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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    (((APA))) Thanks! And don't worry
    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


      *skips into thread*

      Hey look, I finally made some of my MOP sigs into postcards

      Will have a go at some others another time, that's enough gimping for one day Those were just the easiest ones to convert!

      Jumble, you OK to snurch these from here for the MOP site? I can pm you if not
      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


        I like your postcards, it's really great format! I don't make walls yet and the sigs are sometimes small. I think I will make some postcards lwith new pics


          Originally posted by josiane View Post
          *skips into thread*

          Hey look, I finally made some of my MOP sigs into postcards

          Will have a go at some others another time, that's enough gimping for one day Those were just the easiest ones to convert!

          Jumble, you OK to snurch these from here for the MOP site? I can pm you if not
          Duly snurched, thanks

          How are you converting them to pc size? I haven't tried it yet, so I need some pointers

          Um, didn't Luvnjack already to a tut on the scratchy sig? APA doesn't come here often, so she may have missed it, assuming its the same one


            okay just a question: how big are postcards, i might try and make one later tonight or so...

            might make me feel more shippy again and maybe more part of everything...


              Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
              okay just a question: how big are postcards, i might try and make one later tonight or so...

              might make me feel more shippy again and maybe more part of everything...
              396 x 252 pixels


                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Duly snurched, thanks

                How are you converting them to pc size? I haven't tried it yet, so I need some pointers

                Um, didn't Luvnjack already to a tut on the scratchy sig? APA doesn't come here often, so she may have missed it, assuming its the same one
                Did she?'re right...I don't pop over here very much...umm....gosh...why don't one of you pick for me, then? I don't mind!


                  Originally posted by josiane View Post
                  Thanks Blacky and Aveo! Yep, definitely the first one's better - we can't have a decapitated Sam, that would be bad

                  And as for time, I think SeNedra and Jumble are right, it really depends on whether it's working or not! Sometimes I can knock them out in half an hour and they look exactly like I imagined, otherwise I'm fiddling for hours and they just won't work! In which case, yep, leave them and come back to them But it's a fun way to spend some time
                  Always! I always do some of sigs with same pics and do it bigger or less (the same with text) than choose what i like the most. It need much time, you're right


                    The O'Neill Family Album! SQUEEEEE
                    Awesome work, josiana!


                      Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                      Did she?'re right...I don't pop over here very much...umm....gosh...why don't one of you pick for me, then? I don't mind!
                      Lol! That's ok APA! And if you want to see Luvnjack's tut, its on page 44

                      Ok, so who wants to pick one?

                      Josiane, if you feel like doing a tut on converting sigs to pcs, that would be really good


                        What is tut?


                          Originally posted by Blacky Kitten View Post
                          What is tut?
                          Short for 'tutorial', as in someone teaching us how to do stuff by explaining how they make a particular sig, wp or pc

                          That's another British habit, shortening words because we're too lazy to say or type the whole thing And I didn't know what tut meant the first time I saw it


                            Lazy people! I'm with you!


                              Originally posted by Blacky Kitten View Post
                              The O'Neill Family Album! SQUEEEEE
                              Awesome work, josiana!
                              *blushes* Aw thanks!

                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              Lol! That's ok APA! And if you want to see Luvnjack's tut, its on page 44

                              Ok, so who wants to pick one?

                              Josiane, if you feel like doing a tut on converting sigs to pcs, that would be really good
                              Hmmm, not sure it's really tut-worthy... I just redid the sigs but on a different sized canvas - nothing more fancy than that! I picked those three because they were all about arranging relatively small or separate things on a space, so I could just open up a different sized canvas and remake them. I'm gonna try some of my more sig-shaped sigs as postcards though at some point and that's where I'm not sure they'll work... because they were designed to be linear...

                              Jumble, a lot of your sigs should work pretty well as postcards, you just need to copy what you did before but space them out a bit differently.

                              Does that count as a mini-tut? If so, I'll go find someone else to tag, if not, I'm happy to do another tut if you wanna pick an artwork
                              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                                *blushes* Aw thanks!

                                Hmmm, not sure it's really tut-worthy... I just redid the sigs but on a different sized canvas - nothing more fancy than that! I picked those three because they were all about arranging relatively small or separate things on a space, so I could just open up a different sized canvas and remake them. I'm gonna try some of my more sig-shaped sigs as postcards though at some point and that's where I'm not sure they'll work... because they were designed to be linear...

                                Jumble, a lot of your sigs should work pretty well as postcards, you just need to copy what you did before but space them out a bit differently.

                                Does that count as a mini-tut? If so, I'll go find someone else to tag, if not, I'm happy to do another tut if you wanna pick an artwork
                                Nice side-step there Josiane

                                So what you're saying is that you start from scratch to create a pc based on one of your sigs? Hmm. There was I hoping you knew a quick way to convert it There I go being lazy again

                                You go ahead and tag someone

