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Chicago Creation 09

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    Hopefully I'll get around to buying my ticket next week!

    It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


      Hi Everyone

      Just thought I would stop by & say a quick hello. Hopefully by next week, I will be an extremely happy person and then I can concentrate on all things StarGate and Chicago.
      Lets Go Red Wings


        Man! Add me to the list of all of you cringing at the expenses. I just found out my go-to dogsitter (Mom) won't be able to take the dog while I am in Chicago. So now I have to find another $150 or so to board him. Sigh. Gotta get over it though, he is my dog not hers and she saves me a ton each year with how often she DOES take him.

        I am going back on forth still on what to do for the triplets' Christmas present pictures. They all said (again, not knowing I was going to do this for them), that if they HAD to choose, they would want a shot with Michael over Amanda. So I was going to do a different shot with Michael for each of them. But now I am thinking maybe it WOULD be cooler to have one shot with Michael and Amanda and just have us hold all three pictures up. They would all be getting the same picture...but maybe they would like it more with both Michael and Amanda?

        Let me poll you guys quickly (if I may ): What do you think would be cooler as an 8-year-old? 1) Getting your own picture of Michael and Miss Heather holding up a picture of you? Or 2) getting the same picture as your siblings of Michael, Miss Heather, AND Amanda holding up pictures of the three of you? (Price not a consideration, because either way I am spending too much!! )


          Originally posted by meimei View Post
          *le sigh* Unless my next royalty check is ginormous, I don't think I'm going to be able to make it to Chicago. I have my fingers crossed but the budget is straining from the reduced day job funds. I need a really sweet book deal! LOL
          Nooooo!!! You MUST come!!! *cries*

          But boy, I do know how you feel.


            Originally posted by Crichiel View Post
            Let me poll you guys quickly (if I may ): What do you think would be cooler as an 8-year-old? 1) Getting your own picture of Michael and Miss Heather holding up a picture of you? Or 2) getting the same picture as your siblings of Michael, Miss Heather, AND Amanda holding up pictures of the three of you? (Price not a consideration, because either way I am spending too much!! )
            With my experience working with kids that age, I would recommend the individual shot of Michael and Miss Heather holding each individual picture especially since they said they wanted a pic of Michael.
            Kids like to feel special and unique (We all do! )
            Triplets will go through so much all of their lives where people are having them share, I would suspect they might value having a special gift like this that is just for them! Put each picture in a unique and individual frames as well!

            That little extra special attention goes along way, especially down the road as they get older.

            That's just my 2cents worth!



              Originally posted by DanaLee View Post
              Hi Everyone

              Just thought I would stop by & say a quick hello. Hopefully by next week, I will be an extremely happy person and then I can concentrate on all things StarGate and Chicago.
              hi DanaLee:

              how r u??? hope all is well with u??? i cant wait to meet u in agust. make sure u come by and say hi, i will be in B24. did anyone get the new samantha carter t-shirt, i just ordered mine. take care, be safe, your friend james from chicago. say Dana are u going perferred or gold????


                Originally posted by Seshat View Post
                Nooooo!!! You MUST come!!! *cries*

                But boy, I do know how you feel.
                I haven't given up hope but it's a pretty thin chance at this point. I should have another check in the next couple of weeks. We'll see what it looks like...


                  There was an article about the different cons happening this summer in the Chicago Tribune today in their arts section called '90 days of the geek'. It mentioned this con (of course) and had a picture of some "Wraith Warriors".

                  I squeed

                  It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                    YAY!!! They've finally opened the music video contest!!! -DANCES-


                      Cool and it looks like it's open to just about anything or anyone Stargate SG1 or Atlantis related!



                        have people heard about what's been going on with the Torchwood con?
                        First Kai (Rhys) cancelled because of his wife miscarried, then a few days before it started John (Jack) injured his foot and couldn't travel and now apparently Tom (PC Andy) got hit by a car and is in the hospital with a broken arm!

                        It seems that the con has been cursed (someone on LJ mentioned that if this was a Buffy episode it'd be half over by now and was the point where people would 'light a candle and say a prayer' for Gareth (Ianto)

                        hopefully nothing like that'll happen in August! *knocks on wood and gets a rabbit's foot*

                        It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                          Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post

                          have people heard about what's been going on with the Torchwood con?
                          First Kai (Rhys) cancelled because of his wife miscarried, then a few days before it started John (Jack) injured his foot and couldn't travel and now apparently Tom (PC Andy) got hit by a car and is in the hospital with a broken arm!

                          It seems that the con has been cursed (someone on LJ mentioned that if this was a Buffy episode it'd be half over by now and was the point where people would 'light a candle and say a prayer' for Gareth (Ianto)

                          hopefully nothing like that'll happen in August! *knocks on wood and gets a rabbit's foot*

                          Just don't loose that rabbit's foot... otherwise you're screwed


                            Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post

                            have people heard about what's been going on with the Torchwood con?
                            First Kai (Rhys) cancelled because of his wife miscarried, then a few days before it started John (Jack) injured his foot and couldn't travel and now apparently Tom (PC Andy) got hit by a car and is in the hospital with a broken arm!

                            It seems that the con has been cursed (someone on LJ mentioned that if this was a Buffy episode it'd be half over by now and was the point where people would 'light a candle and say a prayer' for Gareth (Ianto)

                            hopefully nothing like that'll happen in August! *knocks on wood and gets a rabbit's foot*
                            Lol, Yes and EG and I are going to this tomorrow.... So keep the fingers crossed that Gareth is okay
                            awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                              Originally posted by spork67 View Post
                              Just don't loose that rabbit's foot... otherwise you're screwed
                              wow...feelin' the love

                              @ ~Sarah~; from the brief blurb that I saw on LJ it seemed that Gareth made it there fine and was quite funny.

                              It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                                Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
                                wow...feelin' the love

                                @ ~Sarah~; from the brief blurb that I saw on LJ it seemed that Gareth made it there fine and was quite funny.
                                He was absolutely frelling hilarious!!!! And John... well John was just--- I will put it this way... even though he was via Webcam, I have not laughed that insanely hard in a long time.... My stomach still hurts...
                                Seriously I'm going to market him as a new workout for the abs... He is just too funny... Such genuine personality to really do what he can for his fans...
                                All of the guests were that way...

                                And I have to say, that Peter(squee! We met Watson) is just absolutely so cute in person, and such the gentleman...

                                It was a nice little con to attend, but now really has me all that much more excited for us all to get together in August....
                                awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo

