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The secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam/Jack ship family thread

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    I love all the challenge stuff...sadly enough I Didn't participate, hopefully next week I will

    Originally posted by Sarai View Post
    Jas, I doubt I put the idea in your head...

    By the way, having some vid trouble. I use Adobe Premiere Pro, and I'm a little stumped on the settings, which from the looks of it you can't change once you've started a new composition! Basically the export settings are set at the highest level which is great for quality but means I'm not trying to upload a vid that is 820mb, when all my other vids are around 20mb!

    Anyone know how to lower the export settings to an acceptable level?
    Hmm...I don't exactly know for sure, because on school I have to keep the HQ. but if you go to edit --> project settings --> general you get a menu where you can change some video settings. ( I haven't tried it out yet I have to add) that's the best I can get for you...oh and I work with Adobe Premiere it can be different(it's the easier version)

    EDIT: *snort* I found the solution. when you go to file-->save--> have to choose options and you can lower the quality that in the end will also lower your file size...


      Awesome! thanks Jann, will try that tomorrow.

      Have to get to bed before I die of tiredness. Night ladies !


        Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
        Great works Josi, leiasky and Fainne

        I made a sig for Jumble too.

        Wasn't sure about the quote, but the choice was between that one and

        "They say laughter
        is the best medicine... go out in the hallway
        and walk behind other people
        in hospital gowns! "

        So I decided to go with the first one
        thank you

        I'd use the second one too!!!

        Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
        The problem with the second quote is that is funny... I wanted to make a card with it, but people with cracked ribs really shouldn't laugh...
        well, you could give it to her later when her ribs are ok

        Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post

        Hi everyone! Sorry I'm so late tonight Busy day

        I got a quick email from Suz this morning. Here's what she said.

        Oh wow! What an amazing bunch of people you are! She'll love these, thanks so much.

        I've printed them out and will take them in this afternoon. I've tried to explain to Jo how to get onto the forum, but she's not very computer literate so don't be surprised if you don't hear anything for a couple of days.

        Now I understand why Mum was so insistent that I let you know what happened, I thought she was just being weird!

        Thanks again


        I told her of course Jumble's wierd, we all are around here, that's why we love her so much

        thank you for this post. so we will have to wait a few says for news? *moah*

        wonderful challenge everyone!!! and great new challenge. is it sekrit?


          Great WW art Josi I don't need to watch the show to appreciate good artwork.

          And dropping off the caps from the new Sanctuary ep



            Originally posted by josiane View Post
            *creeps in*

            I've got some more West Wing artwork to share, which I know some of you will probably appreciate more than others... *looks round for Aveo and Sarai*

            I'm really proud of the Josh one because I made the background all myself from about six textures and colour layers and several brushes too I might reuse it with another pic in place of the Josh one, either a Jack one or a Sam/Jack one But no more tonight, I need sleep

            *creeps back out*

            Josiane those are amazing... it's been a long time i don't see anything about West Wing, i used to watch it here on Warner Channel but they canceled it here... this show was really cool, Great Artwork


              *hugs Jas and Rachel* Thanks girls

              I'm gimping furiously this afternoon, making labels for my Christmas presents They're gonna have the best labels ever this year, now I have my gimp skills
              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                Wooow i did a new sig but i wont be able to save it because of the format of the animation, after soo much time spent on Fireworks... here is my try on PS it's a little crappy but i'll try to make something better... thanks Jasmina for the Link



                  Ohhhhhhh..... Broca... kissing.... drools....

                  You guys remember the Ultimate Sanctuary Icon Challenge? Well, if anyone is interested, 2Shy just finished the first draft. And posted a very small version of it here, or clearer on this thread post 701.


                    Hey, can someone post the link from the martin thread please?? I'm not a regular reader over there..
                    Edit it's ok I found it on the family thread

                    Twin! I love the WW stuff, now I'm home for xmas I should be able to watch the remaining seasons and catchup

                    Opps, I forgot to send Oma my challenge stuff ah well
                    Last edited by Aveo_amacus; 20 December 2008, 01:21 PM.
                    sigpicMy Fanfic


                      Martin thread

                      And thanks Twin!

                      Oh, and fab gif Rachel!
                      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                        I just saw the challenge. Awsome

                        And I made another sig for my Christmas rotation. Who else loves Josh Holloway?


                          Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                          I just saw the challenge. Awsome

                          And I made another sig for my Christmas rotation. Who else loves Josh Holloway?
                          *raises hand and jumps up and down* ME ME ME ME ME!!!!!

                          Great sig!


                            I don't know who he is, but I think I like him anyway
                            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                              Originally posted by josiane View Post
                              I don't know who he is, but I think I like him anyway
                              I am sure He is from Lost. The main reason why I am watching it


                                I've missed challenge of the week!!!! *Bad kitty, bad*
                                Awesome work, guys!

                                Me like Josh! Mmmm, Josh Beautiful sig, SeNedra!

                                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                                I don't know who he is, but I think I like him anyway

                                Have you seen "Lost"?

