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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Morning Woohoos! All recovered from the celebrations yet? I've got catching up to do from when the Strictly final was on and from overnight

    *huggles everyone*
    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


      Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
      The opening shot in Continuum IS THE BEST ever opening shot EVER!

      I actually squee'd when I first watched the film, and turned to my friend and was like "EPIC!"

      Absolutely! But of course, my favourite thing was watching him actually making that shot on the bts and hearing him talk about it on the commentary

      Originally posted by josiane View Post
      Morning Woohoos! All recovered from the celebrations yet? I've got catching up to do from when the Strictly final was on and from overnight

      *huggles everyone*
      Can you believe that whilst celebrating Shipmas I was rewatching NINE eps of Sanctuary S2? Talk about multi-tasking

      I was amazed, looking at the stats, at how many posts I actually made, considering I wasn't 'doing' Shipmas this year


        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
        And, Jumble, its your fault. I ended up writing that sequel to Triming The Tree. (Truthfully it was written in my head days ago. I just needed to put th words in type which was... easier than I imagined so perhaps, I can do Charles' Crhistmas present after all. )
        But if I have nothing for Martinmas, start of anyway it's all your fault.
        Where's the link to that? I couldn't find it


          *walks sleepily aroun the woohoo house*

          Ooohhh bloopers; I love them

          Jumble...nine episodes in one day You've been busy! My record amount of episodes in one day is 7...


            *hugs WooHoos*
            *hopes she'll finish he Martinmas pressies in time*

            Originally posted by starlover View Post
            *walks sleepily aroun the woohoo house*

            Ooohhh bloopers; I love them

            Jumble...nine episodes in one day You've been busy! My record amount of episodes in one day is 7...
            My record is six, but that was he same ep over and over...
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              Originally posted by starlover View Post
              *walks sleepily aroun the woohoo house*

              Ooohhh bloopers; I love them

              Jumble...nine episodes in one day You've been busy! My record amount of episodes in one day is 7...
              Wasn't my idea, the boys kept on asking for the next ep

              Ah, the Magic of Sanctuary!

              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
              *hugs WooHoos*
              *hopes she'll finish he Martinmas pressies in time*

              My record is six, but that was he same ep over and over...
              Which ep was that?

              I think I've watched 12 eps in one day when I first got my SGA dvds...... and I've done more than that with the commentaries Major Martin overload


                My record is 16 eps in a day (for several days)... When I first got the SG1 DVDs and was doing a marathon to catch up.


                  Afternoon Woohoos!

                  I feel like I've been to a real party last night. And I didn't even have a drinkie.

                  Opening shot of Continuum - the first time I saw it I missed the very start (I think I picked it up just after they arrived on the ship in the Arctic so was a tad confuzzled by what was going on). But yes, when I did see it all the way through it was one of those shots that make you smile, nod and wish you had a masisve big screen Tv to watch it on.

                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  Where's the link to that? I couldn't find it
                  Uhm, well wood you believe, after I posted the video.fic list on page 68, nobody posted after. II think there were a few additions but not much. I think we maxed out the fic and videos too early! So it's the last fic on this list:


                  I also added a new half/sort of video last night, just because it was already done.

                  Right, that's more or less my one and only post for GW for today. Tonight has been officially designated pressie wrapping night here so later is out, and I have my stepson and his wife over in... about now, for dinner (roast beef, roast tatties, roast parsnips, sprouts, Yorkshire pud and gravy... yum) so best get on with the actual cooking thingie. He told us last night he might be moving to New Jersey for his job! Couldn't be somewhere nice and warm like, oh, say California, or somewhere nice and Martiny like, say, Vancouver. Still, cheap holidays and all that.


                    *stumbles in* Up early early early today! Seeing if we can drag ourselves to church on time instead of 15 minutes late. *munches cereal*


                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      Yes! It did for me too for a bit. Maybe the shippers broke it again.

                      *huggles Amanda*

                      I think you can be absolutely safe here regarding spoilers. We're all pretty good here.

                      *pokes Amanda to got pop into the Shipmas thread because I haven't seen you there yet. *

                      <snipped for space>
                      *huggles Cags back* You're right...I am that I'm certain of the episode title.

                      I think I made 11 posts RL got in the way and I was over at my aunt's and then when I got home I had *lots* of cleaning to do.

                      Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                      The opening shot in Continuum IS THE BEST ever opening shot EVER!

                      I actually squee'd when I first watched the film, and turned to my friend and was like "EPIC!"

                      I personally loved the part where Jack ya know...dies...and the close up on Sam's face...*happy sighs*

                      Originally posted by starlover View Post
                      *walks sleepily aroun the woohoo house*

                      Ooohhh bloopers; I love them

                      Jumble...nine episodes in one day You've been busy! My record amount of episodes in one day is 7...
                      Mine's about 10 which was when I first started watching Stargate way back in the day
                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      Afternoon Woohoos!

                      I feel like I've been to a real party last night. And I didn't even have a drinkie.

                      Opening shot of Continuum - the first time I saw it I missed the very start (I think I picked it up just after they arrived on the ship in the Arctic so was a tad confuzzled by what was going on). But yes, when I did see it all the way through it was one of those shots that make you smile, nod and wish you had a masisve big screen Tv to watch it on.

                      Uhm, well wood you believe, after I posted the video.fic list on page 68, nobody posted after. II think there were a few additions but not much. I think we maxed out the fic and videos too early! So it's the last fic on this list:


                      I also added a new half/sort of video last night, just because it was already done.

                      Right, that's more or less my one and only post for GW for today. Tonight has been officially designated pressie wrapping night here so later is out, and I have my stepson and his wife over in... about now, for dinner (roast beef, roast tatties, roast parsnips, sprouts, Yorkshire pud and gravy... yum) so best get on with the actual cooking thingie. He told us last night he might be moving to New Jersey for his job! Couldn't be somewhere nice and warm like, oh, say California, or somewhere nice and Martiny like, say, Vancouver. Still, cheap holidays and all that.
                      Hey now! I'm half an hour away from the border of New Jersey. It's not so bad...the summer's are good...except ya know we actually have a winter. And at least it's on the east coast...less travel time back to the UK.

                      Have fun Cags!

                      My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                      Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                        Piccies in da snow!


                        The dog:

                        My car:

                        snow height compared to my was on ground

                        Palm trees:

                        in front of our house

                        Vid of doing going crazy(ignore the sound...I was trying to get her crazy ) Crazy 11 year old dog


                          Awww so cute Jann!

                          And cute shoes!

                          My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                          Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                          Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                            Aw Jann, I'm so jealous! Still no snow here
                            And your dog is soo cute

                            *runs back to PS* So much to do!!!
                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              Originally posted by josiane View Post
                              Aw Jann, I'm so jealous! Still no snow here
                              And your dog is soo cute

                              *runs back to PS* So much to do!!!
                              *hugs* You guys must be the only place in the country without snow! It's crazy up here. Was supposed to be going home for Christmas tonight but had to cancel because I don't think my sister will be able to pick me up at the other end!

                              Sorry I couldn't make it for Shipmas as well, as you will see yesterday was a bit of a momentous day in RL.

                              Massive OT News...

                              So for the past few months I've barely been able to spend any time on the thread, but its not just that I've barely been able to spend any time doing other RL personal stuff, like keep up with friends and even spending time with Dave has been so difficult. I'm sure you guys are aware of this since I've been ranting about it for such a long time.

                              Over the past few days it got to the point where I was really struggling, and even feeling quite *depressed* though I hate to use the word. So yesterday after a lot of soul-searching I finally submitted my resignation. It was very emotional because I do still love the company and the people that work there, it's just affecting my personal life to the extent I can't carry on or keep doing anything like the hours I have been. My managers were amazing about it and said they completely understood. They have even offered to help me apply for other stuff, using my degree, as, really, what's the point of spending £20000 and three years to not use the thing.

                              I'm a little terrified since I don't have anything else lined up (and some pretty sizeable bills coming out in the next few months) but there are a couple of things I want to apply for, and if I don't get them then there's always temping! The bottom line is I'll be able to enjoy my life, spend time with loved ones and be around here a lot more often.


                              Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the support over the past few months and weeks in particular. I kept thinking about what Cags said about not waiting for something drastic to happen to finally realise what matters .

                              *hugs everyone tight*

                              *feels a little emotional and slightly wibbly*


                                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                                *hugs* You guys must be the only place in the country without snow! It's crazy up here. Was supposed to be going home for Christmas tonight but had to cancel because I don't think my sister will be able to pick me up at the other end!

                                Sorry I couldn't make it for Shipmas as well, as you will see yesterday was a bit of a momentous day in RL.

                                Massive OT News...

                                So for the past few months I've barely been able to spend any time on the thread, but its not just that I've barely been able to spend any time doing other RL personal stuff, like keep up with friends and even spending time with Dave has been so difficult. I'm sure you guys are aware of this since I've been ranting about it for such a long time.

                                Over the past few days it got to the point where I was really struggling, and even feeling quite *depressed* though I hate to use the word. So yesterday after a lot of soul-searching I finally submitted my resignation. It was very emotional because I do still love the company and the people that work there, it's just affecting my personal life to the extent I can't carry on or keep doing anything like the hours I have been. My managers were amazing about it and said they completely understood. They have even offered to help me apply for other stuff, using my degree, as, really, what's the point of spending £20000 and three years to not use the thing.

                                I'm a little terrified since I don't have anything else lined up (and some pretty sizeable bills coming out in the next few months) but there are a couple of things I want to apply for, and if I don't get them then there's always temping! The bottom line is I'll be able to enjoy my life, spend time with loved ones and be around here a lot more often.


                                Just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the support over the past few months and weeks in particular. I kept thinking about what Cags said about not waiting for something drastic to happen to finally realise what matters .

                                *hugs everyone tight*

                                *feels a little emotional and slightly wibbly*
                                *masssssive squishy hugs Sarai* That's wonderful news! It may not feel like it since you've not yet got a job lined up, but no job is worth all that stress and misery

                                You'll find the right job soon, and in the meantime you can enjoy your freedom and relax a lot more

                                And spend more time here with us of course

                                Open a bottle of wine and celebrate, but make sure you sober up in time for the Martinmas party starting tomorrow

                                See look, Dan is pleased for you....

                                *squishy hugs again*

                                I'm off out for Christmas dinner at Anderson's tonight Actually going for three courses

