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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    Oh unfair!!! She's still cute, in a sort of librarian type of way *runz away fast*

    *flounces off to bed in a sulk*
    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      I have to be the sour one who says: I do mind.
      SGU isn't the S/J homebase, even if they're in it. The appearances were short. How much can you drain that out? And as for non S/J SGU discussion, there's space for that in the SGU folder... I actually wood rather see a week of ABC games than SGU spoiler.

      Sarai do you know when the Easter Holidays are for schools? Because that wood be a good time for me How long are we staying? Couple of days? A week? Do I have to come back home?


        D'oh! Replyed to Nad but it didn't turn up *sigh*

        Nad, very true! I sort of want to talk about SGU but don't want to do it on the main threads but on the other hand I want to say that they should talk about it in the shipper OT lounge. Because when it's SGU, SGU, SGU it's grates on the nerves.

        Oh agree with you Jumble. I love her and can see where she was coming from when she said about M/S and relating it to S/J but then it got blown out of proportion which lead to the PTB bashing and it's just so annoying

        If I read one more comment about Teyla/Rachel not getting screen time I will go explody I swear!

        My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
        Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
        Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


          Belated birthday wishes Nad.

          A little something you might like:

          Josi that picture of you is just so darn cute!!!

          And to add to all of the box stories...Many moons ago when my kids were toddlers we built a "fort" from some huge old packing boxes that originally contained I don't remember what. It sat in our otherwise unused living room for a few years. The kids loved it and would play in there for hours especially when their friends or cousins came over. It was one of the few things they could do together that didn't cause an erruption of warfare. Ah the simple things that make kids happy and the things that in turn make moms happy.


            Originally posted by jumble View Post

            Sarai do you know when the Easter Holidays are for schools? Because that wood be a good time for me How long are we staying? Couple of days? A week? Do I have to come back home?

            Hmm well for University its a month from around March 20th-April 20th. For the schools its 2 weeks usually from Good Friday or the Thursday with Friday as an inset. Next year Good Friday is the 2nd April, so 2 weeks from then.

            Well I was thinking the easiest thing for you guys wood be a weekend. Certainly for Josi it wood. In which case I'll book a weekend off, inc. the Friday night and you come up on the Friday, leave SundayMonday?? It's up to you guys really!


              Aww guys you're making me jealous with all the ship meet talk! I wish there wasn't a pond separating me and LJ from the rest of you guys

              My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
              Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
              Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                D'oh! Replyed to Nad but it didn't turn up *sigh*

                Nad, very true! I sort of want to talk about SGU but don't want to do it on the main threads but on the other hand I want to say that they should talk about it in the shipper OT lounge. Because when it's SGU, SGU, SGU it's grates on the nerves.

                Oh agree with you Jumble. I love her and can see where she was coming from when she said about M/S and relating it to S/J but then it got blown out of proportion which lead to the PTB bashing and it's just so annoying

                If I read one more comment about Teyla/Rachel not getting screen time I will go explody I swear!

                Never mind, just take a little break until it swings back around

                Originally posted by Estrela View Post
                Belated birthday wishes Nad.

                A little something you might like:

                Josi that picture of you is just so darn cute!!!

                And to add to all of the box stories...Many moons ago when my kids were toddlers we built a "fort" from some huge old packing boxes that originally contained I don't remember what. It sat in our otherwise unused living room for a few years. The kids loved it and would play in there for hours especially when their friends or cousins came over. It was one of the few things they could do together that didn't cause an erruption of warfare. Ah the simple things that make kids happy and the things that in turn make moms happy.
                ..... and then there's the blankets and old curtains thrown over some chairs to make a tent/hidey hole/princess chamber/secret laboratory etc etc

                Oh and for you young uns, a blanket is what we used to use before duvets were invented


                  Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                  Hmm well for University its a month from around March 20th-April 20th. For the schools its 2 weeks usually from Good Friday or the Thursday with Friday as an inset. Next year Good Friday is the 2nd April, so 2 weeks from then.
                  Actually, thinking about it, it's all been changed down here. The school holidays have been fixed to a specific two weeks regardless of when Easter is I'll try to find out, but if it's a weekend it won't matter too much

                  Well I was thinking the easiest thing for you guys wood be a weekend. Certainly for Josi it wood. In which case I'll book a weekend off, inc. the Friday night and you come up on the Friday, leave SundayMonday?? It's up to you guys really!
                  Cool! So much better if we can do a couple/few days

                  Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                  Aww guys you're making me jealous with all the ship meet talk! I wish there wasn't a pond separating me and LJ from the rest of you guys
                  *hugs Amanda* We'd love to have to join us, it wood be really great to meet you and LJ One day


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    Oh and for you young uns, a blanket is what we used to use before duvets were invented

                    *pokes tongue out at Jumble*

                    Wish you could come!


                      *nods at Jumble* After night/tomorrow I will.

                      Luckily I have Sanctuary to keep me gimping for a while! I seriously fell so hard for that show...

                      hehe at the Duvets, I actually know what that is but it's said so little over here...

                      Edit- Yes I just have to get over that huge little fear of flying... But one day!

                      My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                      Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                        *hops in*

                        *reads it half...coz...she's weird*

                        Me wants to be on shipmeet too...*pouts* Amanda there is a tinier pont in here also between me and Nad and y´all

                        *does some happy nekkid dancing ...and passes out*


                          True Jann And there's a pond between Jas as well...what I wouldn't do for some good asgard beaming technology

                          *kicks GW* Again lost a post because of server maintenance!

                          My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                          Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                          Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                            Yup....and a whooooooooooole lot of land to Jas too!

                            Ahhh...beaming technology...for wood be awesome!

                            The "service maintaince" stuff is annoying me...a lot...


                              Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                              Christmas brother was 10 months old and my Dad was stationed in Korea (he was in the army ) and I...wasn't born....let alone thought of

                              Oh see now I feel sorta old.

                              Christmas 1984. I was... 13. That was they year my brothers got me drunk on white wine and bitter lemon. That night I laughed so hard at Mel Brooks' History Of The World Part II that I upchucked the whole bowl of dry roasted peanuts I'd just wolfed down. Oh dear.

                              Josi... Awww. What a sweet pic.

                              About S/J thread... me thinks I may take a break from there They've been really OT recently and everytime I go over there I think "So how am I going to be dissapointed today?"

                              Oh you took the words right out of my mouth.

                              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                              I have to be the sour one who says: I do mind.
                              SGU isn't the S/J homebase, even if they're in it. The appearances were short. How much can you drain that out? And as for non S/J SGU discussion, there's space for that in the SGU folder... I actually wood rather see a week of ABC games than SGU spoiler.
                              I tried making that point about the SGU thing - I mean I expected a lot of chat but there was about 4 pages solid of spoilered SGU stuff. I sort of made a point and a plea to them to add a pic or a fic rec or... anything, to each post - something Sam/Jack just to add balance but very few people actually took any notice and a couple of people even commented back that it was Sam/Jack shippy related... umm, yes. Ok. Well I'm sat here squeeing...

                              Originally posted by jumble View Post

                              And there I was about to suggest we do a weekly 'What do you remember/what were you doing in *insert random year*'

                              Edit: Yeah Amanda it's not much fun is it? And I guess we were overdue for some PTB bashing since we haven't seen any for, oh, at least a week
                              I too get similarly annoyed over the whole Teyla thing. I mean, I see their point of view, sort of, and things could perhpas have been handled better but, as Amanda says, Rachel Lutrell was pregnant and / or a new mother during those times. Did anyone bash PTB because AT wasn't in the first episodes of SG-1 S9? And, for that matter, she was in it much less throughout season 9 and 10, and even less in SGA S4. (The latter actually suited me fine because I am with Jumble on what I think of that).

                              Oooh sorry I seem to have come on here and started to rant. Just a little.

                              Hmm if you want to do a "Where were you" and be sure we were all about, how about the millenium. How did everyone celebrate (or not) that?
                              Mine was fairly boring. I worked on the systems team back then so I went to bed early because I was up and 4am to go to work (the party was still going on the next road down) where we tested the heck out of every single system in the building... for about five minutes when it dawned on us the millenium bug was a load of old cobblers. Then we sloped off and grabbed a load of stuff from the shop floor and I cooked us all a massive fry up.
                              How exciting.


                                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                                Oh see now I feel sorta old.

                                Christmas 1984. I was... 13. That was they year my brothers got me drunk on white wine and bitter lemon. That night I laughed so hard at Mel Brooks' History Of The World Part II that I upchucked the whole bowl of dry roasted peanuts I'd just wolfed down. Oh dear.
                                Your poor liver must cringe everytime you go near a bottle of any kind if you started that young

                                Speaking of peanuts....... when I was 10 (back to 1963 again ) I was staying with some cousins and my uncle took us down to the shop and bought us a bag of sweets each. Now I'd never had the choice of a whole bag of anything to myself before, so I chose peanuts. Scoffed the lot down in no time flat, then went outside to join in the jump rope with my cousins. Do I have to tell you what happened to the peanuts?
                                Josi... Awww. What a sweet pic.

                                Oh you took the words right out of my mouth.

                                I tried making that point about the SGU thing - I mean I expected a lot of chat but there was about 4 pages solid of spoilered SGU stuff. I sort of made a point and a plea to them to add a pic or a fic rec or... anything, to each post - something Sam/Jack just to add balance but very few people actually took any notice and a couple of people even commented back that it was Sam/Jack shippy related... umm, yes. Ok. Well I'm sat here squeeing...

                                I too get similarly annoyed over the whole Teyla thing. I mean, I see their point of view, sort of, and things could perhpas have been handled better but, as Amanda says, Rachel Lutrell was pregnant and / or a new mother during those times. Did anyone bash PTB because AT wasn't in the first episodes of SG-1 S9? And, for that matter, she was in it much less throughout season 9 and 10, and even less in SGA S4. (The latter actually suited me fine because I am with Jumble on what I think of that).

                                Oooh sorry I seem to have come on here and started to rant. Just a little.
                                That's ok, we're allowed to say what we think on here

                                Hmm if you want to do a "Where were you" and be sure we were all about, how about the millenium. How did everyone celebrate (or not) that?
                                Mine was fairly boring. I worked on the systems team back then so I went to bed early because I was up and 4am to go to work (the party was still going on the next road down) where we tested the heck out of every single system in the building... for about five minutes when it dawned on us the millenium bug was a load of old cobblers. Then we sloped off and grabbed a load of stuff from the shop floor and I cooked us all a massive fry up.
                                How exciting.
                                Um......... I can't remember what I did that night. I probably ignored it because I didn't accept it as being the millenium, it was a year too early

                                I was probably babysitting while someone else went out to celebrate

