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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Has everyone pm'd their challenge wps to me? I'm sure I've seen more on the thread than I have in my pm box

    luvnjack - I love the background and quote for me it was shouting out for an Oma pic, or maybe Daniel/Oma....but hey, I'm biased

    Josi - I love your two new sigs! The only thing I could suggest for the DK one if you're still not happy is try changing the size of the sig, maybe 600 x 130 or so. That way you'd lose the big empty space on the left, without cluttering up the beautiful simplicity of it with another cap or more effects/brushes.

    Seeing Rachel-Kree's mini sig is making me think a lot about different sizes for sigs. When I first started making sigs I used 450 x 150, but they've got bigger and bigger I rarely make any smaller than 600 x 180 these days. Time for me to start experimenting again, I think.


      I went the other way, started at 700 x 200 and moved down to 680 x 180. I think I started doing that in case I decided to put a border on, and I think I know who advised me to do that ^^^^^^^

      Did Brooke send you her wp? If not, here's her post


        When I first came here 400 x 150 was the average sized sig. There were a few that were bigger, but not many. Unfortunately I don't have them anymore, or I'd post them for the nostalgia factor (or maybe not cos they weren't really that good )

        Hmm, I wonder if they're in the archive? I'm not sure I ever posted them or if they just went straight into my sig *thinks hard*


          Would love to see them, for the nostalgia factor I've noticed on some of the other threads sig sizes and shapes vary quite a lot. Some are really tiny I don't think I could cope with smaller, I'd never get enough pics in


            Love all the new artwork(if I didn't say it already)

            and sizes of the beginning I didn't knew a lot about it varied

            Then it was 550x200 for a long time. then sometimes 700x190...and now I make 600x190...
            but it also depends on the pictures/sig...what fits in it...and how it looks...a sig with 1 pic is smaller then one with 3 pictures...if you understandwhat mean

            *runs out since dad is waiting on her*


              Oma I forgot to send the challenge wp before, sorry.

              For the size of the sigs, I usualy make them 600x180. It looks like the perfect size to me.

              On the Sanctuay forum it's 500x100, but look at Highander's sig.

              p.s. I think I finally lost it. I just made over 100 icons for the icon challenge.


                Hey everyone
                I'm new here on this thread, so I just wanted to say hi and show you some of my artwork


                  Welcome aquagirl !!! love your sigs.. the first is very 'wild' i love this episode! 'wild sam'!!!

                  Actually oma -1 i had i problem when i was doing my 'mini sig' so i had to cut him to this size ... it suposed to be a 500x150 sig ... but i liked him so bad... and i could not erase him... so i decided to resize...


                    *blushes* Aww thanks for all the lovely comments, fellow GimPSers!
                    *huggles art family*

                    Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                    what's the hangman say Twin? it'll bug me otherwise
                    and I love the right pic hehe
                    Erm... not sure... It could be Sam something... Sam loves? (... )

                    Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                    Has everyone pm'd their challenge wps to me? I'm sure I've seen more on the thread than I have in my pm box

                    luvnjack - I love the background and quote for me it was shouting out for an Oma pic, or maybe Daniel/Oma....but hey, I'm biased

                    Josi - I love your two new sigs! The only thing I could suggest for the DK one if you're still not happy is try changing the size of the sig, maybe 600 x 130 or so. That way you'd lose the big empty space on the left, without cluttering up the beautiful simplicity of it with another cap or more effects/brushes.

                    Seeing Rachel-Kree's mini sig is making me think a lot about different sizes for sigs. When I first started making sigs I used 450 x 150, but they've got bigger and bigger I rarely make any smaller than 600 x 180 these days. Time for me to start experimenting again, I think.
                    Good idea. I originally had Sam and Jack in the middle of the sig, but it looked weird with the text so I moved them across. I might try downsizing it and see how it looks then. Simple was definitely what I was going for anyway

                    I always make my sigs 600x190, it just feels like a good size to me Enough room to get everything in, and they look nice at the bottom of my posts But maybe I should try some other sizes, branch out a bit

                    Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                    Oma I forgot to send the challenge wp before, sorry.

                    For the size of the sigs, I usualy make them 600x180. It looks like the perfect size to me.

                    On the Sanctuay forum it's 500x100, but look at Highander's sig.

                    p.s. I think I finally lost it. I just made over 100 icons for the icon challenge.
                    Over 100?? You must PS at the speed of light Jas!

                    Originally posted by aquagirl View Post
                    Hey everyone
                    I'm new here on this thread, so I just wanted to say hi and show you some of my artwork


                    Welcome!!! Love the sigs Hope you'll stick around over here
                    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                      Originally posted by aquagirl View Post
                      Hey everyone
                      I'm new here on this thread, so I just wanted to say hi and show you some of my artwork


                      Welcome Aquagirl Lovely sigs, particularly like the Broca one, I've never seen such clear caps from that ep before, where did you get them?


                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        Welcome Aquagirl Lovely sigs, particularly like the Broca one, I've never seen such clear caps from that ep before, where did you get them?
                        I got them from and after that I clear them up in GIM a little bit
                        Can I ask a question. Can we post other sig from other ships or characters?


                          Welcome aquagirl! Love the sigs. And you can post what ever you want here. As long as it's art...or something thunkable.

                          Where is luvnjack? Have you seen this brush pack?


                            Jas mine are usually the same size, occasionally I'll go to 650x180 but not usually bigger, I've got text in my signiture as well so my sigs should't be 200 anyway
                            sigpicMy Fanfic


                              Finished my WP. Not bad. I used these textures to finish it off. I highly recommend them.



                                Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                                Welcome aquagirl! Love the sigs. And you can post what ever you want here. As long as it's art...or something thunkable.

                                Where is luvnjack? Have you seen this brush pack?
                                *swoons with joy (right after downloading)*

