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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Eve you need to pm your Challenge entries to Oma


      Thanks Jumble!!!! I love it!!!

      Thanks for posting Oma. I'm sure the family can take it. If not, we'll know better for next time, lol!
      Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


        Glad you like it TR


          Sorry Fainne & Eve! I didn't see them

          Adding them now!

          Edit: They're in the post now BTW, I keep meaning to ask (and then forgetting again ) Should I put everyone's names by their stuff?
          Last edited by Oma-1; 13 September 2008, 01:41 PM.


            Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
            Sorry Fainne & Eve! I didn't see them

            Adding them now!

            Edit: They're in the post now BTW, I keep meaning to ask (and then forgetting again ) Should I put everyone's names by their stuff?
            I think that would be good, I was just looking at them and trying to remember who'd done each one! They do look very cool all posted together though, that's for sure
            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith



              I can't type properly for laughing.......

              I just realised that the dog on TR's pic isn't any old's a BROCCOLI poodle!!!!




                Its quite a challenge finding fun things to put in


                  As promised, tut for my Avenger 2.0 sig, before I forget how I did it

                  First I resized and cropped the screencap to the size of my sig (600x190). Unfortunately when I had it at 600 px wide it was too tall to get everyone in properly. So I copied the layer and resized the top one to be slightly smaller (I think it was about 440 px wide, but I fiddled a bit until I got the right size so I can't remember exactly ), which meant that Jack and Teal'c were the right size, and Sam and Felger were visible. I then blended the edges of the top layer into the bottom one (feathering at about 40px) so it actually looked like the background was wider, and then merged the two layers.

                  Next I lightened the sig by duplicating the layer and putting the top one on screen at about 70%.

                  Then I added the text. The Butch and Sundance text is in Bleeding Cowboys font, and the Avenger 2.0 in Weltron Urban.

                  On top of all of this I added a texture layer. I used this texture, which I resized to 600 px wide, and set as overlay (100%). I liked the look of this over most of the sig, but it looked a bit funny over the top of Jack and Teal'c, so I used a round eraser brush and erased this layer over Jack and Teal'c.

                  Finally I made a border by duplicating the background layer, setting it to hard light (at 100%), moving it to the top and then cutting out the middle using the rectangle select.

                  And that's it! Told you it was a simple one
                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    Love all the new artwork...and *squee* on my mem it Jumble *tackle huggles Jumbly!*



                      Originally posted by starlover View Post
                      Love all the new artwork...and *squee* on my mem it Jumble *tackle huggles Jumbly!*

                      Phew, that's a relief! *happy dance* I hoped you would like the pink teddy

                      and didn't I make you look innocent


                        Wow they look so good all next to each other!
                        Thanks Oma!
                        sigpicMy Fanfic


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          Phew, that's a relief! *happy dance* I hoped you would like the pink teddy

                          and didn't I make you look innocent
                          Yup...I look like I'm the most innocent girl of all

                          Yeah...a teddy...I also have a teddy so it's okay!

                          Btw I ps'ed...Lol...just a background for my dog...only fixed the colouring (I'm bad! )


                            Hey Josi, is that cowboy font for gimp or ps?
                            Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                              You can use the fonts with any program You just need to download it, unzip the folder, then copy the font file. Click on Control Panel, then paste it into the font folder. It should install automatically when you open Gimp


                                It doesn't work. It's just a page with the sentence "the quick brown fox..." over and over again in different sizes. There is no actual thing besides that in it. And I just checked, it's not in Gimp.
                                Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa

