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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    Hey, Sarai, do you think you could do a tut for your recent sig? I'm struggling with Gimp atm.
    ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


      Originally posted by Sarai View Post
      Thanks Jas !

      You're on 9999 posts!! Quick prepare something amazing!

      How's this?



        My first tut!

        Of course I can. *toddles off to prepare*

        EDIT: PERFECT Jas!!!


        Congrats on 10,000 Honkin' Posts Jasmina!


          !!!!!!!!Congrats on 10,000, Jas!!!!!!!!!

          EDIT: Thanks, Sarai! But I'm gonna be away for the weekend, so could you pm me with a link to the page you post it on please? Thanks! *hugs*
          ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


            Originally posted by Sarai View Post

            Made another new sig, can you tell I'm doing no revision whatsoever?


            I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this is one of my favourite ever of my own sigs.

            Mainly because I've snurched Jann's style in the border!

            I mean gorgeous sig! Love it!

            And my border style is also snurched I think...or not... Accident...

            Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
            It's is stunning and I want to make it too!!


              Congrats star and jas on your milestones


                Lili, your 'Tis better to have loved and lost' sig is bigger than the forum dimensions allow. It's something like 800x270, and we can only have (unless I'm mistaken) 700x200.
                Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                  Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                  Lili, your 'Tis better to have loved and lost' sig is bigger than the forum dimensions allow. It's something like 800x270, and we can only have (unless I'm mistaken) 700x200.
                  700x200 in total, including text and all that you have in your sig Just a small hint.(not to you TR but just in general)


                    It's 700 x 180, I think, TR - someone was on this thread a while ago actually and pointed out that's the entire sig space, not just the image file, so any text or anything else you have in there also has to fit into those dimensions. She got pulled up by a mod for hers, I think.


                      Well, yeah, I know all that. I'm the one that's always getting modded for my sig being too big. That's why I started making my sigs a bit smaller. One of the mods told me that what I have in my sig space now is perfect, as it's actually skirting the edge of being too big. But it is actually 700x200, not 700x180. If that was the case mine would still be too big.

                      But I was saying that her sig pic is too big. But I guess I said it all jumbled up, lol. But it's 8:30 in the morning here and I didn't get any sleep last night because my dog kept making noise, so my brain isn't at full functioning level yet.
                      Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                        My sig size lately is always perfect...I've never been modded about my sig

                        Before 600x190...I did 500x200...


                          Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                          Lili, your 'Tis better to have loved and lost' sig is bigger than the forum dimensions allow. It's something like 800x270, and we can only have (unless I'm mistaken) 700x200.
                          Oh, ok. I'm using an image rotate website and forgot to check all the sigs were the right size. *pops off to fix*
                          ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


                            That happened to me as well, lol. But I try to warn people if I notice, since I've been modded twice for it.
                            Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                              Ah thanks! I hate upsetting the mods
                              ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


                                Ok here's the first bit of the tut I've made for LiliJ on my recent sig. Hope this helps hun!

                                Sarai’s tut for LiliJ

                                Right, I'm thinking the best way for you to do this is to copy it and make your own version, then you can go off and play with different versions and different characters. So here's what the finished product will look like:

                                1.First things first I loaded up this picture of RDA into Gimp:

                                At which point we clearly take a moment to stare and appreciate the majesty that is Richard Dean Anderson. .

                                Moving on,

                                2.Ok then I scaled the height of the pic down to fit in better with the framing. (I think it was from about 300 to 250).

                                3.Then I used the desaturate tool:
                                Colours > Desaturate > (accept the preset settings) OK

                                Which makes the pic black and white.

                                Since this pic is of such good quality I didn’t have to do any prep with it (like duplicating the layers and changing the modes) but there are other tuts on that if you need it. Save this pic as a jpg and re-open it.

