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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Originally posted by Achaja View Post
    pretty wallpaper LJ

    Cute sig Jumble Awww Martin

    And as for these quotes from - I wood have a problem- because I searched for them yesterday and saved for myself few nice but not with the source Now searching it once again will be torture

    Don't worry about it, just bear it in mind if you do any more


      Love the challenge stuff Gimps

      ROFL at Jumble's ;p I'll take 1 Jack pet please *fingers crossed it multiplies like the Tribbles*

      TR - Love the continuum one, great job *weeps at the Entity one*


        Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post

        lol My main problem with Amy, apart from the annoying way she talks, is her over zealous feministness. Don't get me wrong I'm all for strong successful women and the slight lack of social grace doesn't bother me either. In fact one of the best lines from Amy is when they're at a white house reception and she gets out of the conversation by "oo! Shrimp!" love it great delivery.
        My thing is that sometimes the issue itsn't really about "women" but Amy makes it about that and it annoys me. I'm for "equal rights". The episode with the female fighter pilot who has the affair is a good example (and SG related!). I'm *sure* the issue would never have even been heard at the white house if the pilot had been male.
        Yes! I agree with this completely - I find overzealous feminism annoying too, and quite often that's Amy's defining quality. So actually, really, the fact that Amy gets in-between Josh and Donna is actually the least irritating of her characteristics!
        And glad to see I'm not the only one who thought of SG with the fighter pilot thing!

        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
        *Jumps up and down, waving hand in the air* Those are mine, those are mine!

        I called it that cuz he was on his walky-talky (that's what we called them when I was a kid, anyway)

        Cuz I already had talky...needed a I need a kissy, huggy, laughy...etc.
        Yay! I love it ((((luvnjack)))) And I love your new sig and wp and agree with Aveo, muse is most definitely working!

        Originally posted by hbt123 View Post
        Hey guys! I'm home from Montreal! (how many of you noticed I was gone... >_>)

        Had a great trip, I love it there. My french needed a bit of help, but I managed after a few days. Buuut I think it's time for a nap, I was up leaving for the airport in Quebec at about 1am Vancouver time.... Mmmmm
        Welcome back!

        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        I was going to say that I probably snurched it from someone on the RDA/Jack thunk thread......... but I see LJ already confessed

        Ok, I have two suggestions for you all

        1. When making the Rewatch banners, it wood help VSS enormously if we all put our names on them. She wood find it much easier to credit the right artist if we did this

        2. When you send me your challenge entries, can you tell me which ST the quote is from, and which ep the SG pic is from? That way I can include the info in the challenge post

        Neither one is mandatory, just suggestions

        Edit: Here's another one. I know it's pushing it a bit, but I couldn't resist

        Quote = The Wrath of Khan. Ep = 200

        And I leave it to you to decide whether I meant the Furlings of the guys
        Good ideas And great sig!
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
          Love the challenge stuff Gimps

          ROFL at Jumble's ;p I'll take 1 Jack pet please *fingers crossed it multiplies like the Tribbles*

          TR - Love the continuum one, great job *weeps at the Entity one*
          You want multiple Jacks.

          On the other had........ multiple Martins........ hmmmmmmmm........

          Oh Luvnjack there's nothing wrong with your muse... you're just using the wrong subject

          Lovely wp and sig

          Edit: Thanks Josiane


            Umm...All I know is that my quotes, so far at least, have all been from Voyager and DS9. I wasn't really paying attention to which show I got them from...Same with the one I'm working on now...So of the three I've posted and the one I'm working on, all I can tell you is either Voyager or DS9...
            Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


              Originally posted by jumble View Post
              TR, I didn't name it 'Droopy Zat', that was whoever I snurched it from But I couldn't bring myself to change it
              Originally posted by Achaja View Post

              TR - both sigs are fantastic, good compositions and text cool!

              Thanks hon!
              Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post

              TR - Love the continuum one, great job *weeps at the Entity one*
              Thanks!!! Yeah, I can't believe I stepped out of my flutter box to make an angsty sig! But I am happy with them both.
              Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Oh Luvnjack there's nothing wrong with your muse... you're just using the wrong subject
                Don't listen to her LJ!!


                Twin yep agree with you about Amy!
                sigpicMy Fanfic


                  Aveo Where exactly was the THUNK WARNING? Asking on LJ's behalf of course


                    Loving the artwork as always!

                    I seem to be in a fluffy mood I know it scares me too

                    An LJ header

                    And an icon

                    All the fluff is starting to make me dizzy

                    My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                    Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                    Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                      * runs in *

                      To all, even if you're not an American or a mom....

                      HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY

                      * runs back out *


                        Mmmm fluff and thunk
                        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                          Aaaaaaaand another one...

                          Quote =ST Voyager SG ep = It's Good To Be King


                            Jumble, funny sig

                            Pretty stuff Amanda
                            sig thanks to Luci


                              Oh many artworks once again...

                              Love 'em all!!! *giggles* on the ST challenge...btw I saw the new movie...awesome! Plus Kirk is HOT! *drools all over the place*


                                happy mothers day !!!

