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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    it is a texture Blacky here it is

    fonts: there are three fonts in there: 'Trajan Pro' ; 'marketing script' and 'copperplate gothic light'

    guys i couln't make the same sig because i really don't remember but i tried this one, can i post the tutorial for this one?
    Last edited by Rachel-Kree; 28 April 2009, 07:00 AM.


      tutorial for that

      PNG file with the colouring here then you can use it in another sig without making it again

      1. Create a new file.
      2. now chose and crop your pics, but some of clear bg like white and grey.
      3.(this step is personal) use the gradient mask to blend them and put them next to each other or you can use your own method to crop
      4.put them all in the center like that and don't merge layers:
      after that just fill the bg with white color
      5.add a layer mask in the layer of the pic and chose a black to transparent gradient end use it like that: (i did one from the bottom to the middle of their shoulders)

      now you can rotate the pic a little bit if you wish



      1. new adjustment layer>selective color
      reds: -90, 20, 50, -10.
      yellows: -100, 50, -30, 0
      whites: 60, -65, -100, -20
      neutrals: 22, -11, -23, 0

      2. another selective color:
      reds: -50, 0, 30, 0
      yellows: -30, 0, 20,0
      cyans: 100,0,0,0
      whites: 100, 12, -12, 0
      neutrals: 10, 5, -10, 0

      3. use this gradient on soft light

      Merge everything

      6. set this texture to 'darken' and erase a bit on their faces.

      7. new adjustment layer>curves: RGB: output: 120; input: 100.
      8. use this notebook texture on 'multiply'

      9. use this texture on ' screen' and erase a bit above their faces.

      Merge Layers

      now sharpen it once and add some text... i added the font 'never let go'
      it is done



        Rachel, thanks for the tut... and for the file *snurchel* I'm gonna try it now


          Oooh lookit all the pretties today

          Kitten, love the icons, and yes LJ is free - you should sign up and join in with some of the icon challenges

          Estrela, gorgeous CotG sig, I'm loving this nostalgic thing you've got going on!

          Jasmina *bows down* I really don't know what to say about your icons any more! But as ever, they are fabulous

          Oma, Achaja and Rachel, gorgeous challenge art, all of you. And Rachel, I love the friendship sigs and thanks for the tut! *snurches textures*

          Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
          Love it Oma!! Yey for the extra week!

          Have now dispatched a BOLO for muse, although I did have PSP open yesterday. I was swapping my brother's friends' heads around for him whilst he was doing his exam. prep Am ignoring own revision...

          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          OMG! I have just had the most scary ten minutes of my life!

          I re-installed the software for my printer, and a message came up saying some files had been lost. So I started to check...

          I opened my main Artwork folder (which is on my external hard drive for safety ) and it was EMPTY!!! Everything was gone, all my artwork, all my PS brushes, gradients, patterns, my fonts...... everything!

          I took a deep breath, and I thought, okok, but my Martin stuff is in his separate folder, that should be ok....... but that was gone too

          My poor brain was scrabbling to get a grip, and finally told me to try a System Restore. The most recent restore point was yesterday, so I clicked it and crossed all my fingers and toes......... and thank heavens it worked, I've got everything back!


          Now I'm going to back it all up on dvd so it can't happen again
          ((((Jumble)))) Thank goodness they're all OK!
          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


            Yeah, I mean it's not really the worst thing that's ever happened to me.... but it sure felt like it there for a while And I mean, my Martin stuff... *faints at the memory*


              Can someone refresh my memory with how to desaturate?
              Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                Can someone refresh my memory with how to desaturate?


                  Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                  Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                    Thanks, Josiane! I'll think about it!

                    More icons

                    The first one didn't really worked out...


                      Playing around and made this:

                      Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                        Originally posted by Rachel-Kree View Post
                        i could try it tomorrow i'm gonna try it, ok? althought i can't remember exactly

                        this one didn't came as i wanted but still i like it


                        Edit: i can try the tutorial now because i don't want to make essays ...
                        Awww I love it! It's so pretty!

                        Okay so my first ever Icon that I made for LiveJournal

                        I don't like making these icon things...there so small and you can't fit anything into them I'm so sticking with WP's

                        My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                        Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                        Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                          Lovely everyone!!

                          Twin, did you see my post before?
                          Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                            Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                            Lovely everyone!!

                            Twin, did you see my post before?
                            Yeah, I think. I don't care what is on the Seeker sig.
                            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                              Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                              Yeah, I think. I don't care what is on the Seeker sig.
                              Okay then. *scampers off to go find awesome pics to make a LotS sig with*
                              Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                                Woo! Tesla LJ header!

                                Also... I finally attempted icon making! It feels so DIFFERENT! *dramatic sigh*
                                Anyway, since I just finished a 4 day long doctor who marathon, I'm in a bit of a residual fangurling stage right now... it'll pass.

                                Too cool for a signature.

