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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by josiane View Post
    *runs in superfast before Sanctuary*
    *huggles LJ for missing girl-kid*
    *huggles Nad for providing picspam*
    *huggles Sarai for her nan* - any news hun? Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
    *huggles Cags for drunken weekendness and family strife*
    *huggles everyone else just because*
    *runs out*

    Edit: And RDA? Sooo a PTB
    And sooo hot
    *runs in&

    Sorry guys, actually have a week of day shifts this week and its been a pretty long one, *sigh*

    Got news from my sister - apparently my Nan has pleurisy which is a lining of fluid on the lungs very similar to pneumonia. It's easily treatable with a course of antibiotics and lots of rest but can cause a lot of chest pain and a collapsed lung if its not treated quickly enough. Apparently one of the causes can be coronary artery bypass graft which she had a couple of years ago so that makes sense.

    Anyway, she's staying with my Auntie and resting and hopefully will have a speedy recovery . Thank you for all your good thoughts and lovely wishes, I have a feeling they may have helped

    *huggles Woohoos*

    *happy dances*



      Originally posted by starlover View Post
      My ears!!!! How the hell did they get so far ?
      No kidding. It does destroy the soul, doesn't it? Everyone is celebrating the fact they're gone!

      Originally posted by josiane View Post
      The Great British Public is in many ways a stupid beast Although in other ways (as in with Katie Price in I'm a Celebrity) it can be a very clever one
      The 'I'm a celebrity' thing was funny!

      And I need more pictures of Damian Kindler, man. If I did, they'd be up here in a nano-second.

      Sarai *hugs* That's good news, and I hope she feels better soon.
      Made by the lovely Jakie


        You know there's no way out of it now Jumble

        *bounces around that RDA is finally a PTB*

        My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
        Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
        Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


          Hi Woohooooos

          *huggles all*
          *huggles Sarai and Sarai's sister*
          *huggles Martin*
          *huggles Luvnjack and girl-kid*
          *huggles Martin*
          *huggles Joe*
          *huggles RDA...I like this new PTBation*
          *huggles Coopie*
          *huggles Brad*
          *huggles any PTB she might have previously missed *
          *huggles *


            You know folks, I don't think RDA can be a PTB. I mean, look. Just look at the thread! We've been so busy squeeing and thunking out over this wonderful news that we've completely killed the thread... I mean, talk about dumbstruck!

            So, sorry RDA, I'm afraid you're just going to have to be a PTB's Muse instead, or possibly a potential PTB that we only ever drag out to tease Jumble with and prompt others into picspamming the thread with his awesomeness.
            As long as we get the occasional aformentioned picspam, you know, I am happy knowing that he's not so much as a PTB but a PTB's muse. Well he is you know. They had to write for him after all and, well, maybe if they'd had more women on staff he'd have got his shirt off more but, meh, so long as there's hair to ruffle, hands to stare at and a quippy line thrown out from time to time, I'm happy.

            Then again, as long as there's Martin's hand to stare at... and those lovely eyes and some toolage too... that makes me happy too.

            Sarai, good news about your nan. Ok well, not good she's poorly but good they know why and are treating it. My workmate once had pleurisy. It's not nice at all.
            *sends Sarai's nan some Get Well Soon huggles and positive vibes*

            I'm sitting here supposed to be working but really just biting my nails. My brother is seeing this specialist consultant today so by tonight we'll either have some goodish news, or some bloody awful news. Either way we'll know more of what might now happen for him.

            Fret fret fret fret... *sigh*


              *huggles Sarai* Good to hear about your nan and that they now know what it is!
              *huggles Cags* I'm crossing my fingers and toes for your brother!
              *huggles LJ for girl-kid and baby thing*

              *huggles everybody else for good measure too*


                I don't think he killed the thread so much as everyone was away from their computers

                Or they died from the thunk? Holy smokes.

                *hugs Cags*
                *hugs Sarai*
                *hugs Jann*
                *giant squishy hugs for everyone*
                Made by the lovely Jakie


                  *huggles Cags and crosses fingers and toes*
                  *huggles Sarai* That's good!
                  *huggles LJ*
                  *huggles Jumble because we haven't seen her in a few hours and that's reason to worry *
                  *huggles everyone else*

                  My cousin and I totally skipped our psychology class today

                  My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                  Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                  Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                    *hugs everyone that need hugs... and everyone else too*

                    *hugs Martin for being so awesomely cute and a great fanboy*

                    *skips out*


                      Wood morning, Woohoos! Thanks for all the hugs and huggles. Today will be better, I'm sure.


                        *munches cereal*

                        Dead thread day? Really? Ah well. I have a ton of stuff to do to prepair for our trip anyway.


                          *wanders in*
                          *looks round*
                          Who needs huggles today?
                          (((((Cags))))) Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
                          (((((Sarai))))) Glad your Nan's OK - not nice but not the worst thing it could have been by any means
                          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                            Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post

                            And I need more pictures of Damian Kindler, man. If I did, they'd be up here in a nano-second.

                            Hmm. Let's see what I can do...

                            Okay. First order of business: clean-shaven.

                            Second order of business: beard.

                            Hope I helped
                            ~the guitarists~


                              *runz in* I just snarked somebody, I just snarked somebody! *jumps up and down* I think Joe wood be pleased!

                              Here's what happened:
                              So, my sis had to do a 10 pg. paper on the "I have a dream" speech by Martin Luther King Jr. She put on her FB page that she was glad it was over and she felt weird discecting such a great speech. Her psycho neighbor retorts that it shouldn't have been hard, since Martin Luther King Jr. was funded by the communists and we all know communists are evil monsters (to paraphrase his stupidity). So, for those of you who don't know, I am the very proud Mommy of two black kids (we adopted them), and I let my sis handle things till this morning, when I just couldn't handle it anymore. This is what I wrote:

                              Ah. So civil rights was a part of the communist agenda was it? Well, paint me red and call me a commie! I and my two black kids are extremely grateful for MLK Jr. and his efforts on behalf of black people in this country! No amount of arguing will convince me he or what he believed in was monstrous or evil. Because of him and people like him, I HAVE my kids, and can look forward to them living in a world where they can vote, hold office, and excel at whatever endeavor they wish to pursue--all of which would have been impossible in MLK Jr's time.
                              Not as sarcastic as Joe, but I got the condescending tone down, right?

                              Sometimes, people just drive me nuts!

                              Last edited by Luvnjoe; 24 November 2009, 09:47 AM.


                                You go girl!
                                Excellent rant
                                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith

