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    I want to add my thanks, as well, Darren, for your reply.

    Originally posted by Petra View Post

    Also, how is her not showing any interest in anyone besides Ron for 1,5 season not a character development in that aspect?

    And why are you guys so eager to assume that she may still be playing Volker (despite having been shown having a thing with Greer) when in an analogous situation with Scott/Chloe/James you believed pretty quickly that Scott hooked up with Chloe for good and didn't just play her? It really is the same situation, just with genders switched.
    I suppose I can see where David is coming from; still, it seems to me, as Petra observes, that we have much the same evidence for Scott's fidelity as for Park's. Though, in David's defense, it is true that we have seen more of Scott and Chloe than we have of Park and Greer, and as such, it could be argued that we have more concrete evidence for Scott's redemption than for Park's. Nevertheless, given (a) the nature of the interactions we've seen between Park and Greer [which, to me at least, have shown depth of feeling], and (b) the lack of concrete evidence to suggest Park's continued polyamory, it seems an unfair leap to be so suspicious of her intentions.

    That said, as mparsons1981 rightly said, the podcast is, after all, a platform for you the hosts to express your genuine opinions/impressions, as well as a catalyst for community debate; and it is both of these things by design. All of that to say, the podcast generally, and David's comment specifically, have ultimately been successful in their goal - even if a little contentious.
    "We still commit murder because of greed and spite and jealousy, and we still visit all of our sins upon our children. We refuse to accept the responsibility for anything we've done. [...] Its not enough to survive... One has to be worthy of survival."
    ~William Adama

    All this has happened before. All this is happening again.


      Originally posted by Professor_S View Post
      That said, as mparsons1981 rightly said, the podcast is, after all, a platform for you the hosts to express your genuine opinions/impressions, as well as a catalyst for community debate; and it is both of these things by design. All of that to say, the podcast generally, and David's comment specifically, have ultimately been successful in their goal - even if a little contentious.
      This is true. I admit I sometimes wish the podcast presented more verified opinions, but it's hard to argue with what mparsons1981 and Professor_S said.

      So, now that I've voiced my objections, I'll leave it at that.
      There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
      awesome sig by Josiane


        Now Available:
        'Epilogue' (SGU Episode #218)

        The podcast is back this week with Darren and David's conversation about "Epilogue," which will certainly go down in history as one of Stargate Universe's finest hours. After two years the characters have grown to be very relatable and sympathetic. We'll talk about the crew's mission to the planet Novus to retrieve supplies and information, and the alternate lives they find recorded there. We'll also discuss the character's pairing off and having babies, T.J.'s disturbing revelation, and much more.

        We also have another extra-large voicemail segment on the cancellation of the show. We're trying to stay on top of all the calls we are getting, so if you haven't heard your call yet, stay tuned! And if you haven’t called into the podcast yet ... well, get dialing!

        Call the Podcast Hotline! Now that SGU has come to an end, we want to hear your thoughts on Season Two as a whole. Leave us a voicemail this week and share your thoughts on the overall story, the best episodes, and how the show improved over its freshman year.

        Show Notes:
        Direct Download:

        CALL US! Dial up the hotline by Friday night and leave us a voicemail (any time, day or night). Give us your thoughts on this week's episode, speculate on what's going on or what's to come in the show, or talk about anything Stargate-related that is on your mind.

        Dial: (951) 262-1647 (long distance rates apply)

        ... or e-mail a brief recording to webmaster (at) gateworld (dot) net.

        Thanks once again to everyone for listening and participating in the show!
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          Originally posted by Petra View Post
          How was Park "not treating the men who were vying for her affections very well in "Life"? Please correct me if I'm wrong (it's been a while since I last saw that ep), but didn't she simply ignore one guy she had previously had sex with? How is it worse than how Scott treated James?
          Remember Lisa's scenes in "Life:"

          1) Lisa is in bed "recreating" with Corporal Rivers.
          2) In her psych eval. with T.J. Lisa says that she's been coping with their situation by doing a lot of ... reading. Viewers laugh.
          3) Rivers approaches Lisa on her way out of the mess (if memory serves), thinking they've got something going now, and she massively blows him off. As a viewer, what I take from this is -- "I was recreating with you, but that doesn't mean I want to talk to you."
          4) Lisa is in bed "recreating" with Greer now. For all we know, these two men are just the tip of the iceburg.

          Scott's treatment of James is similar, but not played out the same way. We know pretty early on in the series that he's committed himself to a relationship with Chloe. With Lisa, it's entirely ambiguous between episodes 109 and 218 (or maybe 216, depending on how you take that last infirmary scene) as to whether she's in a relationship with Greer, or if she's still sleeping with every guy she can get her hands on. The writers don't revisit that side of her social life. All we get are hints from Greer that something may be ongoing, like telling Scott that he's into Lisa in "Awakening" and coming to her defense in the mess hall incident with Simeon.

          Originally posted by Petra View Post
          Also, how is her not showing any interest in anyone besides Ron for 1,5 season not a character development in that aspect?
          If we knew this about Lisa, it would be significant. All we know is that they slept together at least once, and by early Season 2 Ron is still into her.

          Originally posted by Petra View Post
          And why are you guys so eager to assume that she may still be playing Volker (despite having been shown having a thing with Greer) when in an analogous situation with Scott/Chloe/James you believed pretty quickly that Scott hooked up with Chloe for good and didn't just play her? It really is the same situation, just with genders switched.
          I think if you revisit our podcasts from the early SGU episodes, you'll find that we did question whether or not Scott was playing Chloe. With the broom closet scene with James and the revelation that he'd fathered a child as a teenager, I thought the writers were setting up his character as a player and perhaps even a sex addict. Unfortunately, I found his quickly settling down with Chloe to be something of a disappointment.

          Originally posted by Professor_S View Post
          ... That said, as mparsons1981 rightly said, the podcast is, after all, a platform for you the hosts to express your genuine opinions/impressions, as well as a catalyst for community debate; and it is both of these things by design. All of that to say, the podcast generally, and David's comment specifically, have ultimately been successful in their goal - even if a little contentious.
          ^ This.

          If David was on the thread right now, I think this is what he'd say. The podcast is an opinion show, and it's meant to be two friends gabbing about the show and analyzing it to death. It's not fair-and-balanced news coverage (though the open phone lines and our desire to run virtually any voicemail is intended to add balance to our opinions), and the day we feel like we need to self-censor is, I think, the day that it starts to become a chore.

          Thanks everybody for the feedback. I'll make sure David does have a look at the conversation!
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            Originally posted by Darren View Post
            Remember Lisa's scenes in "Life:"

            *snipped for length*

            Scott's treatment of James is similar, but not played out the same way.

            *snipped for legth*
            Thank you for replying, again. I agree that Lisa was originally set up to be a 'player', but because I can see as much hints about her being into Greer as him being into her, I obviously disagree in regards to their feelings/relationship. I see where you are coming from though, so thanks for the debate.

            I think if you revisit our podcasts from the early SGU episodes, you'll find that we did question whether or not Scott was playing Chloe.
            I remember you did, at first, which is why I wrote "pretty quickly" and not "at once". However, I do take Professor_S' point that the fact Lisa had less screentime than Scott may be one of the reasons why we see her behaviour differently.

            Unfortunately, I found his quickly settling down with Chloe to be something of a disappointment.
            Hmm, finally something we can agree on.

            If David was on the thread right now, I think this is what he'd say. The podcast is an opinion show, and it's meant to be two friends gabbing about the show and analyzing it to death. It's not fair-and-balanced news coverage (though the open phone lines and our desire to run virtually any voicemail is intended to add balance to our opinions), and the day we feel like we need to self-censor is, I think, the day that it starts to become a chore.
            And we wouldn't want that
            There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
            awesome sig by Josiane


              Originally posted by Darren View Post


                Woohoo!! *happy dance* The podcast is here!

                Thanks again Darren for posting your thoughts here. I'm so glad I decided to stop lurking; the intelligent discussion/debate is fun!

                Now then, I'm off to sequester myself for an hr or so...
                "We still commit murder because of greed and spite and jealousy, and we still visit all of our sins upon our children. We refuse to accept the responsibility for anything we've done. [...] Its not enough to survive... One has to be worthy of survival."
                ~William Adama

                All this has happened before. All this is happening again.


                  Originally posted by Professor_S View Post
                  This is an excellent point. I too was upset by the remarks about Park - they were more than a little jarring coming in the middle of what is ordinarily a measured and intelligent commentary/discussion. I love the podcast and am very appreciative of the hard work both Darren and David (and Russell!) put in, but this was disappointing.
                  I think David often lets his conservative Christian side get the better of him.


                    Originally posted by KEK View Post
                    I think David often lets his conservative Christian side get the better of him.
                    I can't speak to the source/origin of the comment. I don't think one's faith necessarily has anything to do with it, though. Gender bias is common in society among religious and secular people alike. An unfortunate relic of begone eras - gender bias, that is.

                    That being said, I wanted to thank David for his acknowledgement of Park's fidelity in the "Epilogue" podcast. David was a gentleman about recognising/conceding that his opinion had been disproved.
                    "We still commit murder because of greed and spite and jealousy, and we still visit all of our sins upon our children. We refuse to accept the responsibility for anything we've done. [...] Its not enough to survive... One has to be worthy of survival."
                    ~William Adama

                    All this has happened before. All this is happening again.


                      Originally posted by Professor_S View Post
                      I can't speak to the source/origin of the comment. I don't think one's faith necessarily has anything to do with it, though. Gender bias is common in society among religious and secular people alike. An unfortunate relic of begone eras - gender bias, that is.
                      He's also said something about not agreeing with homosexuality, but we probably shouldn't get into that again.


                        Originally posted by KEK View Post
                        He's also said something about not agreeing with homosexuality, but we probably shouldn't get into that again.
                        Forgive me, but your comment (quoted above) is uncalled for. Frankly, it seems utterly irrelevant to the discussion. The point being made earlier was regarding the validity of an argument vis-a-vis Park - i.e. whether or not there was evidence and/or just cause for the position from what we've seen in the show. The ideological leanings of any of the discussants are entirely tangential, and arguments appealing to them amount only to ad hominem.
                        "We still commit murder because of greed and spite and jealousy, and we still visit all of our sins upon our children. We refuse to accept the responsibility for anything we've done. [...] Its not enough to survive... One has to be worthy of survival."
                        ~William Adama

                        All this has happened before. All this is happening again.


                          Just because it's ad hominem that doesn't make it necessarily fallacious. It seems fairly relevant to me, there's a reason his view is not shared by most people, and his political leanings are that reason. I don't think it's unfair to suggest that a conservative Christian is predisposed to react differently to a promiscuous woman than the rest of us, especially when the word he used for her is such a subjective term.


                            Just a note to say thanks for the great podcasts. I really enjoy them, even when I disagree. I hope you keep up the effort. In fact, disagreeing is the fun part! Thanks to you all involved.


                              What is happening with the rest of the podcast.I'm talking about the ones for the last two episodes Blockade and Gauntlet.Are we going to see them made because I want it to hear your opinion regarding these two last episodes of the series especially to hear your thoughts Darren and David of the finale.What did you think about it? Thanks


                                Rest assured that podcasts for those last two episodes (and much, much more!) is coming. We are backed up in the editing bay right now. "Blockade" and "Gauntlet" are recorded, and we're recording an overall SGU Season Two show this coming weekend.

                                After that, we hope to get Diana Botsford back for our "SGU Deconstructed" show.
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