderson's desserts to Leeds in April. And exactly which ones

                              And how many...........
                              *iz not jealous*
                              Originally posted by Sarai View Post


                              It's taken me the best part of 3 hours to update the nominations table for the Artwork Awards...and we've only had four sets of nominations so far !!!

                              *passes out*
                              Sarai and Oma: You both deserve some sort of honorary award or Award of Merit or something for doing this. Thanks for your hard work.

                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              That's what you get when you don't apply restrictions

                              Which reminds me, I haven't done mine yet

                              Why? Did you imagine OBPTB tripping over each other and ending up in a jumbled heap?

                              I haven't either. It's so intimidating

                              Um..jumble-ed heap???

                              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                              Me neither

                              Oh... that definitely woodn't make me dislike it. No... I wood pay money to see that

                              Our guy got disqualifyed, that wood be ok, if he woodn't have skated the fastest time and was on his way to gold...
                              *hugs Nad*

                              Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                              Ya know, I was about to go check the Awards email to do just that.....but now, I don't think I'll bother tonight.......

                              *huggles Woohoos*

                              * at Nad and Jann* When will the Dutch learn that the only sports of consequence in the Winter Olympics are Downhill Skiing and Tobogganing (all types there of)? Now THERE's speed
                              What about Curling? Those brooms move pretty darned fast. *I love curling*

                              Originally posted by yessika View Post
                              thanks Josi, I'm actually feeling much better

                              I don't know what those are either
                              *huggles all woohoos on sugar high*
                              It snowed all day today!!!

                              I wish all winters in Texas were like this one
                              Glad you're better Yessika.
                              I wish winters in Connecticut were like the one you're having this year. Ours was a total washout. It was supposed to snow all day and it rained instead and now they are saying snow for tomorrow but I'll believe it when I see it as our weathermen (yes they're all men) haven't gotten it right even once so far.

                              *night woohoos*


                                *huggles Bree for migraine and weather*

                                I actually can't believe how accurate the weather reports have been lately

                                *huggles Sarai and Oma for being busy busy with awards*

                                *runs nekkid*
                                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr

