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GateWorld Podcast Feedback!

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    I agree with the above!

    Personally i think if u are struggling to make the dates you put down for podcast release, as you seem to have been doing this season of stargate, just get rid of the dates! That way its released when its released, rather than being late all the time.
    Chief Galen Tyrol: But how do you know I'm human?
    Brother Cavil: Oh, well, maybe because I'm a Cylon, and I've never seen you at any of the meetings.


      Now Available:
      'Resurgence' (SGU #210)

      We've made it to the mid-season finale of Stargate Universe! On this week's show GateWorld's own Darren and David will hash through every bit of "Resurgence," from the decision to go off of Destiny's flight path all the way to the final, cliffhanger moments. We'll discuss the trip over to a derelict ship, the Ursini and Colonel Telford's return, and a whole lot on the drone ships and the threat they pose. And we'll also talk about the expectations we have for a mid-season finale in particular, and how "Resurgence" measures up.

      First up, will catch up with a little chat on some of our other favorite sci-fi shows from this fall, including The Walking Dead, The Event, Caprica, and more.

      Join the discusssion! We have one more show left in us for 2010, and we want you to be a part of it. Call in this week and leave us a voicemail about SGU's cancellation news (which was announced after this week’s show was recorded). We’ll be picking up with our "SGU Season Two So Far" topic in January.

      Show Notes:
      Direct Download:

      Listener Question: What do you think of the first half of Stargate Universe Season Two? How has Season Two moved the show forward from Season One, and where do you want to see the show go?

      Leave a voicemail on the hotline or e-mail us a brief voice recording!

      CALL US! Dial up the hotline by this Saturday and leave us a voicemail (any time, day or night). Give us your thoughts on this week's episode, speculate on what's going on or what's to come in the show, or talk about anything Stargate-related that is on your mind.

      Dial: (951) 262-1647 (long distance rates apply)

      ... or e-mail a brief recording to webmaster (at) gateworld (dot) net.

      Thanks to everyone for listening and participating in the show!
      Last edited by Darren; 16 December 2010, 09:22 PM.
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          downloading now..

          so question after season 2.5 since there isn't going to be a season 3 of SGU what is the fate of this lovely Podcast going to be?


            Originally posted by Sapphire_Jade View Post
            downloading now..

            so question after season 2.5 since there isn't going to be a season 3 of SGU what is the fate of this lovely Podcast going to be?
            I think that's a broader question than just the podcast. With the end of Stargate, what does this mean for the site as a whole? Where does GateWorld go from here? What about the franchise, is it effectively dead? Where can the franchise go from here? Where do we want it to go from here?
            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


              Exactly right, DigiFluid, and while David and I will ultimately be the ones to decide what GateWorld is without Stargate on the air, it's all a conversation that I would really like to have with our regular readers and forum members.

              Maybe I'll start a thread in the next week or so.

              Remember, though: we still have 10 episodes of SGU to cover in the spring, so it'll be business-as-usual for GW and the podcast for the first half of 2011. Fortunately, that gives us a good five or six months to have those conversations and start to make some movement forward.
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                Downloading ...

                And I'm sure there is always a future! Looking forward to the thread about GateWorld.


                  Originally posted by Darren View Post
                  Exactly right, DigiFluid, and while David and I will ultimately be the ones to decide what GateWorld is without Stargate on the air, it's all a conversation that I would really like to have with our regular readers and forum members.

                  Maybe I'll start a thread in the next week or so.

                  Remember, though: we still have 10 episodes of SGU to cover in the spring, so it'll be business-as-usual for GW and the podcast for the first half of 2011. Fortunately, that gives us a good five or six months to have those conversations and start to make some movement forward.
                  I look forward to the dialogue, I'll give it some thought before the discussion starts.
                  "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                    Hey guys,

                    just got caught up with your last two podcasts. As always, hearing your thoughts on the show is great.

                    On the quibble about TJ not asking about the memory usage during her "baby hallucinations": I think we were expected to take away from how she handled the situation from the beginning, that she decided to take all of the baby situation on faith. I mean, she didn't even ask about the body of the baby (which should have come more natural to her than asking about computer memory usage, she's a medic after all), but decided to go with her belief without or even despite hard evidence. Now she claims to have figured out that it was a hallucination (and I'm not sure deep down she really does believe that), again without looking at any hard evidence. Basically, it seems like they're writing her acting out an avoidance strategy (if I can't see you, you can't see me) so she feels like she has some control over the situation left.

                    On the cliffhanger: You pretty much exactly voiced my thoughts on that. I was not in suspense at the end of Resurgence. You can only have "oh, we're all going to die" suspense so often, before you're numb to it. But maybe being a part of the Star Trek crowd that's also watching Stargate, it's even harder to make this kind of thing (the ship about to explode) really gripping for us.
                    Additionally, I didn't feel the need for another, unexplained, maybe hostile maybe not alien whatever (race? entity?), there's so much that needs exploring and clarifying (Ursini, blue aliens, the still ominous mission, lots of interpersonal stories, Chloe...) that this new outside force came out of left field. Even if the visuals, effects and music on the fight scenes (and the Ursini ship exploration, as a side note) where great.

                    So much for the feedback . For the next podcast I hope you get lots of voicemail on the cancellation announcement to work with. Other than that, I'm really looking forward to the January 10th podcast "Season two so far" and Diana's thoughts about the mission, if you're still planning to haver her on for that one.



                      Depressed right know, don´t even bring myself to listening to the podcast.

                      Will you guys have another one about the cancellation? Would love to hear your thoughts and what that mean to Stargate and the page in general.


                        Hi ALL!!

                        Have been off the grid for a while. Life gets in the way of living and all that.....Am bitterly disappointed with the news of SGU cancellation. I had my suspicions for a long time. There were certain markers there : an intro-spective post on Joe M's Blog, the swop to Tuesday nights....however, I really didn't believe that SyFy would effectively dump SGU after just 2 seasons.
                        In any case, I am assuming that there will be a special podcast. Count me in.

                        "You know Jack, for an Irishman, you never were much of a talker."
                        Sara O' Neill's father;
                        COLD LAZARUS (Season 1)


                          We recorded #112 with Diana last night (early), and because of the day's events we decided to devote the hour to the cancellation news. That is being fast-tracked and will hopefully be up early, for a change!

                          We did manage to get a couple of voicemails into that show (those who were quickest on the draw), but we still want to hear from as many people as possible. Please do call in or e-mail a short response, and we'll plan for an extra-big mailbag for our first show in January.

                          The "SGU Season Two So Far" topic has been bumped to the first show in January, on or around the 10th. So you all have lots of time to think about that topic, and what you hope to see in the next (and final) 10 episodes, and give us a call on that topic!

                          Thanks, everybody!
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                            Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                            I think that's a broader question than just the podcast. With the end of Stargate, what does this mean for the site as a whole? Where does GateWorld go from here? What about the franchise, is it effectively dead? Where can the franchise go from here? Where do we want it to go from here?
                            Originally posted by Darren View Post
                            Exactly right, DigiFluid, and while David and I will ultimately be the ones to decide what GateWorld is without Stargate on the air, it's all a conversation that I would really like to have with our regular readers and forum members.

                            Maybe I'll start a thread in the next week or so.

                            Remember, though: we still have 10 episodes of SGU to cover in the spring, so it'll be business-as-usual for GW and the podcast for the first half of 2011. Fortunately, that gives us a good five or six months to have those conversations and start to make some movement forward.
                            Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                            I look forward to the dialogue, I'll give it some thought before the discussion starts.
                            Alright, I've composed my thoughts. I'm ready for this discussion to start
                            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                              gateworld could retool itself to a broader sci fi fan forum... it's a little bit like that already with the non stargate related subforums, but as of yet it's still mostly being visited just by stargate fans who just happen to also like one or more particular other sci fi shows.

                              what I would do is restyle the gateworld "brand" to sci fi in general, keep the gateworld url registration and also take some other more generic sci fi domain name both of which keep referring to this site and forum but now treating all sci fi and assorted other shows on equal footing

                              alternatively I wouldn't be surprised if commercial entities like syfy (although that might be a bad example at the present time, lol) would be interested in buying over the url and the forum because of the respectable amount of visitors it attracts, I bet it would be a pretty valuable marketting tool for targetting the sci fi niche. It wouldn't be as valuable of facebook obviously
                              I'm an average viewer. As plain as they come. People make TV shows based on my demographic.

                              Million's of ZPM's, ZPM's for free! Millions of ZPM's, ZPM's for me!


                                Good podcast on Resurgence. As for what Chloe did to Destiny, I think that she has actually sent a 'message' to the Blue aliens, who will come and 'rescue' Chloe, thus the very broad title of 'Deliverence', although it's of course just speculation.

                                Also, Destiny crew is helping because the seed ship is the only way to get home via gate.
                                Last edited by MrMann101; 20 December 2010, 05:39 AM.

