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GateWorld Podcast Feedback!

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    When they mentioned how long it would take to watch all the seasons of both SG-1 and Atlantis. I've actually been doing that and i'm going on 3 weeks now and i'm up to the end of SG-1 season 9 and the middle of Atlantis season 4


      Also i'd like to bring up the show Ancient Aliens on the History channel and how there are so many issues and topics that are spoken of on that show that were also major story arcs and reoccurring themes on both SG-1 and Atlantis. Even though AA is a documentary show and the SG shows are fictional it's really strange how the SG series were kind of talking about the Ancient Alien theory years before the show on the history channel was even aired.


        Hey when is the next podcast coming out before the new set of episodes


          We'll have #116 up as soon as it's finished in the editing bay. Then the goal is to have #117 up next Monday, March 7.

          From there we'll be back to weekly, with "Deliverance" on March 14 -- assuming we can keep on top of the really, really tight production window between Saturday recording and Monday publishing.
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            Now Available:
            Open Line Night!

            The GateWorld Podcast is back! We’re getting ready for the final 10 episodes of Stargate Universe, starting this Monday on Syfy Channel (Tuesday on SPACE in Canada).

            This week we're opening up the phone lines to hear what you have to say about Destiny and it's A.I., ratings and measuring all viewers, interfacing the human mind with Ancient technology, traveling in stasis, and ending the show on a cliffhanger. We'll also discuss what we'd like to see from the future of the franchise, including movies for SGU, Atlantis, and SG-1. There are lots of listener comments on that subject … and all this is just for starters!

            Join the Discussion! Watch this week's new episode of SGU, "Deliverance," and then call into the GateWorld Podcast Hotline with your reactions.

            Show Notes:
            Direct Download:

            CALL US! Dial up the hotline by Friday night and leave us a voicemail (any time, day or night). Give us your thoughts on this week's episode, speculate on what's going on or what's to come in the show, or talk about anything Stargate-related that is on your mind.

            Dial: (951) 262-1647 (long distance rates apply)

            ... or e-mail a brief recording to webmaster (at) gateworld (dot) net.

            Thanks to everyone for listening and participating in the show!
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              I really need to get around to calling in one of these days
              "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                Enjoyed the latest Open Line Night. Especially got a laugh out of the one caller who ended every sentence with "alright" and seemed to be ranting at you guys (even though it sounded like it was meant as a rant at Syfy), as well as the 14 year old who claims to have been a fan since the movie came out....which would've been three years before he was born

                That said though, what I really love about these open line episodes (and call-ins in general) is that you guys really do a wonderful job of showing a cross-section of fans from all walks of life. From 14 year old Floridians, to young adults wherever, to middle-aged women. The fanbase of this franchise is so much more broad than one might expect.

                Regarding the on-going question of how old Destiny is, I thought I'd throw a few facts/references out there in case it should come up in a future podcast. I know you talked about it quite a bit during the Season 1 podcasts, but it came up again in this week's show so I guess it's still relevant. You guys might well know these references offhand, but in case they slip your mind...
                • Eli says in the 'Destiny Tour' Kinosode that Rush suspects that the Destiny gates pre-date all other Stargates. This seems to have been confirmed by statements on Joe Mallozzi's blog.
                • In SG-1 6.04 Frozen, Sam says that the dating analysis they did on the Beta Gate indicated it could be as old as 50 million years.
                • The opening text of SGA's Rising says "Several Million Years Ago", and then a few minutes later in the Daniel-talks-fast scene about the Atlantis gate address, Daniel says that Atlantis left Earth sometime between 5 and 10 million years ago.

                So, for my $0.02, I agree with something David started to say in this podcast: Destiny must be at least 50 million years old.

                As far as the discussion in cliffhangers....I think they've kind of had their day, it's time to move on. Everybody has fond memories of The Best of Both Worlds, but after so many years of cliffhangers being shoehorned onto the mid- and end-points of Stargate seasons, I'm really kind of tired of it. What I find myself really enjoying these days are series (largely out of the UK) which set up and tell a season-long story arc, with a fantastic pay-off at the end of the season. No cliffhanger, just tell a story with an end in mind, and plant seeds along the way for future stories if you get another season.
                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                  Now Available:
                  Destiny's 'Cosmic' Mission

                  Tonight Stargate Universe kicks off with a bang as the first of the final 10 episodes premieres on Syfy Channel in the U.S. (It's on tomorrow night on SPACE in Canada.) To celebrate the new episodes the GateWorld Podcast is returning to its regular weekly format, and this week Darren and David are talking about Destiny's mission, cosmic background radiation, Destiny's own intelligence, and obtaining the power of the universe. We'll also talk about what we hope to see in these final episodes.

                  We'll also open up the voicemail box again to hear what’s on your mind! Be sure to call the GateWorld Podcast Hotline after you've seen tonight’s new episode, "Deliverance," and give us your reactions. Please call by the end of day on Friday, and keep your message concise, to make it into next Monday's show.

                  Show Notes:
                  Direct Download:

                  CALL US! Dial up the hotline by Friday night and leave us a voicemail (any time, day or night). Give us your thoughts on this week's episode, speculate on what's going on or what's to come in the show, or talk about anything Stargate-related that is on your mind.

                  Dial: (951) 262-1647 (long distance rates apply)

                  ... or e-mail a brief recording to webmaster (at) gateworld (dot) net.

                  Thanks to everyone for listening and participating in the show!
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                    Finally I had time to hear both new podcasts.
                    Thanks again Darren and David for the great piece of work - I enjoyed them very much.
                    I certainly hope your expectations concerning SGU's development and possible conclusion will be fulfilled!


                      "GateWorld Podcast: ‘Deliverance’"

                      Is the wrong podcast, it links to the last one.


                        Sorry about that -- link fixed on the news story's pop-up button!
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                          Now Available:
                          'Deliverance' (SGU Episode #211)

                          After three months of waiting, Stargate Universe has returned with an action-packed premiere! On this week's installment of the GateWorld Podcast, GateWorld editors Darren and David will talk all about the episode. We'll discuss the drone technology and the command ships, Chloe's transformation and whether or not it's really been stopped, and Rush's motives and whether he’s turned over a new leaf.

                          If you'd like to weigh in on this week's episode, call the GateWorld Podcast Hotline and give us your reactions by the end of day on Friday! We'd love to get your (concise) thoughts on "Twin Destinies," which airs tonight on Syfy Channel in the U.S. and Tuesday on SPACE in Canada.

                          Show Notes:
                          Direct Download:

                          CALL US! Dial up the hotline by Friday night and leave us a voicemail (any time, day or night). Give us your thoughts on this week's episode, speculate on what's going on or what's to come in the show, or talk about anything Stargate-related that is on your mind.

                          Dial: (951) 262-1647 (long distance rates apply)

                          ... or e-mail a brief recording to webmaster (at) gateworld (dot) net.

                          Thanks to everyone for listening and participating in the show!
                          GateWorld Podcast - Info - iTunes - Google
                          The Stargate Omnipedia -
                          Stargate Image Gallery -



                              I enjoyed the podcast "Deliverance" - as always, especially your quibbles section
                              What's the music at the end of the show? Loved it ...


                                No Twin Destinies podcast?

