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    I just finished listening to the last podcast(58) and I'd like to add to that one that we as foreign fans, can't really put much effort into the live viewing ratings, since, well in my country, they still have to air season 5 of Atlantis. Aside from the US, there are a lot of fans of the show, (obviously) but they're not really accounted for in those ratings, wich have their importance for the producers.
    Fortunetly, we can buy the dvd's, which makes up for something, I hope.

    favorite episode from Stargate SG-1’s S10:

    I really liked 'The shroud'. It gave us a total different Daniel. It was also proof to me that, even the Ori could be seen as very evil, there's goodness in their religion too. If that wouldn't have been the case, I can't believe someone like Daniel would try to get people to accept Origin.
    Another plus was Jack vs. Daniel. It was nice to see Jack back. Jack and Daniel always make some great moments, just like here again. The scene in witch Daniel/Merlin explain Jack about the plan brings back a Jack that needs explanation as simple as possible.
    It's also nice to see the complete team passing by Daniel on the Odyssey to get information (Sam, Cam, Jack, Teal'c) or to worry about him (Vala). And then off course: the scene where Woolsey is beamed off the ship and Jack beamed up. It shows yet again how much of an annoying ******* he can be.

    One thing that annoyed me -and it happened with other guest appearances by Rick- is the mixture of One Star and two Star general: in the SGC scenes he wares 2 stars, the next scene on the Oddyssey, he's back to one.
    It's a human mistake but, one that could have been avoided...

    Another great episode, although it's sad too, is Unending.
    Nice space battles, touching moments: asgard, Vala and Daniel, Cam going nuts, Hank's old age...
    It didn't make sense to me that general Landry was on the ship. We've never seen him on a ship before. And on top of that, it makes more sense to see Jack there. I mean, the asgard, especially Thor, and O'Neill... We haven't seen much interaction between asgard and Landry, whereas O'Neill and Asgard... They even named a ship after him!

    I can understand Rick couldn't be there for filming, since they had to wrap up soon after hearing SG1 got cancelled, but storywise...

    That's my 2 cents.

    Keep the good work going! It's great to have these podcasts!


      My favorite episode in season 10 is 'Unending' it has great Character moments, the temporary extinction of the Asgard, and the introduction of the Asgard Core. Some destruction of Ori Mother-ships. A tear jerking ending to a ten year series.


        I would have to say that my favorite episode of season 10 would have to be Unending. This is because of the strength and weakness of character that each of our heroes shows. Between the script and the acting I would say that each hit it out of the ballpark on this one. Carter’s frustration of being unable to fix the problem and having to come to term with it; Mitchell’s breakdown at the injustice of it all; Daniel and Vala’s relationship and their coming to terms with it and each other, and finally Teal’c’s unwavering strength and belief that Carter’s plan would work; each of these show how truly exceptional these characters are. For a show that for the most part was lighthearted fun and adventure you couldn’t ask for a more well written and executed character exploration. And when you add in just the right song over the montage of the passing years, it had me laughing and crying all at the same time.

        Long Live Stargate


          Season 10, probably, Dominion.... come on gaould in adria.... way to kill 2 birds with one stone...


            Episode # 58 follow-up...

            Thanks for another thought provoking podcast! I've only been listening since episode #47, but I have gone back a gotten a lot of older episodes. Not only was this the first time that I participated in the forum discussion, but you actually put my comments in the show. Wow! I wanted to post a follow up to the points you brought up about rants and what kind of fandom do we want to be.

            I whole-hearted agreed with you both on the points you made. As a fan in my mid 40's, I have never joined in any online discussion board or blog of any kind before because of the amount of negativity that often appear. It always seems that there are people that just want to start an argument with anybody and turn discussions into battles. It's those folks that have kept me off boards completely until now. It is far more interesting to read rational thoughts and opinions instead of angry rants and retaliatory posts. So, when I started listening to the podcast and reading some of the forum posts, it was nice to find a fandom site that I wanted to participate in - which speaks a lot about the kind of fandom that is here.

            I've heard Tame say in past podcasts that she has small number of fans - well she can add me to her list! I agree with her points on watching the show as it airs. Commercial breaks are not that much of a hardship - they are the perfect time to discuss what you have just seen or predict what's coming next (or start a load of laundry!). And, having owned a cat that used to actually answer the phone, I appreciated Oliver's opinions as well!

            Thanks for welcoming all the opinions out here! As for season 10 - I'll have to think about that one for a while. Often for me it's hard to choose a favorite because it may not be a whole episode that I love, but the character moments within the episodes that make the lasting impression...


              Hey good podcast .
              I have a question for you :

              How many times do you work for one podcast ?
              Sorry if my english language is bad ,it's beacause i'm a french



                Darren creates notes before we start based on feedback in the forum and news items that we want to push for that week. (Approx 1 hr)

                Both of us record the podcast (Approx 2 hrs) that will be trimmed into 1 hr. Darren uploads the podcast.

                I download the podcast, open the editing software, load the timeline and edit it down, then upload. (Approx 2-4 hrs)

                So at least 5 hours, at most 7, all things considered. It's an awful lot of work for an hour long show, considering a lot of podcasts just record their show and post the whole thing -- gaps, dead air, all of it. Darren and I personally don't care for those. That's why we tighten ours. Each show has several hundred edits.


                  Hey guys, loving the podcast! (though I think I still need to catch up on the most recent episode...)

                  Just wanted to say that I am impressed to hear that the Australian Sci-Fi channel will be airing Stargate Universe, starting on the 9th of October, only a week behind America! It's great news for the 2 dozen or so people who will be watching it on pay TV...

                  The Tweet: "Stargate Universe is coming to SCI FI Australia Channel on October 9! It's official, confirmed, and going to happen, fast tracked and fresh!"
                  A Cameron Mitchell + John Sheppard duo = comedy gold!


                    I also do a final listen to David's edited version, create the Show Notes with all the related links, and publish. Typically another 90 minutes.
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                      Originally posted by David View Post
                      Darren creates notes before we start based on feedback in the forum and news items that we want to push for that week. (Approx 1 hr)

                      Both of us record the podcast (Approx 2 hrs) that will be trimmed into 1 hr. Darren uploads the podcast.

                      I download the podcast, open the editing software, load the timeline and edit it down, then upload. (Approx 2-4 hrs)

                      So at least 5 hours, at most 7, all things considered. It's an awful lot of work for an hour long show, considering a lot of podcasts just record their show and post the whole thing -- gaps, dead air, all of it. Darren and I personally don't care for those. That's why we tighten ours. Each show has several hundred edits.
                      Originally posted by Darren View Post
                      I also do a final listen to David's edited version, create the Show Notes with all the related links, and publish. Typically another 90 minutes.
                      Thanks guys for all your hard work! It's always a delight to listen to the podcast!!
                      My short movie "Red Bag" / The Scifi Guys Podcast / My Twitter account


                        Originally posted by Darren View Post
                        I also do a final listen to David's edited version, create the Show Notes with all the related links, and publish. Typically another 90 minutes.
                        Dopey me. That's right.


                          Thanks guys (& Tame) for another good podcast!

                          Favorite episode of season 10? Have to go with the Shroud. It was a good overall episode that didn't stall out at any one point. It propelled the Ori storyline forward in a new and necessary manner. While being a Daniel centric episode it really was a team episode also. Sam got to do her science thing, Teal'c employed his awesome Jaffa interrogation techniques and Vala showed a deeper side, while sitting on Daniel's lap nonetheless. And Jack was back! Doesn't that make everyone happy? And the whole time we're wondering if Daniel can really truly be trusted. It had it all.

                          Also I've got to say in regards to Unending that at first I was so disappointed. I couldn't believe that the Asgard were gone in the first 5 minutes. And then the ultimate sci-fi betrayal...reversing the whole story by going back in time!! But once I watched it again, knowing what would happen, I could then enjoy the good. Seeing how each character adapted and dealt with the situation, the happy family moments and the hard times that still came their way. I appreciated seeing these characters as people. And at the end of the day, they keep going through the gate. Which is really how I want to end it. Not with everyone scattering in retirement, or dying on a distant planet, but going through the gate, keeping the stories alive.

                          The use of a commercial song was also great. Not something that I would want to see in every episode, but since it was not the norm for Stargate it had a greater impact, at least to me. In fact I actually wished that they would do it a little bit more after seeing it in Unending.

                          Thanks for doing these season by season recaps, I've enjoyed them!


                            Hi Guys

                            You know, I guessed there was a lot of work involved in the podcast, but I didn't really appreciate how much time. Again, the simple words Thank You ! never seem enough. Next Con I attend (if you guys are there) the beer is on me.....provided I can leave the "Tame for President" booth for long enough!!!!!!


                            "You know Jack, for an Irishman, you never were much of a talker."
                            Sara O' Neill's father;
                            COLD LAZARUS (Season 1)


                              Originally posted by Shirt'n'Tie View Post
                              Hi Guys

                              You know, I guessed there was a lot of work involved in the podcast, but I didn't really appreciate how much time. Again, the simple words Thank You ! never seem enough.
                              I just wanted to say I loved the last podcast (yay Tame ) and the use of "Aquarius" (big "Hair" fan here)

                              Next Con I attend (if you guys are there) the beer is on me.....provided I can leave the "Tame for President" booth for long enough!!!!!!

                              Don't worry, I'll cover for you
                              There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                              awesome sig by Josiane


                                Just want to echo appreciation for what you are both doing. I spent a lot of time this summer listening to all of the podcasts! They have been great fun and its nice to hear another fan's opinion on stargate. I must admit thought that it seemed like so much at the start (50+ hours of listening when I started) that I listened to the first half at 2x speed on my ipod

                                I plan to be caught up by SGU premiere and will listen weekly.

                                Keep up the good work!

