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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Grrr. Lost my multiquote. Let's see if I remember everything...

    Starlover - It's just scary how you're always guessing everyone's artwork on those sekkrid challenges. What spying tools are you using to see inside our computers? (Or is that you hiding in the tree outside my window?)
    10 entries? Me too.

    To Oma, TrueRomantic, Jumble, Achaja and RegularAmanda great siggies! I can see this is going to be a great challenge week. We're all off to a great start.

    Josiane - Your icon making "inadequate"? No way! I don't know those characters on your icons, but I love the 2nd one on the 2nd row the best.

    Oma - Your gif made me laugh so hard! This is just classic and I think that quote fits SG better than ST now.

    Jumble - You asked for a tut on my sketch type sigs from last week's challenge. Well, I didn't keep my PSD files for those (sorry!). What I can tell you is that I found a PS action online that creates sketches from pictures. I used that for the basis but since the result isn't ideal, I then spent an extraordinary amount of time blending, smudging, smoothing and balancing the coloring on everything to make them look like drawings. I don't remember the site where I found the action, but I'll go looking again and will PM you if I find it.

    Achaja - I second the request for a tut on that first sig. It's wonderful. And I love the stuff you did for the Sam challenge...especially the wallie and that last sig (!). Is that a brush or a texture you used for the swirly stuff at the bottom? I love it.

    Oh, and Rachel-Kree...glad you liked my last wallie (and my current sig). It's funny but the wallpaper version in my Photobucket account is so blurred compared to the original. Does anyone know how that happens so that I can avoid the problem in the future?

    And thanks Luvnjack for posting the Jack pics. It was just what I needed to make this for the challenge:

    The line was said by Captain Kirk in the episode Shore Leave. I couldn't resist it especially after Oma already created something very similar to what I was going to do with the "to boldly go..." line which was my first thought.


      Originally posted by josiane View Post
      ROFL Oma! I love it, it's like a mini-movie!

      Achaja and Amanda, great job on yours too!

      I've been playing with icons again Still determined to improve - I keep seeing so many amazing ones all over LJ and I feel very inadequate Anyway, these are all West Wing again, sorry

      (So annoyed that one of the best of those is Amy!)
      I love your icons Twin esp that one of Kate!
      Do you not like Amy Twin??
      sigpicMy Fanfic


        Thanks Estrela, I should have known the sketch thing woodn't be that easy But you did a beautiful job on them

        Josiane your icons are brilliant

        All the challenge stuff is great, don't forget to pm it all to me


          Originally posted by Estrela View Post
          Josiane - Your icon making "inadequate"? No way! I don't know those characters on your icons, but I love the 2nd one on the 2nd row the best.
          Aww *blushes* Thank you! I feel inadequate compared to some of the amazing icons I see on LJ, but practice makes perfect

          Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
          I love your icons Twin esp that one of Kate!
          Do you not like Amy Twin??
          Thanks Twin! Kate looks so gorgeous in that scene, it would have been hard not to make a good icon of her! And Amy, well what do you think??
          It was the first one I made, and I had to immediately make the Josh/Donna ones to expiate my guilt

          Estrela and Achaja, beautiful challenge sigs both of you! I can see ST has a lot of potential here!
          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


            Josiane those are AWESOME! I love them all! Why is everyone always so hard on Amy, btw? Okay, okay, she delayed the OTP of J/D, but c'mon, she wasn't evil. She was a smart, sassy, successful woman, who stopped at very little to further a very admirable agenda - and in so doing demonstrated that she had about as much maturity as Josh did. People forgive him for his stunts, why not her? I love that character, I love that someone as flawed as she and Mandy were could get to where they did - maybe they got there because they focused so hard on their careers that they missed out those social experiences? Gosh knows nobody else in that administration was a genius when it came to relationships... I fanficced a little bit of this, actually, years ago. Apparently it's not all out of my system...

            I'm avoiding the Trek crossover stuff til I've seen the new film, btw - but the first thing I wanna do when I get my mojo back (it like the rest of me is feeling a little shell shocked still) is an Imzadi one for Sam/Jack


              Had a very quick play with Estrela's sketch action

              Oooh this is gonna be fun


                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Had a very quick play with Estrela's sketch action


                Oooh this is gonna be fun

                Yep yep yep. You're on the right track! The smudge tool is your friend now. I can't wait to see your finished picture!


                  Originally posted by Estrela View Post

                  Yep yep yep. You're on the right track! The smudge tool is your friend now. I can't wait to see your finished picture!
                  But of course, I was concentrating on the eyes

                  I'll try to do something properly tomorrow, if I get the chance


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    Better to remain nameless than what I called him earlier


                    *puts up hand*
                    lol great one!!!

                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    I'm liking this challenge

                    Quote from ST Voyager, pics from Chimera and Affinity
                    totally awesome!!!!!!!!!! hahaha i love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL !!!

                    Originally posted by Achaja View Post
                    Wonderful new artworks GimPS
                    My first try
                    awesome composition !!!
                    Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                    Loving the artwork guys!

                    And here's my artwork for this weeks challenge

                    Star Trek: Wrath of Khan

                    awesome icons Josi !!!

                    arghhhhhhhh i lost a half of my MQ!!!


                    Love everything !!! yaya

                    Happy mothers day btw it is tomorrow but i'm afraid i wont be around tomorrow cuz there will be a party here and you're all invited


                      Originally posted by Rachel-Kree View Post
                      lol nice quote Kim

                      Thanks hon!
                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      LOL!!!! The Great Zat Discussion Comes Again!!!!! I'm soo going to try to find a way to use this!! Also, I love that you named it DroopyZat, lol.
                      Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                      Great work Jumble, Oma and Kim
                      Originally posted by josiane View Post

                      Jumble, Oma and Kim, great challenge entries Think I'm gonna have to spend some time today trawling through ST quotes
                      Thanks hon!! And you should, it's fun, lol!
                      Originally posted by Estrela View Post

                      To Oma, TrueRomantic, Jumble, Achaja and RegularAmanda great siggies! I can see this is going to be a great challenge week. We're all off to a great start.

                      Thanks hon!!!

                      Great work everyone!!!

                      And here's my next challenge entry...
                      Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                        Wow, really good job cutting out the team in the sig, TR! I love it!


                          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                          Wow, really good job cutting out the team in the sig, TR! I love it!
                          Thanks! It took a couple of tries before I managed it. I kept cutting off noses or tops of heads, lol. And it's still a bit annoying because Jack's a little blury, but I'm not touching it again. I just wanted a pic of the whole team, from all the seasons. So I had to go to Continuum. And Jack was so close to the camera, it made him blurryish in caps I guess. But I'm happy with it.

                          And hey, what episode is it that Sam is under that machine on the ship and Jack peeks under and sticks his head on her tummy? And is it the same one where she's sitting reading a book on the ship and he looks bored? And if anyone has these two caps already, could I have them please?

                          Also, I'm going to be using that "stun or kill" quote as well. Hope no one minds...
                          Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                            Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                            Thanks! It took a couple of tries before I managed it. I kept cutting off noses or tops of heads, lol. And it's still a bit annoying because Jack's a little blury, but I'm not touching it again. I just wanted a pic of the whole team, from all the seasons. So I had to go to Continuum. And Jack was so close to the camera, it made him blurryish in caps I guess. But I'm happy with it.

                            And hey, what episode is it that Sam is under that machine on the ship and Jack peeks under and sticks his head on her tummy? And is it the same one where she's sitting reading a book on the ship and he looks bored? And if anyone has these two caps already, could I have them please?

                            Also, I'm going to be using that "stun or kill" quote as well. Hope no one minds...
                            Kim - the episode you are looking for is Serpents Venom, season 4. (I hope ) Dont have any caps on me, but im sure someone else will!

                            And I agree with LJ! Love your whole team sig


                              Some replicarter thunk (and the only quote i could think of )

                              I think I might do a series...we shall see


                                Wooooo! I like it, Bekki!

